

At Gerarda’s Family Restaurant…

‘’Uhm, Hi… Where is the reservation for Mr. Chong?’’ Louise asked the information and look around.

‘’This way ma’am, please follow me’’

‘’Thank you Miss.’’

It’s in the corner, you could look outside since its transparent.

‘’Louise, I’m glad you came. I thought you’ve changed your mind and decided not to come. Please sit’’ Brain said while he stood up and pull the chair for her.

‘’Thank you, I have nothing to do today so yeah…’’

‘’Are you coming to the Homecoming?

‘’I don’t know. I haven’t decided yet, what about it?’’ she asked

‘’I will be one of the emcees, I guess you should come, it’s your alma mater after all’’ he said, looking intently into her eyes


‘’How are you Louise?’’ Brain asked

‘’I’m fine, thank you. How about you?’’

‘’I-uhm, I am great. Tired but I can manage. How do you feel? I mean-‘’

‘’Your order Sir’’ the waiter said while setting up their food.

‘’I feel fine Brain. You don’t have to worry yourself over me.’’ She said looking away, deep inside she’s dying to tell him how she truly felt about the whole situation.

‘’*sigh* Let’s eat then.’’ Said Brain

They’ve sat in silence while having their meal. Occasionally glancing each other.

Since they have nothing else to talk about, Brain drove her home.

As they reached her place, he hastily parked his car and opened the door for her.

‘’Would you mind having some coffee?’’ she asked

‘’Do you have beer? I’m not really into coffee’’ Brain replied

‘’Sure! I have San Miguel Flavored beer in the fridge, one moment please… Please have a seat’’ She said while pointing at the couch.

‘’Thank you!’’ he said, looking around the room. It seemed quiet clean, guess she doesn’t like blue that much…*from the curtain, to tiled floor, to the ceiling, is in blue color, royal blue to be exact. Her picture frame hanging on the wall, together with some painting of a sunset and Green scenery.

‘’Here you go. *giving him the canned beers while getting one for herself*

‘’Will you attend the alumni with me, Louise?’’ Brain asked after a moment of silence.

‘’Should I? Why?’’ She looked up at him,

‘’I just thought It will be good to have company to talk with you know’’ he smiled, showing off his beautiful dimples.

‘’Really? I say, you have much more people willing to accompany you to such an event. I’m not that fond of those things.’’

‘’Well, I don’t think so..’’ he said with a chuckle.

‘’I’ll come to think of it’’

And just like that, it seems like they’ve known each other for sooo many years. One can of beer got empty, and then another, and another. Until they forgot how many they’ve actually drunk. They were laughing at some mem’ries when it suddenly got silent. Both of them didn’t seem to realize they got closer and closer to each other till it was only a breath away…

Brain reached out to her, touching Louise’s hair, tucking it behind her ear and looking intently into her eyes…

He felt like he’s drawn into the depth of her soul.

On the other hand, Louise felt as much as him. Being drawn into each other’s soul. Like it has always been that close… that they could almost breath the same air… when she felt her throat run dry and then she licked her lips.

Brain followed her movement and he could only swallow his saliva. It is getting hotter than it already is. They didn’t know who among them both dared cross the distance, just a few inch away, the next thing they knew, their lips on each other, on a sensual movement.

It was like exploring and tasting the goodness, and the warmth it brought to them.

Their tongue moving in a rhythm each fought for dominance. Louise couldn’t help it anymore. It was as if the distance is too far that she reached out Brain’s neck and sneaked her arms and pulled him closer than he already is.

He felt as though it wasn’t enough so he pulled her waist closer to him that he could feel every curve of her body through their clothes. Licking, tasting, and caressing his newfound treasure in his embrace. It’s getting hotter and hotter.

And when they thought they can no longer hold it, he let go of her luscious lips, licking his own…

‘’Brain, I-uhh’’ Louise stuttered, and can’t look at him in the eyes after that earth-shattering kiss they’ve shared.

‘’Shhh- muffin, I will not say sorry if that is what you want to hear. Cause I am not’’ he whispered in her ear,

She looked away, her cheeks turning red in embarrassment.

‘’I’m dizzy, Brain.’’ Louise said lowly and she felt herself falling, so she hurriedly grabbed him and they fell, on the couch, with her beneath him.

‘’I’m sorry Louise, I didn’t mean to- but are you okay?’’ Brain asked while checking her up.

‘’I’m fine, I-uhh could you please get off me? I could hardly breath’’ she said in a smile. And then he smiled, sincerely, that smile that could take away your breath and will make you unable to look away.

‘’Sure but let me ask you something… What do you want us to be?’’ he asked, unsure of what to do

‘’Whatever do you want us to be? I mean, is it possible to be more than being professional with each other?’’

‘’I— I think I like us this way… being this close, breathing the same air. Living under one roof, but only if you’d want us to be.’’ He said, looking at her dead in the eyes.

‘’I’d like that then. It’s getting late. You should go’’

‘’Can’t I spend the night here with you?’’

‘’Why? You have your own place. People might think-‘’

‘’I honestly don’t give a damn of what they will think. Besides I don’t want to drive home this late’’ he cut her off.

‘’But Brain, ‘’

He held her tighter in her embrace,

‘’I like us better this way.’’ He kissed her forehead and inhaling her hair.

‘’Shall we get inside the room? And no, not what you think, let’s just sleep there.’’ She suggested and then stood up and made her way to her room.

‘’Of course, muffin.’’ Brain said and followed her to the room.

Once he locked the door, he started removing his shirt, but before he could remove his belt, he was interrupted.

‘’Whoa- what are you doing?’’ her mouth ajar, she could catch a fly.

‘’Oh, I usually sleep without clothes on, does that bother you?’’

‘’Uhm-can’t you at least be descent? And wear some shirt on?’’ she asked, raising an eyebrow at him.

‘’Ah, yes of course.’’

‘’Goodnight Brain.. ‘’ she said and lied down the bed.

‘’Goodnight Louise’’ said Brain, and laid down his side of the bed….

*****************************end of chapter*******************************