
how I became the first yandere male god

Jh_Rh · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
7 Chs


"Ok so I'm going to become a vampire, but that doesn't explain why you are helping me with nothing free in this world.". "you are right nothing free after all what I want from u is for you to get strong enough to kill someone for me because I can't myself because I'm dying so I need help." "ok then let's start this rebirth shit by the way who are you?." " I'm the very first vampire the primordial vampire." "alright here goes you might feel some discomfort but bear with it."

wauuuuuuuuuh wauuuuuuuuuuuuuuh "your baby is very healthy Sinclair and it's a boy congratulations what are you going to name him?" "Jackson Ortega shall be his name." just then the baby opens his eyes and looks around with blood red eyes. his mother is instantly charmed and starts to hug her baby close to her chest till it starts crying from hunger so she moves it down a little to give it some Breast milk and he drinks till he falls asleep. while her baby sleeping her daughter Jazmine runs in her only to stop and stair at her mother and new baby brother. her mom turns around and tells her daughter to go get on if the beast eggs that was are about to hatch and bring in here then come sleep with her in her brother.