
how I became the first yandere male god

Jh_Rh · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
7 Chs

CHAPTER 1. How I Died

( The world we live in is "do or die" or "strong prey on the weak, strong rules while weak grovel")

Hi my name is Jackson Ortega and this is my story about how I became a god.

"hey you yeah you when u read your probably going to start laughing at my story but that's ok just remember that this could happen to you too "haha". but for real hope you have to go through this whole process like me". ;)

I was an ordinary guy that you'd find anywhere u look the only difference is I knew gods really existed. It was by accident of course but that's a story for another time right now I'm running for my life because the so-called gods I know about didn't like the fact that I knew about them so they want to kill me. the only problem is they can't there is something or someone protecting me but they won't be able to help for long because while running I wasn't paying attention to my surroundings, and got hit by a truck and the truck ran over my neck and snapped it in an instant. so yeah that how I died and how my new life began.