
How I am Climbing Up

An Eagle is flying over the land. The land is going to be decorated with so many beautiful things. The land is recently bought by blood and prestige. Blood is buried here to fertile the land. Along with blood fibre had mixed with the soil. The soil is now reddish black now. Soil has a own color if its. So the whole traders are trying to return the own color of soil. But some are opponents here. They are pouring more blood and fibre. One side the land is reddish black and another side is deep green. Its also near to black. In the deep green side, lives are more alive. They are growing the plants. Their plants are taking blood from the soil. Bit their flowers are not red in color! Rather pinky, blue, yellow, purple, aslo not black! Leaves are such Green! Here colors are so beautiful. Life has a meaning itself. But who is looking at the Land! How is going on the observation? Is it partial! Biased! Or neutral! Somebody knows! Or the Eagle! In this meantime Eagle is called for the comments of observation - The Eagle wears a black suit. It also wears black sun glass. Its looking very dumb with a sharp red lip. But it is saying that its good to be dumb at this moment. Where sharp lips also indicate something. Here is the Eagle which is from Heaven. It has large wings. Its lips is colored with red. It is prohibited to hurt the naughties! An observer can be a judge. Its duty is to see and report. Today is the date to go to Heaven to report the monthly observation. Its his 39th observation report. It is taking preparation to make a grand report at the 40th report. Here is a chance to take everything come to light. And the God is happy with its report. But the God isn’t concern about its secret plan. He has a very actute political sense. It is very powerful when it sees a powerful political party. Again for a nice combination it is emotional with the poor conditions of the marginal people. Also sometimes makes counter balance and balanced view with the middle class where happiness and sorrows are always in a conflict. The Eagle is bored with reports. Sometimes he needs to create drama for nothing. Also it makes him free. But does freedom means all sense! Whatever happens, good or bad! It needs to report good things. Then why need a reporter! If God cannot give attention to the poor conditions and Bad situations, then why paying the reporters. This Payment can be allotted betweens the marginal class people. Isn’t it! But the God has no headache with it. Everybody is busy with own business where marginal and common class people are the products of their business!. The land is busy neither with domestic social realism nor with dynamic leadership able politics! The land is only saving money for the future life. Some are billionaire and they are transporting money to the other land and in their treasury. Bit the Own land people are getting skinny in physical and mental growth. Their medicines are proper guidelines, proper education, and proper culture practice. Where they are alienated and isolated from the real life. Fancies and social domestic dilemmas are flown over the sky. Here is a lacking of social schooling. Nobody is caring the people who are with loss of childhood, loss of morality, loss of eating nutritious foods. Rather they are still deprived of social developments. Here young generation is in confusion of selecting their life partners legally rather they are engaged in doing illegal sexual relationship which makes life disastrous! They are busy in killing embroys. The hospital toilets are floated with blood every moments. Think, how life is here! A land is under observation for the 24th hours of an Eagle. But something prestigious things happen avoiding its observation. Then the Eagle is in terror to stop them!

Papia_Talukder · perkotaan
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23 Chs

A Tunnel hardly Exit

Prink is walking through the road along with many people. Everybody is walking like them. She is now in the middle of them. Hundreds of people are walking. But that day near about thousands people were walking! She had mixed with them and hided like a spy. Nobody would able to identify her. It can be a flash back! 3years 6months before. In a ladies mess-

All are looking at the mother and her fetus. The mother is Rujina and fetus is Petal. The gatekeeper is trembling. Girls are running with fear. Two bodies are decomposing. It smells bad. But a less. For the formalin. Who are close to Rujina is called at the police station for query. Police is asking all. Rujina's phone is sent to the IT Department. Here might be something hidden! All are asked. Noe its turn of Sumpa.

Hey Young girl!


Are you frightened!

A lot.

How is Rujina? A prostitute?

No. She has her husband. But he leaves.

Have you seen him!

Yes. Many times. As i have heard from Ruji sis, He is a social media hacker. His names might be Shafi!


Roseview, North.

Home address?

Don't know specifically. Might be 4th floor and room number 409.

You know many stuffs. You are under us. Don't leave the city. When we call just attend us. Now go.

Prink is walking through the busy road. Sweating! Its not a hot day. Rather such pressure over brain and heart.

Let the memory stop here. Need to take rest and refresh for the present works. Its right now night 10pm. The road is less busy. People are walking carelessly. They are tired now. They will go to home, bath, take the supper, and take preparation to sleep. Among them whats thinking Prink!

Prink young lady!

Whats doing you guys! Why packing all the furnitures and dresses!

The owner of the house has come and tolf us to leave the house. Tomorrow is the second day of the month. A new rent is coming here. At our flat. So we must leave. Otherwise we will given to police.

Police! I see! Let the morning come. You guys sleep.

When all the kids sleep, Prink is searching the receipt. The rent is here before them is the most powerful man in this local place. He would use the receipt his ownself. Somehow he has left one of his receipt. Its on the west corner if the drawing room. A receipt book with hundred pages. Its too risk! But life is not a place without risk. What will happen in the morning nobody knows!

In the morning the owner Himself comes. He permits to stay here 1month more. Then they need to pay Their dues. Otherwise have to leave. They have only 28 days to pay their dues. Somehow Momo is able to go back to her hostel. Its reopened. For some causes it was closed for a long time. Now its her time to leave. Its really tough to leave anyone is a part of life. But Momo is not that much tensed rather Becky!

Hey Momo! Wouldn't you meet us.

Yes Becky. At least with you.

I know you will forget me. Won't you!

No! I will wait for you at the border. Here I can meet you easily.

But its tough to cross the border.

You need not to cross. I know how to cross border. No worries.

Okay. Wouldn't you talk to Coki and Prink?

Yes. For that I will come here. If you guys stay here.

Maybe this month only.

Doesn't matter. Where are they now! I need to talk to them before leave.


No need to say goodbye. I am aslo a part of that family. Here we all are like ourselves.

Hey Momo! Why leaving today! Lets celebrate tonight.

No Coki. I need to attend today before 6pm evening. Let me attend first. Then I Will come here for a night.


Promise. Where is Prink! Is she Sad!

She has left the room. Maybe in rooftop. She is crying. She loves you.

I know. I aslo love her. Remember she has saved us from the disaster! Tell her I am leaving. I will come back soon. Bye.

Becky, you may go with Momo. It might help her a lot.

Yes Becky come with me.

Its Becky and Momo. They are going to the hostel. Both are looking thirsty. They are in a good friendship. Not in relationship! Maybe in relationship.


Tell Momo.

Don't you like me!

I have loved you. I want to kiss you. I will always love you!

I aslo want this. Its maybe the cherished emotion hidden in us.

Becky has dropped Momo at the hostel. One member has left. Will prink leave Coki and Becky! Its never. Prink isn't a girl to leave them.

Coki, would you like to make coffee?

Sure Prink. Do you like my cooking!

A lot. I would like to send you to an international cooking course. Would you like to attend it!

Yes. I would be. What about Becky?

I will send him to an electronic course. After taking training he would be able to attend foreign countries. Isn't it good?

Brilliant! Then Becky will leave us?

Seems so. But not for ever. He will come when he gets vacation.

Its really good.


Then only you and me!

Yes. Sometimes Momo will meet us. But you stand first in training you have a chance to attend foreign countries.

No! I will always with you. Never leave you. Not possible. Will you!

No. But what will happen if I die?

Thats different. Let death come first.

Mmm.. Okay lets sleep. I need to go to University tomorrow. I have term test for the semester final.

Okay. Good night and Don't meet a Prince.

Good night. Same to you.

The morning is today full of humidity. Becky is going to attend first day technical training. Its two hours from the house. Really its such difficult to waste four hours for the training. But no need to be worried with that. There are so many borders for the Trainees. After two days Becky will also leave them. Only Coki and Prink! Its really unbearable. Everyone is going to be separated. Whats the sign behind it!


Yes Sir.

Would you like to take border seat here?

Yes Sir. I need a seat.

Then confirm it today.

Okay Sir.

Here all the boys are working attentively. Here girls are hardly seen. It has a big reason behind it. But in that batch 5 girls are working here. They are also doing best. They are more careful and attentive. Though its the batch of electronics, here are some non major courses. Like - fabrics and embroidery, wielding, and environmental engineering. The training school is full of young boys. Everyone is enthusiastic. The teachers are here also active. But former students are also here. They are taking some proxy classes of teacher. Some teachers have their side business along with teaching profession. After a particular time, they go to their business.

Now its noon. The sky if looking like a portrayed painting. Full of blue colors, sometimes some whites, and some birds are seen. But the heat is increasing now. Coki and Prink are watching the sky. Coki is enough happy. Its possible now to ride with Prink everywhere.

Hey Prink.

Tell, Coki.

Would you like to ride with me!


The border of the Army. Here the soilders are taking training. Its really looks beautiful.

But they Will not allow us to see. And its too long distance.

No! I am telling about the hilly training. They come to our area. Onside the hills.


At the morning. Some days at the evening.

How do you know?

I and Momo would go. And at that time you were busy with your university classes and tuitions.

Then you haven't told me that you have visited them.

I want to say. But...

Doesn't matter. Lets see again. But after Becky transfers to his border.

We can take then a small flat.

This is not aslo large one! Right?

Its a bit large. Two rooms, a kitchen, a corridor, a washroom. But we now two only!


So We should take small one. One room, one kitchen, and a washroom.

You don't need corridor!

No. You and I will sit at the rooftop. Then will visit the countryside. We dont need any corridor.

Okay let time come.


Lets go to room and bind all the necessary things of Becky. He needs to go to border tomorrow.

How you know?

His trainer calls me.

Okay. Lets go.

Two days later Coki and Prink are able to take a single living room flat. They are fortunate enough to have a corridor. The corridor is decorated with so many flower tobs. Here lived a young man. He would care this. No question, he is a man with luxurious choice. Also from this corridor hills are very near to them. No doubt, birds will come to meet the flowers.

Hey Coki! How are you feeling with the flowers?

Amazing. I couldn't believe. Its really adorable.

Yes. But the room is not that much clean. We need clean it. Also the kitchen. Maybe he wouldn't use these that much!

What about the washroom?

Its like the corridor.

Then he is a gentleman!

We can say.

Mmm. Hasn't he left any personal thing?

If, then what!

Nothing. We can only relate how he is! Maybe he is very lonely.


Like the Colonial, past neighbour of us. You were not with us then. I will tell his story to you. You will feel sorry for him.


Specially for his kiddy boy.

What happened to it!

It is blind from birth. But I am sure, if you are then, he would like to appoint you to care his boy.


Yes. And you would get royal payment. No doubt.

I see! You are enogh mature! Whats the story hehind it!

No story. Just saying.