
Chapter 39

His expression became even blanker, but his eyes…. They were indeed the windows to his soul. That disturbed him. Did he really think I wouldn’t be able to learn about the Division and its roots?

“You look tired, M’sieur Mann.” He gestured me toward a seat. “May I offer you a coffee? The Division is not noted for the palatability of its coffee, but it is hot and extremely strong. And I promise that nothing extra has been added.”

“Christ.” I muttered as I sat down. “You’re starting to sound just like Vincent.”

The operative grew very still. “Mark Vincent?”

“Don’t insult my intelligence, de Becque. I’m quite aware that you and Vincent know each other. You and he were together a number of days ago.” I gave him a tight smile. “I know he doesn’t work the European theater.” At least he hadn’t for the past two years. I wondered how much was kept out of his file. “Were you trying to recruit him?”