

Stella, a seemingly average girl with a remarkable resemblance to a certain tomboy anime girl, dies during an attack on her school protecting her class. However, instead of seeing the pearly gates, she finds herself on trial for crimes committed against the gods in a past life. The verdict is not what she expected... Warning, the beginning isn't too good since it's just me letting my imagination run wild but two chapters in, the quality picks up.

RecluseCultivator · Komik
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31 Chs

My Death and My Past

*Yawn* 'Dam I'm tired, I shouldn't have stayed up binge reading all of my hero academia. I thought as I walked through the door of my classroom. My name is Stella Divina, I'm 15 years old, with black hair, blue gear-like eyes, and a sorta tomboyish face.

(A/N: She looks like Ryuko from kill la kill. Why? Because I like tomboys, and she's the best one. Also, her name is Latin.)

Today was the first day of my second year of high school and I already loved it. It had that peaceful and youthful vibe in the air. And as a lover of peace, this atmosphere was akin to heaven. The only thing ruining was my favorite seat being stolen by her. I was going to ask if I could have the seat until the teacher and a couple of other students walked in and started filling up the seats.

So I skipped trying to ask her for the seat and settled for the second-best. Which was right next to her. Once everyone was settled the teacher asked us to introduce ourselves to the class. The girl who took my favorite seat jumped at the opportunity and immediately started their introduction.

"My name is Tina Grayheart, I'm 15 years old, I like pink, rainbows, kittens, and everything else under the sun. One day I hope to stop deforestation that drives animals from their home."

Tina was positioned to my left side where my favorite seat aka the protagonist seat is. With her being as popular as she is in school, I wouldn't doubt it if someone told me she was the main character of the entire world. She had the looks to fit the role to, with a pretty face, beautiful long brown hair, sparkling green eyes, and a smile that could charm all who saw it. Her popularity wasn't high simply because of her looks. She was smart but at the same time hopelessly dumb. She was a genius who scored perfectly in every subject except for common sense.

I still member the day when I was chilling near a tree listening to music on my iPod when all of a sudden some dick head tries to mug me with a knife in the middle of the park. I beat the crap out of him and was about to carry his sorry ass to the nearest station until Tina came along. The guy looked like a thug no matter how you slice it, yet she was accusing me of bullying him.

While I was explaining to her that the thug was trying to mug me the fucker wakes up and slips away. I had to borrow her phone to report him since I was only carrying an iPod on me. Never found out if he got caught or not.

The sad part is that is only one of her many fuck ups, I won't get into the rest, but it was pretty bad. She's one of those ditsy people that make you feel that you have to help them. I generally try to avoid her, so I can lead as peaceful a life as possible. But for some reason wherever I go she isn't too far behind and that means trouble isn't far either. We've talked to each other a handful of times since her dad visited the orphanage I was raised in. We have never really gone further greeting each other, so I always find it weird that she's always near me ever since we were kids.

After a while, all the students were finished with their introduction and the teacher was going to start theirs but was interrupted by what I assumed were gunshots in the school building. People must have thought the same thing as me because in less than a minute everyone besides me, the teacher, and Tina were panicking. While the teacher was trying to calm everyone down, two men and one woman wearing ski masks came into the class armed with guns and knives.

"All right bitches shut the fuck up," one of the thugs said while shooting his gun at the roof.

Everyone immediately goes quiet and the thug starts making heavy steps towards the class. Everyone in the class except for those already in the back starts to back up, some even falling on their ass. This put a smile on all the thug's faces.

"Dude, quit fucking around before the crew gets here and we're not ready," said the female thug.

"TCH, alright alright quit rushing me." The thug mumbles some incoherent cursing before saying "Everyone up, were going to the gym and if I see or hear any talk or resistance I'll take that as a reason to shoo-"

Before he could finish a desk that seemingly came out of nowhere hits him right in the face knocking him out.

"What the hell!" The second thug screams trying to draw his gun while looking for who threw the desk only to see another desk on a collision course to his face. Knocking him out on the floor, leaving only the female thug standing.

"Shit!" The female thug says while dogging the third desk that was thrown at her. Ducking close to the ground she makes her way out the classroom's door. She pulls out her pistol and leans her back against the wall outside the door. She peeks her head into the class with the gun pointed at everyone and says "Which one of you brats threw those fucking desks". Seeing everyone panic with the gun pointed at them and not answering her made her angry, and she steps out from behind cover with the gun still pointed shouting. "Step out or ill shoot at rand-". She didn't finish her sentence when she noticed a shadow on the wall left of where she was standing. "FUCK" she shouts trying to turn her gun to her left, but it was too late, and a chair collided with her temple knocking her out.

"Language," I said in vain to the knocked-out thugs though I immediately thought to myself I was being hypocritical since I curse a lot myself.

"Yaaaaaa" Tina yells jumping on me while hanging like a chain on my neck. "You saved us from those mean people".

"Get off me, you trouble magnet". I say trying to get Tina of me without hurting her.

"Hey! What's that supposed to mean?" Tina says struggling to stay latched on to me.

Seeing the robber's down and the girls messing around eased the class's nerves, and they all walk up to the duo to thank Stella for saving them. All of a sudden, a grunt could be heard from the second thug, followed by two loud bangs and Stella could be seen bleeding from her stomach and right chest. Tina who was hanging on her back was unharmed as the bullets didn't exit Stella and hit her.

"What?" I said coughing blood and falling to the floor while panic set in. She looked to where she got shot from to see the second thug maskless and still on the floor with a gun in hand, bleeding from the head. Seeing his face made her remember the guy who tried to mug her in the park but got away.

For the first time since the whole debacle started the teacher got up and did something. He rushed the still downed thug and whacked him with a random chair knocking him out for good.

"Someone take the weapons of the other criminals and call the cops," the teacher said.

"Hang on Stella it's going to be okay. I'm so stupid, I shouldn't have grabbed on to you. I'm so sorry." Tina says while crying.

'Shit, am I really going to die here? I haven't even gotten the peaceful life that I wanted. And why the hell is this bitch smiling?' I thought looking at Tina's creepy smile as my vision started to fade into darkness and I hear my own heartbeat slow to a halt. Then all of a sudden things were bright again, like really, really bright. "Shit, turn the fucking lights off." Things started to dim down, so I slowly open my eyes expecting to see heaven or a reincarnation God, like in those novels. To my surprise, it's neither, and I'm standing in a giant room with my hands chained to the floor in front of what looks like a council. The beings sat in circle-shaped wooden bleachers with staircases down the middle. And I say beings because almost all of them look, different from humans. Some looked like humans with some extra appendages like tails, some looked like mythical creatures, and is that a fucking donkey? The beings were whispering among themselves completely ignoring me. I was going to ask what was going on when all of a sudden a blonde hair and blue-eyed pretty boy with angel wings appears in a beam of golden light a few feet in front of me. He gives me one good look up and down before turning to the bleachers and says.

"This council of celestials is now in order." The pretty boy says gaining the attention of all the celestial there. "The accused, Stella Divina will now face judgment for her criminal actions against all the celestials here".

"What?" I shout, directing all the eyes in the room on me. "When the hell did I do anything to you guys?"

"That's what I'm wondering Gabriel. Who is this mortal that you have gathered before the council?" said a tall and buff man with the voice of a little girl and the head of a hippo. All the celestials except Gabriel nod their head as if saying they want to know too.

"Don't be fooled, my brothers and sisters." Gabriel said while turning to face me "While she looks different, she is still Xīng Shén. The cultivation slayer, the first human immortal, the demon queen of the sixth heaven, and founder of the demon sword sect. She has committed innumerable amount crimes against celestials, some by stealing divine treasure and others by nearly slaying many of our brothers and sisters! I thought she died, but she must have used her power to reincarnate herself."

The celestial's in the rooms gasped with a shocked look, some even looked angry. "If this really is Xīng Shén then we must destroy her soul immediately, less Ragnarök come upon us." Said a man who looked just like Odin from Norse mythology.

"The council will decide your fate." Gabriel says while looking me in the eye. "All in favor say I"

"I" the celestial all said in sync.

"HOW ABOUT NO YOU BITCHES!" I scream at the top of my lungs. I wasn't about to just sit there and let them accuse me of crimes I didn't even commit or crimes that my 'past self' committed, I didn't give a shit if they were basically Gods if their name and looks were anything to go by. There's no way I'm gonna get my soul destroyed because of some sins of the father crap. "I don't give a fuck what you scared bitches think, I ain't this crazy Xianxia bitch you keep running your mouth about. SO CUT THE SHIT AND LET ME OUT OF HERE!" Gabriel stares at me with stone-cold eyes and I stare right back with a defiant look on my face. The room was quiet for what felt like an eternity but was just a few seconds before I heard giggling from multiple celestials. The giggling must have been contagious because all of a sudden every celestial in the room burst out laughing including Gabriel.

"Hee-haw, hee-haw, she actually fell for that." The donkey celestial said.

"I'm weak, hahaha. I don't think I've felt this weak since the war against the void beast, hahaha." Said the celestial in Roman armor.

"Even after reincarnation, she hasn't become any more ladylike fufu." Said a beautiful elf looking celestial with a Chinese fan over her mouth.

"The hell are you guys talking about?" I shout more out of confusion than anger.

"I'm sorry old friend, we thought this cruel joke would be fitting for our reunion. Consider it revenge for all the pranks you pulled on us." Gabriel says between laughs.

"Old friend? That doesn't answer my ques-" I couldn't even finish my sentence as Gabriel puts his hand on my head and memories of my past life resurfaced. In those memories, I saw myself as a fifteen-year-old girl with my family on a small farm working hard day by day. I had a brother who would play knights and dragons with me in his free time. It's probably how I ended up as such a tomboy. My father would work the field while my mother would be resewing whatever clothes we were careless enough to tear. Things weren't the best but we were happy, until one day when bandits came and razed the farm and killed my mother and father. My brother took me and escaped but ended dying before we could reach any sort of help.

All alone and crying on the side of the road, Gabriel who was passing by in his human form took pity on me and helped me out. Weeks after taking me in he trained me in martial arts, taught me how to read, write, and do math. Years into our training, he taught me how to absorb natural energy which is an energy that all living things give of, even the planet. I used it to increase my speed, power, durability, and lifespan beyond normal human limits. I even learned how to fly with it and use natural energy to survive in environments normal humans couldn't live in.

(A/N: Its basic ki from dbz)

After ten years of sheltering me, Gabriel revealed that he was a celestial which I wasn't too surprised with considering he knew things mortals wouldn't and could do things beyond what a human should be able to, like create things from thin air without natural energy. Soon after his reveal, he told me that he was going to help his family fight creatures called void beast. Creatures that popped up after his father had given up creating a new universe to nap leaving the void he created open and leaking void energy which eventually gathered together and became void beast. To repay my debt I left earth with him to fight against the void beast. The celestial closed the void to stop more from spawning and started an all-out war against the void beast with me fighting by their side. The void beasts were draining the planets in the universe dry of natural energy to create more of them making and grow stronger causing the planet to be unable to support life, so they needed to be dealt with. After fighting for a few years, we killed a majority of the void beast, the smarter one became more subtle about how they went about draining natural energy making them harder to find.

With the void beast becoming scarce, I got time to know pretty much all the celestial except for one who never really made an appearance around me because she was one of the more dangerous celestials with a questionable thought process. I played some pranks on pretty much all the celestials, stole some divine artifacts which I returned just not in working condition sometimes, I beat some up after they wanted revenge for their broken artifacts or pranks I pulled. After years of hanging out with the celestials and no void beast sightings, I decided to go back to earth and live a slow peaceful life. I never get the chance to though as I was ambushed by some of the strongest void beasts I have ever seen. I put up a good fight but couldn't handle all of them since I was unprepared to fight them. I figured they must have come after me since I was the strongest concentration of natural energy on the planet.

That's how I ended up being reincarnated as Stella Divina. It was weird getting another set of memories, most people would probably change how they act after recovering memories of a previous life but not me. To me, even with my past life memories, I was still the 15-year old Stella Divina.

"Do you remember now?" Gabriel asked with a soft smile on his face.

"Yeah, you assholes" I shout while flipping them off, only just noticing my restraints from before are gone. "Did you guys have to scare me shitless with all that soul-destroying crap?"

"Oh cmon, you know for a fact you deserved it after all those pranks you pulled." A celestial that looked exactly like the ghost rider from marvel shouted back. Getting an agreeing nod from everyone in the room.

"As much as I would like to play catch up, my old friend, you have a meeting with our father or as mortals call him, God." Gabriel says pointing towards a golden door that appeared out of thin air.

"But we haven't even gotten to catch up or anything."

"Don't worry old friend, we will meet again soon."

With those words, I step up to the door. I actually got a bit nervous, during all the years I spent with Gabriel and the other celestials I never met God. From what I remember he was asleep during the whole war even after things calmed down. Unless he's omniscient, he probably only knows me from what the others say about me, which is probably not a good thing. I step in front of the golden door simply looking at it, too nervous to actually touch it. I steel my nerves and give my old friends a farewell before putting my hands on the golden door and pushing. 'Time to meet God' was the last thing I thought before I was enveloped in a warm golden light.

This story was on the novel side so I had to move it to the fanfiction one.

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