
how I became the first yandere male god

Jh_Rh · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
7 Chs


I woke up screaming it took awhile to realize that I died because when I calmed down I looked up and I was in a white room with a man wearing a black suit like those fancy rich dudes on TV the only problem is this dude was way too handsome for even and I'm straight ( yeah sorry don't swing that way.) and also he was super pale and had blood read eyes. he looked at and looked at neither of us said a single word yet we were still talking with our looks. but then he said something that was completely random "do you to live again but better were the gods that got u killed can't kill you but u can kill them." I looked at him for a whole two minutes without saying a word but then said sure why not. he said great you are going to be my successor when you get reincarnated you will become a vampire, a very very strong vampire but to help u through your new life I will become your system per say and also u are going to be reincarnated into a family of two. you and your mom and sister and u are not going to be born through natural mean but through blood but just so u know between you and me incest Is allowed in this new world your going to.