
How Can a Sexy Trap Survive in a NTR World? (Original/NTR World)

[Disclaimer]-This story is fanfiction. The copyright of source materials belongs to their respective owners. Please support the official release! [Warning]-This story is rated M (MA) due to contents such as gores, profanities, violence, smut, and so on. If your age is less than 18-years-old, please consider skipping this story. Be responsible for your choice. You have been warned. Thank you for reading this warning! P.S- posting this for fun and also this affronted fanfic is not mine I'm just posting this here in Webnovel. [Original Fanfic Author]-Silver W. King-https://forum.questionablequesting.com/members/silver-w-king.76/ [Original Site]-https://forum.questionablequesting.com/threads/the-silver-box-in-the-attic-snippets-and-story-ideas-thread.3018/page-17#post-3419041

TheEternalWanderer · Lainnya
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7 Chs

Chapter 7

Kouji POV

Akira rung the doorbell to his aunt's house, and a part of me still wondered if this was Akira's biggest bro move to cheer me up.

Of course, given everything he explained to me, it wasn't, but it was difficult not to think of the situation as being so.

As the door opened, I was greeted with a bombshell of a woman, whom I could see a resemblance to Akira.

Not body-wise of course, but hair color, and a bit of her face.

"Oh...Akira-chan...you really did come." Her voice was sleepy, almost absentminded. She looked hot, definitely, but it was like she was only presentable much as a slut ready for her cloth to be taken off.

"Hey, Aunt Youko." Akira said neutrally. "I told you I was visiting."

"Yes...you...you did."

We went inside, and the house was...clean. Like in a disturbingly, OCD organized and clean type of manner. Other than the indent on the couch in one place, everything else...nothing was used or out of place, it didn't feel like it was lived in.

"Aunt Youko, I'm going to prepare a suitcase for you. You shouldn't be alone right now." Akira said as he looked around her hyper cleaned house.

"Oh, you shouldn't do anything. Haroto will come back soon. And, and...he would want his wife to be home to greet him." Youko said, as though trying to remember what she should say or do. "You should meet him too, Akira. I'm sure you'll come to like him if you just sit down and talk with him."

The story was that Haroto embezzled some money from the company he worked at, and then ran away from the country, leaving his wife and his old life behind. Those of her friends that saw Youko's attitude, thought she was just holding onto the hope of her husband returning due to denial.

I knew the truth thought. It was just her mental conditioning. Haroto, that damn pathetic bastard.

"I'm sure." Akira said while looking away, but from his dry tone I could tell he was annoyed. Youko didn't seem to notice. "Aunt Youko...Mom and Dad, they want to see you again. Don't you want to see them?" He looked back at her. "It's just a small visit, two days at most. Surely that much is okay, right?"

"I..." She looked between her nephew and then...me? lost on what to do.

"Come on, ma'am." I said cheerfully. "Who doesn't like a family get together?"

"That...yes. Yes, that would be wonderful. Koroko and Yamato, and little Akira, hehe, yes it would be nice to get together." Said Youko, slowly becoming more cognizant. "Well, not so little anymore." She smiled at Akira, and he gave a fake grumpy one in reply. It looked sincere, but I knew him long enough to tell when he's faking.

Greasing the wheel. That's what Akira said my role here was. To get things moving. To break Youko away from...what Haroto did to her.

After Akira explained what Haroto did to her, something inside me was revolted. That such a weak man could get this beauty with underhanded means like that. He didn't deserve her.

"Aunt Youko, why don't you start on lunch, nothing big, just something for the three of us, and then we can get on the road. Kouji will help you if you need anything." Akira said, facing us but turning away, ready to leave.

"Oh, that's lovely. I have just the thing, Akira-chan. I kept some of your favorite taiyaki in case you visited. I'll heat it up." Youko was now more animated. Her body moving to and fro, jiggling and swinging in all the right places.

"Yeah, that's...nice." Akira wasn't as enthused. He gave me a look, then turned away, leaving the living room entirely.

"So Miss Youko, what do you need from me?" I said, starting to cosy up to her.

She chatted about random things, and I paid some attention, while focusing on when I should make my move. Akira said I could start breaking the hypnosis by shocking her.

Heck, that conversation actually went:

"Go caveman on her. I don't care. The important thing is, we have to fix her mental issues with physical means, as I can't trust that phone. Congrats, you now have a sex friend. Be sure to take her on walks, and don't forget to feed her cum."

"Err, isn't treating her like a dog a bit too much?" 

"She might as well be."

Seriously, Akira can be brutal.

"Oops," I said dropping one of the spoons. "Sorry, Miss Youko, I'm just not sure what to do around the kitchen yet."

"Oh, Kouji-kun," she laughed and got down on her knees. "You're surprisingly clumsy. That's really adorabl--"

She froze as she looked at my bare hard cock looming over her face.

"Honestly, I can't understand that Haroto." I said cupping her face, even sitting still as she was, she leaned into my touch. This was familiar territory for me. "To have such a cute and sexy wife, ready to fuck at anytime, and he leaves her and run away. He must have been insane."

"I...Kouji...you...big. We shouldn't--"

"Akira tends to be tunnel visioned, so for now we have sometime. So while he's working, how about you relieve me of this erection you caused by your slutiness, and I'll erase that loneliness you feel." I said, flexing my dick to get her attention on it again.


"Permanently." I pressed my cock to her full plump lips.

With a delicious look of uncertainty, awe, arousal and a bit of fear, a look of sexy submission, Youko began to suck.

Akira POV 

I thought I had more time.

From the moment I found out I lived in a NTR world, I knew I was living on borrowed time. That one day, the hourglass of my sanity will run out, and someone will mind break me.

It turns out, I never had time to begin with. The world just hadn't gotten around to break me. It just wasn't my turn yet.

I mean, a NTR scenario is such a hentai cliche. A world based on that one hentai fetish? Obviously, things like aphrodisaic drugs are a thing. Hypnosis through technology, or other means were real. I shouldn't be surprised even if magic was real.

The world operated on hentai logic, why wouldn't other elements that allow for more NTR scenarios to happen be available?

When I discovered what Haroto's phone was, what it real could do, I considered ending it all right then and there.

What was the point of fighting, when there were things I couldn't fight against. Things I can't prepare for.

I always said I was living with a dread to the day I get mind broken, but maybe a part of me thought I could win. Or if not, I could go down swinging.

Now that I learned of what else this world could throw at me, I understood it was all the false hope.

The moaning outside got more incessant, with Kouji acting more dominant and vulgar toward my aunt--toward Youko.

I finished up gathering all the files, and blackmail materials Haroto (may his soul burn in hell), had on Youko. Then I got all the company files that were on Haroto's computer, all the data of his job and what he worked on there. The lazy asshole had Youko resign to be a housewife, then had her do his work for him. Fucker.

After I was done with the computer files, I actually went ahead with making Youko's suitcase. I looked into her closet to see some leather bondage suits meant to be as provocative and degrading as possible. Thankfully, there were still some clothes that she could actually go in public with. Most of the sleepwear...couldn't be worn outside of ones personal home. I'll have mom buy some for Youko.

I thought back to the despair I felt on the day I discovered hypnosis was real, and the rage came back. I really was going to kill myself that day, and maybe...just maybe, if I didn't have Kouji and Eri I would have.

If I've never met them the decision would be easy. In a way I hated them, but I was also grateful to them. Because I care about them I want to hold on just a little bit longer.

Youko's moans reached their crescendo. It was time to finish step one of my plan.

Haroto and Youko worked at a shipping company. I needed access to their company accounts to see where the hypnosis phone came from. Thus first things first, Youko needed to regain her sanity somewhat, or at least make her functional. The easy way to do that was to have another NTR bull act as her owner.

The...studies I found on the brain, and it's malleability showed that there are multiple ways to deeply influence and shape a person's psyche in this world.

The paper I dug up after a lot of search on cerebral studies, by one Dr. Daiki Atsushi had proposed it was possible to "edit" people's personality using hypnosis, and using such technology doctors would be able to treat trauma and other mental illnesses.

I'll give you three guesses on how this hentai story setup plays out.

The doctor's proposal was refused by the ethics board. Lead by a woman scientist, because obviously.

Atsushi swore that he'll return to "show them all" and "his brilliance will be recognized".

He was slandered in the papers as a failed genius, who had such promise and fell from grace, and disappeared for a while.

Timeskip 4 years later, and the ethics overturned their decision, by said woman scientist at the helm, and Atsushi was reinstated, and given his medical license back. Did I not mention he lost it when his proposal was rejected? Who the fuck cares.

Either way, he comes back, makes this giant medical company, everything is secretive, a lot of rich people give donations, etc. etc.

The company's name was Sinep Inc., it's the largest provider of MRI machines, and other such medical devices in the world.

Thank fuck I never went to any doctor for a physical exam.

The point is, I needed access from the shipping company my aunt used to work at (she needs to get her job back), to Sinep Inc. to see if they really where making and distributing these HypnoPhones. I mean, of course they are, but I need to know if that's the only hypnosis item they are making.

After that, well...

I walked out of the room, down the hallway and toward the open kitchen.

I'll fight it. I'll destroy every last bit of it.

Youko looked at me in mortification and arousal, as she was lying on the floor, face down, ass up, her arms too weak to be in a proper doggy-style pose.

Kouji had a wild look in his eyes, that nearly made me flinch. Nearly. I just kept walking and approached them. Even though that wild dominating look stayed in his eyes, I could still see the worry and care behind his expression. My Kouji was still there.

"Aunt Youko." I crouched down to meet her eye level.

Eri and Kouji. For them, I will fight. As long as they are around, as long as this world doesn't succeed in corrupting them, I won't fall to despair.

"We need to talk."

But the moment Kouji becomes some animal, fucking and breaking women without reason, and the friend whom I could always depend on was gone.

Or Eri were to be mind broken, and the brilliant girl I love were to be reduced to a pleasure seeking pig.

"First things first, if you don't listen to everything I say, I will take away that cock." She blinked at me, confused. "This pleasure that you feel now, that even Haroto couldn't give you? If you don't obey me, Kouji won't fuck you again."

"He's right you know." Youko looked between me and Kouji, her eyes now wide and more focused. "I'm only doing this as a favor for my buddy here, since he said you were lonely without that dead small-dicked husband of yours."

"He, he wasn't, wait did you say--"

"Are you saying he was big," Kouji pulled back. "As this!" And gave one powerful thrust forward.

Youko's vision whited out for a second.

When she came to, the only thing she saw was my disappointed face.

"Also," I continued casually. "Just as Haroto introduced you to aphrodisiacs to spike your arousal, there are medicine that can do the opposite." She paled as I expected, finally understanding the situation. "So, if you can't focus and be useful, I'll make sure you never feel pleasure again. Do you understand me, Aunt Youko?" She nodded rapidly.

If this world twisted and perverted my friends, if it took Kouji and Eri from me...

That's when I will burn it all down, and take as much of this world into hell with me.