
how I became the first yandere male god

Jh_Rh · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
7 Chs


when the baby woke up he was hungry so he started crying till he started to get breast fed when he was full his mom said to "Jackson I got you something". she then proceeded to take out an egg from behind her back as soon as she put the egg down she grabbed his tiny hands and bricked some blood from his finger to drop on the the egg. 'all the he was thinking to himself what's with the egg'. when his blood touched the egg it started to hatched when it hatched a baby dragon fell on the bed looking at him he felt a connection with the Dragon and the dragon felt him to so it crawled to him and laid down beside him they both soon fell asleep while his mother and sister watched all this with love and possessive-ness in their eyes while he slept soon they both we to sleep to.