Hello everyone, Tenisys here. I hate to be the bearer of bad news but unfortunately this book has been dropped for the time being. As many of you know this is my first time writing and what honestly started out as a hobby began growing. The reception was very encouraging and to be honest some what overwhelming. I struggled to keep up with the schedule and ended up disappointing you many times. But fret not, for this is only a temporary drop, I’m taking my time to properly work on this book and I hope that by the time its ready y’all will still be interested in the story..cheers
A young man got down from a ship that had just docked at the Lirdunia port and began looking gingerly around him, eyes glistening with awe as he took in the scenery of his destination. Having lived in a small countryside all his life, he was surprised to see a much larger city and so many people.