
Intro To Biology


This class is so boring. That Mr. McDougall really knows how to win 'em over, doesn't he? Half the class has already dosed off in their seats from his long speech about 'skin cells' of all things.

Geez! Can that guy get a clue or what? Even I'm getting sleepy. My eyes are so heavy. It's like those bags under my eyes are full of boulders. Guess it wouldn't hurt to catch a little sleep, would it?

I yawned again and gave in to the desire of slumber. Just a bit further until-

"Ms. Jessica, can you tell me the average number of layers in the human epidermis?", Mr. McDougall asked me.

"Uhh...", I said. I wasn't even paying attention anymore. I don't think anybody else was either. What a great time for a question?! Not! And why me?

The teacher was expecting answer from my that I didn't have. What should I do? What should I say?

"Well, Ms. Jessica, are you going to answer or not?" Mr. McDougall was done waiting for me. He looked over to Timothy Brown, possibly the only kid in class who likes this stuff. "Mr. Brown?", he asked, "Can you tell me the average number of layers in the human epidermis?"

Timothy sat up, grinning from ear to ear. He knew the answer. That boy knows everything. Heck, he'd probably know the exact number of pores you have on your face right now.

Finally, he answered. "Five, sir. However, depending on the area of questioning, there can be four layers in the human epidermis, Mr. McDougall."

Pleased, the teacher praised him. "Excellent, Mr. Brown. You never cease to amaze me."

Ding-Dong! Bing-Bong! Ding! Dong! Ding! The school bell rang. Finally! Everyone got up, packed their books into their bags, and bustled out the doorway.

"Remember class, this coming Monday we have a test, so study up. I will not tolerate any mischief out of you.", Mr. McDougall preached as all the students left his classroom.

"Oh...uh... Ms. Jessica! Little lady, I must speak to you before you leave.", he called out to me. So close! I was almost out the room. I was ready to head home after a long, hard day.

"Yes sir?" I responded. I knew where this was going. Lately my grades have plummeted due to my constant Practices and Volleyball Tournaments. I've barely had time to sleep, let alone study.

"Ms. Jessica, if you fail one more exam this semester, I'm afraid I'll have to suspend you from the Volleyball Squad. Is this clear?" He spat with the upmost ferocity.

"No. Not that. Anything but that! My team needs me! Sir, is there any other way. Please! I beg of you!". I pleaded with him for a few minutes but there was no changes. His mind was set. I had to pass the test next Monday, or else.

On my way out, I saw this strange boy out of no where. But then he disappeared. Who was that? Was I imagining things? I could have sworn I saw someone standing right across the hall.

It was odd but I had no logical explanation for what I just saw. "He must of ran away when he saw me.", I thought, "That has to be it, right?" But deep down, all the way home, I couldn't help but think that boy was actually standing there, watching me.

Truth be told, I took quite a liking to him, despite having only seen him once earlier that day. His jaw was perfectly structured and his muscles could be seen under his tight school uniform. He was gorgeous.

"Honey, how was your day today? Anything special happen?", mom asked me, curious. She just took out today's dinner from the oven.

Mmm, it smelled delicious. My mother is a very good cook. Today's masterpiece was chicken casserole. Yum-me! It was just enough to cheer me up and pull my mind away from the boy I saw.

"Thanks mom! You always know how to make me feel better." I gushed. Slowly a smile appeared on my face as I enjoyed her scrumptious meal.

That night I studied for the exam this Thursday, desperately trying to stay on the team. Luckily, this week coach decided to postpone practices until Monday. I worked hard to memorize the many layers, functions, and names of the human body's integumentary system.

I was almost finished writing my last notes in my notebook when I heard my windows open. Creak.... THUMP!

Then I heard footsteps. Ba-dum, Bu-dump. Ba-dum, Ba-dump! Ba-DUM, BA-DUMP! The noise got louder and louder as they grew close. I was frozen in fear. Scared, I quickly turned my head and there in front of me was him. I was actually a bit relieved. I really wanted to see him again.

"Please, Jessica. You have to help me!", he begged, "Only you can..."

I nodded, too tired and shocked to think. He took my hand and he told me to close my eyes. I did.

When I opened my eyes, you wouldn't believe what I saw...


End of Chapter One

Tune in tomorrow to learn more about this mysterious boy and the unbelievable things Jessica saw when she opened her eyes! Thanks for reading! Later!

_Kaitlin_creators' thoughts