
Prologue: The Announcement

Nora McCarthy's POV

I was blinking at my dad after he told me what I think I heard he said to me. I stared at him again before I blinked again and I was smiling as I was licking my dried lips.

'I'm sorry, did you say that I will—'

'You will be marrying my business partner's son and heir. It was our effort to join our companies and what could be better if it was a family's business together,' my father said as I was blinking my eyes again.

I think I might get sick after this.

'Excuse me, can I be excused now? I think I have to digest what you just told me, daddy,' I said as I was smiling at him, trying to conceal the anger that was broiling inside me. How dare daddy made decision for my future without consulting me?!


'Yes, of course. You are excused. Tomorrow, he will be here and I hope that you will be on your best behavior, Nora. Do not test me again, understood?' he asked me as I was nodding at him. I exited his private library before I was making my way to my bedroom. I took two stairs at the time as I was looking at the portraits of my ancestors.

Some were black head. Some were blondes. And some were auburns. I scowled at them as I was making my way to the chambers that I called my bedroom. Oh, I also happened to live in a 500 years old castle that was bequeathed to my ancestors and it has been that way ever since.

I sighed as I was closing the door and leaned against it. I cannot think of anything that was happening just now. What has gotten into my daddy that I have to marry now? I was just only reached my 19th birthday. And I will be entering my first term of second year in the university which I had to remind my father that I will be enrolled next week.

I sighed before I was looking at the ceiling of my room. It was grand and all but I don't think I wanted to stay here any longer. I don't know what was happening but I was moving around, packing some stuff up and I was looking for my passport before I was taking out some of my savings and my mother's locket.

I gripped it tightly in my hand as I was making a prayer to the above. I was not much a believer but it will have to do for the things that I will be doing right now. I know that the orientation will begin next week but it would not be hurt to be at the dorm early.

After all, I was in the student's committee to help them out and all that. I smiled before I was texting my friend at the committee service and registration. She said that there was still some spots if I can make it there on time.

I will and I have to. I don't want to be here any longer than necessary.

I sighed before I was putting all the stuff that I need for my study. Laptop, iPad, iPod, my student ID card and my debit card that was connected to my trust fund.

Believe me that I was thankful when my father thought I was old enough to be holding my own money.

I was looking at the preparation before I hid it so that the maids will not be sussed about it. I sighed with relief before I went down to the dining room to show that I will be happy to meet this stranger that my father wanted me to marry.

Over my dead body.

I was entering the dining room as my father was reading some of the magazines about business all over the world. He can speak language including the most difficult language to be learn, for me that was.

Russian, French, Gaelic, German and Greek.

I don't even know why I have to learn all of those languages, except for Russian since my mother was a Russian woman and she had always been enthusiastic to teach me her heritage. And my father also thought that it would be good for me as well to know my both heritage.

Irish and Russian.

I smiled at my father as my mother was looking as elegant as she was. I believed that my mother was a princess, once upon a time, where she ran away from Russia to be with my father as they were like Romeo and Juliet.

I just learned that when I was younger but now, I am not so sure if I would believe in fairy tales anymore.

'I heard that your fiancé will be here tomorrow, love. What an exciting day, right?' Mammy said as I was smiling at her. My mother was a sucker for fairy tales love stories. Even though it was an arranged marriage. I just nodded at her as I was too angry to slip out and ruin my plan later.

'Right. I think she would be made a lovely bride, don't you think, love?' my father asked my mother as he switched into Russian. It has been a practice that every day, there will be one language to be spoken and I have learned all the 5 language required for it.

As well as my mother. She was a magician for language as well. like me.

'Yes, that's correct. I cannot believe my baby will be a bride soon,' my mother whispered hopefully as I was looking at the food that just arrived. I don't think I have any appetite to eat left but I have to.

Since I will be leaving soon and I will not be coming back until my father put down this arranged marriage for once and all.

'Let's join hands together,' my father said as we did and prayed for our food and thanked the above. My father was raised as Catholic and my mother an Orthodox. Me? neither but I adapted to their teachings so no worries.

'Amen,' we said before I was eating the chips and the steaks that were prepared. We have been learning to eat from both worlds as well and today was Irish night. I loved it.

'So, how's your study, Nora? I hope you are not fooling around with anyone else at that college of yours. You cannot have any boyfriend since you are promised to someone else,' my father reminded me as I was nodding at him.

'I have been focusing a lot more on my studies, daddy. I don't have time for boys anyway,' I said as I was taking notes to add to my growing things to do.

Planning to run away? Checked.

Having a boyfriend? Later.

Not coming home for a whole year? Yes.

'Good, good. I love when I heard that. Remember, we are not where we are if we let the Protestant run us over. It will be bad for our reputations, Nora. Always remember that,' my father said as I was playing with my steaks before I cut them and eat them. I sighed as I was rolling my eyes before my mother was talking to my father and I was being ignored.

It was nice to be the only child but also kind of hard when you are the expectation from your parents and you are their only legacy.

No mistake. No slip up. Do not fail.

That's what my father used to say and right now, I think I just wished to have a sibling if not to escape this path that has been forged by my father.

I just have to make my own then.

Logan O'Sullivan's POV

I was looking at the tombstone that was weathered so badly for it has been 500 years now. I cannot believe that I was staring at the name that I will never saw again.

Cornelia Hayes.

I sighed before my memory that time was coming through me. I was a different person back then. Before I was immortal, did not have anything to be afraid about, powerful and cannot be killed. I am the most powerful being in the world.

But one day, everything vanished.

I thought of her, always. My love, Cornelia Hayes. My Soulmate and the mother of my children. I did not know that it will come to this when I thought everything was fine.

Everything until he came.

I gripped my hands into fists as the winds were flapping my black coat as I was pulling my sunglasses from my head to cover my turquoise eyes. My appearance changed as well.

Once, I was a hot-blooded blonde male with red eyes who was the envy of all men in the realm. Now, I was a mortal man with black hair and turquoise eyes. I cannot even feel my power floating inside me.

I gritted my teeth.

This should be easy enough. The tarot cards said that I can be revived and live my usual life again. But there's a catch. I have to find my soulmate in this new world.

I have to find my Cornelia who has been reincarnated.

I cannot believe I don't listen to what Clive Thompson and Abigail Hayes told me before. I thought I was vicious at that time.

This is your fault. Your arrogance caused her death.

I took a deep breath before I was breathing hard and closed my eyes. I opened them again as I was looking at the sky.

The storm is coming, I thought as I smirked. At least, my power did not vanish completely. Sure, I might be a mortal now but I will come back and take over my realm again.

And this time, my brother will be paid for what he's done to me and my wife.

Nora McCarthy has been trying to avoid the arranged marriage that has been settled by her father. She went away to Ireland and enrolled in a university so that Nora can delay the marriage.

Logan O'Sullivan has been finding the reincarnation of his long lost love and he found out that a stranger, a beautiful woman that was actually the key to all his plans. But little did he knows that a beautiful stranger has a secret.

***Happy Halloween 2020

Nikki_Laroussecreators' thoughts