
Chapter four

Things began to change abruptly.There was a strong wind that carried anything that was around.Even the boy was carried by the wind and thrown far. The wind was blowing in a manner that the boy could not see anything because if he opened his eyes things would have entered his eyes so he closed them.

After about twenty minutes the wind stopped. The boy thought the problems have ended but it was just a beginning.Soon there was totally cold.He was feeling cold that his body was dancing dombolo.

He thought very fast and lit fire 🔥 to keep himself warm.after a while the 🔥 was off because...

the jungle turn into ice. The whole jungle freezed into ice.Because he was feeling very Cold,he took leaves of trees and covered himself but his body was still cool .

He began walking and he could see most of the animals died because of the freezing that covered the jungle. He came across a dead zebra and he made a plan to keep himself warm.

He took his arrow and looked at it very well.Using his arrow he sheared off the skin of the animal. He. covered himself and he got warmth.

As he was moving,he stepped on the ice and under it was water so he fell inside. Below the ice it was like a river meaning it was water.He was nearly suffocating because of lack of air.

He sweared not to die Young before leaving his seeds so he tried very hard to break the ice and successfully he did.And soon he was out breathing.