
House of the dragon: The Dragon King

This is a story about a man who meant his end earlier then he was supposed to as as an apology he will be reincarnated into House of the Dragon, Watch as he uses his powers to fight against people who try to cause a civil war in House Targaryen (I am new to House of the dragon and will be basing most of my knowledge off the TV Show) MC will be the Crown Prince of the Targaryen household but there will still be the greens and the blacks.

Shinmon_Dagger · Televisi
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15 Chs

Chapter 10: the Wedding

AN: So I don't know if you saw the comment I made on my most recent chapter but I have been sick the past week, still a bit sick but it's fine. So I haven't had the energy to write anything down, sure my head has been creating storylines and shit like that but I just haven't been writing it down. Wasn't thinking about posting today but I saw some comments about whether or not I have dropped so I just wanted to post a little something to show you guys this story is still going on. Hope you enjoy and thanks for your support on these books, if it wasn't for the nice comments I would probably just stop uploading 

Daeron pov

"Here Father, take this"

I said as I gave my father my handkerchief so he could wipe the vomit from his mouth. He grasped it and stood up wobbly before saying

"Thank you, Daeron"

I gave him a smile before turning to look out at the ocean, I saw the giant waves formed by the strong wind and smiled. The ocean, no matter how frightening it is, was always able to calm me. Unfortunately, it had the opposite effect on my father, who became very seasick as soon as we got to the choppier waves. I didn't know whether or not it was because of his sickness or just normal seasickness but I know that he did not do well out here. I looked down at the deck and saw Rhaenyra looking out at the ever-approaching view of Driftmark. One thing I did notice was that Criston Cole was looking at my sister with a lovestruck gaze while she glanced at him, visibly disgusted by his acts. I quickly thought to myself

'I'll need to do something about him'


We were sitting on a carriage on the way to High Tide and the tension between my father and sister was intense. My father was, understandably, angry with Rhaenyra and hadn't spoken a word to her since the news came about. Honestly running the Kingdom with my father had been hard to get used to but I've slowly started to settle into the role. I felt the carriage stop, so I stood up and exited with my father and sister trailing shortly behind me. The doors swung open revealing an open, and very empty, courtyard with only Laenor and his friend who was currently sparring. The two men noticed our presence so they stopped sparring and bowed, which I ignored and walked to Laenor and said

"Laenor how have you been, my friend!"

He smiled at me and said

"I've been well, Prince Daeron"

We quickly joined our hands together, with my hand grabbing his forearm and his hand grabbing mine, kind of like how the Vikings would do it. We let go and I was about to say something before I said

"Where is Lord Corlys? He should be here to receive the King and his future good son, should he not?"

Laenor cringed slightly before the doors opened to the High Tide castle and out walked Vaemond and Laena. I stared at her as she walked down the steps and I couldn't help but admire her. Over the past few years her beauty has become incomprehensible, and I just couldn't stop looking at her with a barely hidden lust and a very lovestruck look. Which did get me a hit on my shoulder from Laenor who stared at me with a grin on his face and whispered

"Don't get too impatient now, Daeron. You've yet to marry, and you are already staring at her like a love-sick puppy."

I gave him a fake glare as I turned my attention back on Laena, who had reached the bottom of the steps. She gave me a short look over before turning back to the King and saying

"Welcome to High Tide, Your Grace"

I quickly walked back to my father and said

"So, lady Laena? Where is Lord Corlys, should he not be here to greet the King?"

Quickly she started walking towards us as she said

"My father has but just returned from his long journey and he has hastened to the Hall of Nine to await Your Grace's arrival"

My father started walking towards her as he said

"Let's just get on with it"

We started walking towards the castle, but I quickly ran to Laena's side and said

"Well, I must say that these past few years have done nothing but enhance your beauty Laena. How have you been?"

"Well, other than my Betrothed leaving to fight in a war and risk dying only to come back scarred, which only seems to make him more handsome, I have been fine"

I smiled at her before saying

"Well, in my defence I did write letters. And I was helping your father in that war, it should earn me some points at least"

She giggled softly as she leaned into me slightly and said

"...well, maybe it does. But you'll have to wait until we're wed to find out"

Which caused a blush to cause my ears to go a bit red.


I saw the door to Corlys's solar close behind me, leaving behind my betrothed and Rhaenyra who were banned from entering as I followed my father down the windy path of the room. After a short walk, which I spent marvelling at the giant murals painted about Velaryon history, we finally found Corlys. He was sitting on the Driftmark throne but quickly stood up when he saw us. He then walked over to us and bowed while saying

"Your Grace, Prince Daeron"

My father coughed into his handkerchief before he said

"Rise, Lord Corlys"

So Corlys stood up and said something among the lines

"Can I offer you a chair-"

Before he was cut off by the door opening and revealing Rhanys who entered the room and said



My father replied before she walked over to us giving me a short hug and grabbing my father's hands. She was in for a bit of a shock when she felt that not all of my father's fingers were there. She quickly cleared her throat as she asked

"Are you well?"


My father said while fixing his glove. Corlys must have sensed the atmosphere as he quickly said

"I must congratulate you, Prince Daeron. I could think of no man more suited to be the Hand of the King."

"That is very kind of you to say Lord Corlys, father felt it was time I had a hand in ruling the Kingdom with him"

"A pity about Ser Otto"

Corlys said before I quickly replied

"Is it really?"

I saw Corlys struggling to hide his chuckles while my father, like usual, ignored the conversation that was talking about something bad as he said

"Even though I spend my days in the grandeur of the Red Keep, the Halls of High Tide never fail to impress me"

Corlys gathered himself to avoid laughing as he said

"You flatter me, Your Grace. Though I do wish we could meet under better pretences"

That got my attention, as well as my father's who asked

"How so?"

"Daemon's Wife, Lady Rhea Royce, has passed"

"A Hunting mishap…She was thrown from her horse"

I heard Rhaenys add as I started to process the information and thought

'So that is what that dream meant…Daemon killed his wife. All I remember was that I saw a red shadow spook a white horse causing a bronze bow to fall down and snap in two. Damn, I should start paying more attention to my dreams when I get them. I need to pick up every clue, and every hint at the future so I can make plans according to them'

I seemed to have missed some of the conversation while lost in my thoughts, as I just heard my father say

"Lady Rhea was a fine woman and a…good wife to my brother"

"Sad thing that she and Daemon have no heirs to succeed her. She stood to inherit Runestone"

Rhaenys said and almost as if on cue my father, the dreader of bad news, wanted to change the subject as he said

"Mayhaps we can turn toward happier pursuits"

Rhaenys gave a short smile as she walked and tried to hand my father some wine, which he denied, before giving it to me. I drank it in one gulp and placed it back on the table behind me. I heard Corlys say

"What did you have in mind, Your Grace?"

My father coughed a bit before he said

"I wish to propose a marriage between my daughter Rhaenyra and Ser Laenor."

"You honour both me and my house, Your Grace. Me and Princess Rhaenys…"

Corlys gave her a short look, which she responded to with a nod before he continued and said

"...we accept this proposal"

I smiled as I thought

'Oh Rhaenyra, you are going to be stuck with me for life after this,'


Narrator pov

Walking on the beach, side by side, were Rhaenyra and Laenor. They both knew what the future held for them so they decided to talk about it with one another as they both had something they wished from the other. Rhaenyra quickly spoke

"In truth, if it had to be someone, I'm glad it is you"

'You are lying to yourself Rhaenyra, we only want Daeron'

She thought to herself before she continued

"I know this union is not what you would choose."

"I hold nothing against you, cousin."

Laenor said, thinking it was a simple matter of Rhaenyra thinking he did not want to be married to her, which he didn't but that is an entirely different matter. So Rhaenyra was quick to reply as she said

"No, I…rather… Dare I say it is a matter of taste? I prefer roast duck to goose. I cannot say why"

She then gave him a very suggestive look and he quickly realised the point of this conversation he said

"I am assuming Daeron told you *sigh* you know, I-it's not for a lack of trying. There are those who like goose very well"

Laenor said as he looked a bit embarrassed at being found out by his future wife, however Rhaenyra only smiled and said

"I find it a bit greasy for my taste. I know that whatever agreement being stuck up there will not change your appetites, nor will it change mine"

Rhaenyra said as she looked out onto the sea while Laenor looked at her expectantly and asked

"And what do you propose?"

Rhaenyra walked a bit faster before turning in front of him and said

"Well, this was my idea…"


Daeron Pov

I was walking the halls of High Tide with Laena wrapped around my arm as she was telling me stories of her childhood here and growing up on Driftmark with her brother. And all I could do was listen to her with a smile on my face as I thought about the differences between our childhoods. I looked down at her and said

"Sorry to interrupt your story, Laena, but I am curious about one thing? Are you okay with splitting our wedding with Rhaenyra and Laenor? I mean I could ask my father if he can separate the two and make it two events instead of one"

She smiled at me and said

"You know, ever since I was a child I always did everything with my brother. We played together, fought one another, and always argued over useless things. But one thing was certain, we loved each other as much as family ever could and if there is one thing I know, then it is the fact that I would be overjoyed to share this wedding with my brother. Plus, it does save some money for the crown, am I right? And we would still be the main event anyway since you are the Crown Prince. If I didn't know any better I would think that you are trying to delay our wedding, Daeron?"

"Well, is it so wrong that I want to drown in betrothal offers from ladies all over the realm for just a little bit more?"

Laena pouted and tried to push herself off of me but I just wrapped my arm around her waist as I said

"Hahahaha, I'm sorry Laena, it was just a joke. Don't be like that. You know that there is nothing that excites me more than knowing we are about to wed"

She sighed as she leaned into my side and said

"You know, we never did talk about what almost happened on that ship before you went to Dragonstone…"

I looked down at her, the images of that night flashing through my head as I stopped walking and pushed her gently onto the wall before leaning to her ear and whispering

"Do you want to…finish what we almost did? We aren't even married yet Laena, how naughty"

I saw her ears turn red before she said

"And what if I do, Daeron"

"Then I would have to comply with your wishes"

And instantly we connected our lips and started making out. My hand grabbed the back of her head, my fingers wrapping around her hair, while she placed her hands on my pecs and abs slowly rubbing it up and down and tracing the muscle lines. We separated from our make-out as she stood up on her tippy toes and whispered in my ear

"If this is how good you kiss, I can't wait until our wedding"


She then traced her finger down my lips before walking away, swaying her hips as she walked into the distance. I stared at her, biting my bottom lip with excitement before I ran after her.


Narrator Pov

"It is with great pleasure that His Grace, King Viserys, announces the start of the royal wedding celebrations"

If one were to do a dragon eyes view of King's Landing you could see the crazy amount of people in the streets. There were people everywhere, laughing, drinking, fucking, eating, and crying in joy at the news that their future King, Daeron, was getting married. The Small Folk were overjoyed as, in his celebrations, Daeron had created a couple of food and drink stalls where they could all get something to eat and drink for free. There were a ton of gold cloaks surrounding the area in order to keep the chaos to a minimum and there were also some men with black cloaks that had a green dragon's eye on the back. 

Now, focusing back into the main hall, Ser Harrold was announcing the arrival of all of the Lords and Ladies of the Court.

"House Lannister with their lord, Jason Lannister. Lord Paramount of the West, and Master of Casterly Rock."

In walked the Lannister twins with their golden hair and green eyes wearing red and gold clothing similar to their banner.

"House Hightower with their lord, Hobert Hightower. Beacon of the South, Defender of the Citadel, and voice of Oldtown"

Daeron and his family were sitting just in front of the Iron throne while other tables were stretched across the room. The lords came up to them and bowed, Daeron looked over and saw his sister roll her eyes as Jason Lannister walked up to the table. The golden-haired man stopped in front of the table and said

"Congratulations, Your Grace. You have found fine matches for both the Prince and the princess"

Daeron pov

I saw the hidden intention of his words and quickly said

"Thank you, Lord Jason. I could think of no better match for us than the Velaryon siblings."

I heard him scoff slightly before he said

"If this is just the welcome ceremony then I admit, I cannot imagine what you might have planned for the wedding."

"Well, my son is the future King…and my daughter is a princess of House Targaryen. I wanted this to be a wedding for histories."

"Mmh, and where is the queen. I had hoped to pay my respects."

My father looked at Jason for a while before glancing at the empty chair and saying

"I understand the queen is still readying herself for the celebrations."

I saw a pompous smirk on Jason's face while he said

"This is why men wage war because women would never be ready for the battle in time."

He laughed while our table stayed quiet, I only smiled at him before I said

"And this is why you have yet to marry, Lord Jason."

I saw he flinched back at the words before giving a fake chuckle and saying

"My Prince, My Princess, your Grace"

And leaving with a little bit of anger in his steps all while I thought

'This is why I chose his brother, he will be a much better lord in the future'

I saw the Hightowers about to walk up to the table and groaned slightly, before seeing a man wearing bronze armour walk up to the table, stopping the Hightowers in their tracks and saying

"Your Grace, Prince Daeron and Princess Rhaenyra, congratulations are in order."

I immediately recognized this man as Gerold Royce, the brother of my Uncle's dead wife. I stood up from my chair and walked over to the man before saying

"We are very honoured to have you as a guest, Ser Gerold. I hope that my letter found you well, I know this is a very…difficult time for you. I must say, I was quite distressed when I found out about Lady Rhea's tragic passing. I know my letter said this already but I will say it again, I am very sorry for your loss and if there is anything the Crown can do to assist you, then we would be more than happy to."

Gerold gave me a sad smile and said

"Thank you, My Prince. I did receive your letter and I must thank you for your kind words. Lady Rhea was a unique character, a kind that is not soon to be seen again"

I gave him a sad smile as I said

"She must have been a strong person, I am quite upset that I never got to meet her. A sadness that I will feel for a long time"

Ser Gerold looked happy at my words and was about to say something before the drums started playing and everyone, including me, returned to their seats. As I sat down the doors opened and Ser Harrold announced

"Lord Corlys of House Velaryon. Lord of the Tides, Master of Driftmark. And his lady wife, Princess Rhaenys Targaryen. And their Son and heir, Ser Laenor Velaryon, along with their Daughter Laena Velaryon, the future Queen Consort"

The crowd started applauding while me and my family all stood up to greet our important guests. Everyone in the crowd noticed this and also stood up while clapping. Me and Rhaenyra walked to our betrothed and greeted them. The people were clapping as we brought them to the table, followed by Rhaenys and Corlys. Everyone had just been seated when I spotted a familiar figure walk through the door and immediately cursed


I saw Laena hear what I said as she looked where I was looking. I also saw Gerold Royce looking quite angry and distraught at the figure's presence. The entire hall entered a series of whispers while I stared into the lilac eyes of Daemon, my Uncle. As he smugly walked towards the main table. I saw my father give a gesture to the chair guy, who brought an extra chair for Daemon to sit on. My father looked at Daemon once more before he cleared his throat and said

"Be welcome, as we join together in celebration. Tonight is only its beginning. We honour the crown's oldest and fiercest ally, House Velaryon. Reaching back to the days of Old Valyria and the Age of Dragons. With House Targaryen and…"

My father stopped talking and looked towards the door where Alicent stood, wearing a coal black dress with some green stripes the same colour and shape as the flames of Neltharion. I smirk as I thought back to my conversation with Alicent a few days ago.


I was sitting in her room with a sleeping Helaena in my arms and Aegon's small head on my lap as he slept there like a cat. Alicent only looked at me and asked

"Daeron, would…would you ever harm my children…sorry, that was a stupid question-"

"What, no! They are my siblings Ali' you know I would never do anything to harm a hair on their heads. Who told you such a crazy thing?"

"No one, it was just the ramblings of a worried moth-"

"Alicent Hightower…Who. Said. Such. A. Thing"

I saw Alicent gulp, I can't believe the trick I used as a kid still worked on her. Kinda op. I saw that she looked around the room nervously before she said, in a hushed tone

"Well, my father keeps telling me how you are a Maegor reborn and that you fall into a rage that consumes your very being every time you don't get what you want and that you would torture and kill Aegon and Helaena if they do something to upset you…"

I looked at her with some barely hidden shock on my face as I said

"And you believe him?"


She stopped as she realised that she had just screamed before she looked down at her children who were still sleeping, she sighed in relief at the fact that they hadn't woken up. She quickly squirmed a little in her sleep before she spoke again

"No, Daeron. I would never believe such baseless accusations. I mean, I have heard stories of men who get angry at war but I know you aren't that type of man. I know you are a good man Daeron, but can you blame me for just wanting to make sure?"

I gave her a real smile and filled it with as much charisma as I could before I said

"No, Alicent, I can't blame you. But I am allowed to be upset about the fact that you allowed your father's poisoned words to corrupt your mind and memories of me. Your father's ambition to see his blood on the throne has not gone unnoticed by me, but I never believed it to be at such a point where he would try to poison my childhood friend against me."

'Sike, I knew that shit since day 1 baby. Thank the gods that I got that dream about a red-haired woman wearing a green dress which cut the three headed dragon in half. That one was slightly easier to understand' 

I looked at Alicent who seemed to have gained an entirely new perspective on the person her father is, based on the tears welling in her eyes. I quickly placed my other arm around her waist as I said

"I have an idea on how you can show your father, what's what"

And that seemed to gain all of her interest as she quickly perked up and blushed at our close contact while listening intently to what I said

End of Flashback

I must have spaced out for a while because the next thing I knew I was dancing with Laena while Rhaenyra and Laenor did a similar dance next to us. After a short while we finished our dance bowed to each other and sat down before everyone else started dancing while festive music played throughout the air. I noticed that Alicent had stood up and walked to her uncle and was talking to him. I was eating and talking to Laena when I heard a familiar voice say

"In the Vale, men are made to answer for their crimes. Even Targaryens."

I noticed that Gerold had stood up and was talking to Daemon, which I immediately knew wasn't a good idea. Daemon looked the man up and down before saying

"Who are you?"

"Ser Gerold Royce of Runestone"


Daemon said with confusion on his face making Gerold walk up closer to the table before he said

"I am cousin to your late lady wife."

"Ah, yes. Terrible thing. I'm positively bereft. Such a tragic accident."

I could practically feel the unseriousness and total neutrality in Daemon's voice. I then heard Gerold say

"You know better than anyone, it was no accident."

"Are you confessing some guilt, Ser Gerold?"

"No, I am making an accusation."

"You know, in King's Landing, men are made to answer for their slanders. Even old bronze cunts like you"

Daemon said to Gerold causing him to scoff angrily and move a step closer to the table while I heard Daemon continue to layer it on

"The truth is, I'm glad that you have come. I wish to speak to you about my inheritance."

"What inheritance?"

Gerold said with max confusion and I felt a massive headache forming as I listened to Daemon's next words

"Lady Rhea and I had no heirs. As her husband, whatever she was due now passes to me. She stood to inherit all of Runestone. Did she not?"

I saw Gerold look around in fear and disbelief while also seeing a sick smirk form on Daemon's face

"After my Nephew and niece's weddings, I plan on flying to the Eyrie and petitioning Lady Jeyne myself. Perhaps I'll see you there, Ser Gerold"

Words seemed to fail Gerold and he turned around defeated and sat back down in his seat. I sighed at my Uncle's antics and made plans to help Gerold with his future endeavours of becoming Lord of Runestone since it never hurt to have a loyal person owe me some favours. I stood up and grabbed Laena's hand as I said

"Should we also go on the dance floor, my betrothed? It seems like we are missing out on all of the fun"

She giggled softly before grabbing my hand and saying

"Only if my first dance is with you, my betrothed"

I laughed before hoisting her up and bringing her to the dance floor where we danced for a while. While dancing I was looking around the room and spotting my men everywhere, wearing their black armour with a red cape that held a green dragon's eye, and ready to pounce at my order. We switched partners after a while and I danced with some other ladies that didn't interest me. What caught my attention was the fact that Rhaenyra jabbed Daemon in the stomach and gave him an angry look before rushing to the main table and sitting down. I smiled at the action, glad to see that my cold shoulder had been effective in helping her grow as an adult. I continued dancing for a while before I heard a loud and shrill scream. Instantly my head popped up and I looked around and saw some commotion on the other end of the room. I looked around and spotted Laena so I rushed over to her, pushing the crowd of people who were either fighting or running away causing them all to fly onto the floor, and reaching her rather quickly. I grabbed her by the shoulders before carrying her like a princess and running to the main table. As soon as I dropped her off I gave an extremely loud whistle


What followed immediately after was the clanging of armour and the screams of people as my Dragon guards apprehended anyone who was fighting and escorted those who were running away. I ran towards the main area of commotion and saw that some of the guards were struggling with all of the people so I quickly thought to myself

'Better double their training if they can't handle this'

I ran through the crowd, pushing people who were fighting away from each other, and grabbing Laenor, who was stuck in the crowd of people, and pulling him with me. I reached the main area and saw that Criston was smashing his fist into Laenor's lover's face. I grabbed Criston by his shoulders and threw him into the pillar next to me before shouting


My voice boomed in the room and everyone stopped fighting and went deathly silent as Laenor knelt next to his lover and started sobbing as blood pooled beneath Joffrey's head

I quickly turned to my Dragons guard and shouted


The man in the armour stumbled slightly but immediately started running and only after a short while he came back, panting, but with the Maester in his arms. The Maester ran towards Joffrey who was breathing very shallowly and his face looked beat in, after examining him said

"He'll need to get to my room now if he wants to have even a small chance of survival"

I nodded to my Dragon guards and instantly they saluted before gently picking up Joffrey and carrying him to the Maesters room. I only looked around and saw that most of the people had left but Criston was still there, looking at his bloody armour and gasping for breath. I quickly turned to Ser Harrold and said

"Strip him off his armour and throw him in the black cells, I want a thorough investigation about this. Understood?"

"By your command, My Ki- uh My Prince"

Harrold turned a pit pinkish due to his slip-up before he dragged Criston off to the cells, where he would stay until this matter was finished.

I turned to Laena and said

"Well, certainly not a great way to start our union"


"The love of the Seven is holy and eternal.

The source of life and love.

We stand here tonight in thanks and praise to join two souls as one.

Father, Mother, Warrior, Smith, Maiden, Crone, Stranger, Hear now their vows"

I turned to Laena, gave her a kiss, and said

"I am yours and you are mine, whatever may come"

She turned to me with a smile on her face and gave me a kiss before she repeated the words and said

"I am yours and you are mine, whatever may come"

The High Septon said

"Here in the presence of gods and men, I proclaim Daeron of House Targaryen. Laena of House Velaryon to be man and wife. One flesh…One Heart…One soul…now and forever."

We kissed again and the church went wild as people started applauding and going crazy while just looking into Laena's eyes and whispered 

"Ready for the bedding ceremony later?"

"More than you know Daeron"

She replied as she giggled slightly and leaned into my frame as we went to where the feast would be held. Rhaenyra and Laenor's wedding was held privately yesterday following the…accident. So safe to say it wasn't a wedding that a girl would ask for but I did talk to Rhaenyra a bit afterwards when the 'bedding ceremony' should have been happening. I did mention that we still weren't talking but I just wanted to make sure that she was okay after the event that happened the previous night. Anyway, that was all something for future Daeron to handle because now it was time for me to enjoy my wedding…speaking off as we were feasting I started to hear some chattering amongst the lords and ladies and saw them all sneak some glances towards me and Laena. Quickly, one drunk lord shouted


And soon after the hall followed. I quickly stood up before they could reach the table Laena and I were sitting on and said

"Just a quick warning, touch my wife inappropriately and lose a hand. *ahem* you may carry on."

And so they did, although with much less enthusiasm than before which just made my smirk wider. As I thought

'How is Mysaria doing with the Dorne Preparation'

AN: Hope you enjoyed! Sorry for the late upload but I was busy today and had to do some school work and go to the gym. Anyway, hope you enjoy and like always hope you give me some constructive criticism.