
Eisenwald (1)

Manifestation, Yes! that was my magic. I had just discovered it so I didn't know what I could do with it yet. basically, I could innately manifest my thoughts to the world. A basic form of energy created whatever I had in my mind.

The limits were many like, Magic power, the clarity of my imagination, the knowledge I had over what I wanted to manifest and some smaller factors. But as long as the requirements were met, I could theoretically even make a temporary universe, although the amount of magic power that would require would be at universal scale. It was possible. The knowledge was not a problem since I had read the entire library in Alvarez's capital so clarity of imagination and magic power were the major limits.

This magic was a form of maker magic with slight differences in the fact that, excluding the limits, I could make anything with but a thought. At first, I thought it was the Arc of Embodiment but it was different so I named it Arc of Manifestation.

Arc of Embodiment changed reality to embody the thought while my innate magic used magic power to summon a type of energy that would manifest my imagination.

I had yet to master my magic or make flashy moves so I had a long way to go and the best situation one can get ideas to master a new type of magic like mine was in danger so I decided to hitch a ride on the craziness of Fairy Tail. It was a perfect environment to master it.

I decided not to use my Elemental Constructs power because it would not be a challenge otherwise. I would try to resolve any situation with my magic and if it got out of hand, I would use it then.

I was writing my thoughts and the possible ways I could improve my magic in a book on a train moving to magnolia.

I had gained a sixth sense to magic since I got my Lacrima so I was pretty sensitive to magic, I felt several wizards on the train and two of them were strong. Those two sat several seats away in front of me so I couldn't see them but their magic signature seemed familiar.

I didn't want to engage with anyone yet So I refrained from interfering with them. But fate had other Ideas because those two suddenly attacked another wizard sitting near them. Everyone on the train panicked and ran away to other wagons.

I finally got a glimpse of who they were, A redhead woman and a blue-haired man, The woman lifted a man by his collar and shouted right in his face. "What did you say?! Eisenwald is going to do what?!"

I realized what was going on but I was not interested in the plot, What interested me was Jellal who was with Erza. I wondered what changed since he never went the villain route.

The man who was intimidated by Erza wanted to tell her everything afraid of dying or something like that however He didn't get to say anything because a hand made of shadows appeared under him and a spear appeared from it piercing his heart from his back, he died instantly!

Erza was shocked and she retreated a bit, Jellal instantly stood in front of her protectively and began trying to stop the dying man, it was too late.

I felt a little disgusted and decided to leave the wagon. When I got up they both noticed me, They thought I was the one to use the shadow to kill the guy since I was the only one beside them on this part of the train, so Jellal stood in front of me stopping me in my way. My nonchalant attitude might have seemed suspicious as well...

I raised an eyebrow looking at him, Erza approached from behind me with a cold look. "Why did you kill him?!", I was a bit exasperated. "What lead you to that conclusion?! I don't have shadow magic...", I opened my hand and manifested a red flame on my palm.

They retreated putting up their guard against me, "That is not a strong enough of an evidence to support your claim, many wizards can use several types of magic!".

I sighed and decided to fight it out, I knew If I were to use my Elemental power not even August would be my match so these small fly didn't enter my eyes even if they had Wizard Saints level of power.

Before I could make a move the train shook fiercely and I had to support myself by holding unto a seat. I then rushed out and saw the shadow guys from Eisenwald standing atop the rapidly moving train above. He had severed the thing that held the train together to delay us. His laughter could be heard from the distance, "Flies, see ya'!".

Jellal realized he was the one with the shadow magic, "Heavenly body magic, Meteor!". He dashed towards him flying. Erza didn't know any type of magic to chase so she stayed behind and bowed to me, "Sorry we accused you!". I shrugged, "It's okay, just don't accuse people randomly!".

Jellal returned with the knocked out Shadow guy, "He was the one that killed him. Let's question him!". He looked at me and apologized and went inside with Erza.

'Are they stupid or don't they pay attention to their situation?!', I interrupted them, "Hey, you are inside a stationary wagon in the middle of nowhere! you realize that right?!".

They looked at each other and I sighed 'I can use this chance to get into Fairy Tail!', "I will take care of moving this thing, you just focus on doing your thing!".

I stood on top of the wagon and thought of how to deal with the situation, I had wanted to be in such situations from the beginning so I was satisfied with the results of my decision. An idea came to mind!

I thought of an Airplane Engine and it's workings, One began to take shape with my manifestation magic, A few seconds later an Airplane engine made of red constructs stood there. 'It seems like what a green lantern can do in some ways...'

I imagined it turning on and boom, we sped off with immense Acceleration. I could hear a "Kyaaaaaaaaa" sound from below. I laughed Joyfully, 'This magic is awesome!'.