
Hotel Of Horrors

Hello there! Fellow Adventurers, Soul collectors and ghost-hunters. I am Asura. So, I am being forced by some mysterious power to write this down. I, Asura was just a common average person before I... “F**k!!” "First it was the damn hotel and now you. Just what do you want from me?." "Can't you leave me alone? I swear to god I won't.." An eerie voice interjected Asura's words. "Hehe" "God!!" "Oh Asura!, have you gone mad from spending time in the darkness locked up in these chains." "I already told you, all I required from you is to write out your experiences from the start and Warn them about the dangers you faced. But it seems you are in no condition to do anything." The mysterious voice replied in a tone of exaggerated disappointment. (false)Note: This is a true story of Asura an ordinary young man who got shoved into the world of ghosts, demons, and much more sinister. Read this, if you are interested in ghost hunting or if you are those people who love to revel and enjoy the misery that others went through. You are more than welcome to read. Ps: kadā man Deva. (Never Believe Devas)

KingofMortals · Seram
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18 Chs

Chapter-18 Destroying the souls

While Asura was concentrating on getting his body under control, three masked guys appeared at the door to the underground floor and forced their way in. They dragged a stretcher in front of them, and the one in front of them opened and unlocked the hefty blast-proof door for them. Closing the door behind them, they continued walking briskly without saying anything or pausing to look around, giving the impression that they had traveled to this location many times before.

They moved steadily and softly under the cover of the darkness, almost like puppets. Nobody could believe their ability to walk straight in the darkness without any assistance if they witnessed it for themselves.

"At long last, I have regained control of my body," says the author.

Asura was able to speak after regaining control of his body, but he still felt a little numb throughout his body, and he was lying on the floor waiting for the numbness to pass when...




After hearing the sound of a chain being dragged across the door handle and crashing to the ground, Asura forced himself to close his eyes and pretend that he was still unconscious, and the situation escalated. Asura then had a brilliant idea for a way to exact revenge on Arhat, and he summoned the soul of Arhat from within his body. As the soul was expelled from the body, the entrance to the afterlife was opened as well.

The three of them made their way into the chamber, where they noticed the antique machinery to the side of the room. It was impossible for them to view Asura's body because it had been placed in the far left corner of the room. They continued walking and had only advanced a few meters inside the room when the three of them came to a complete stop.

When one of the soldiers approached the man in charge, he inquired, "Boss, are you witnessing the same thing that we are?"

The boss gently nodded his head and turned it to the right, where they were greeted with a dazzling golden soul peering out from behind a pillar on the right side. Because she was startled, Asura bolted to the side of the pillar and hid behind it.


If they saw me, what caused them to do so, or was it just a coincidence?'

Asura, who had prepared to exact his vengeance, was instead startled when the three men appeared to have detected his soul form and approached him. He then slowly peered around the corner once more and realized that they were slowly making their way closer to him. They, too, had caught Asura peering and had lurched forward, almost reaching the pillar he was hiding behind and cutting their escape route away from him.

"Fuck. You can see me, you guys."

When the guy in command spoke, Asura screamed and slid into a defensive position, ready to engage in combat.

"Asura, Asura, my Little Asura. I'm sorry that you had to pass away. I merely gave you enough to put you out of your misery for a day."


The man in the front, known as Arhat, clicked his tongue as if he were moved by Asura's death and felt empathy for him. Incredulous at how they were seeing him when he was a soul, Asura couldn't stop staring at them.

"Fuck off, you pretencious jerk. I'm going to kill you."

"Pfffttt... Ahahahahaha..." says the narrator.

At this point, they all burst out laughing, and the one on the right walked forward and insulted Asura, who then walked away.

"Ohh, little ghost, please come kill me," says the author.


"Om Tatpurushaya Vidmahe Mahadevaya" means "Om Tatpurushaya Vidmahe Mahadevaya."

At precisely the moment the man began to chuckle, Asura muttered the mantra as he took a step forward and instantly arrived in front of the man. Before anyone could react, his leg began to flash brightly red and came into contact with the man's face.



A red force traveled from the leg into the person's face as soon as the leg made contact with his or her face. Under the sound of breaking bones, the neck snapped back in one swift motion, and the body rose up and flew through the air until it came to a stop after banging against the old machinery, which was broken into pieces in the process.


Simply turning around and punching at Arhat with his palm glowing red from the strength of mantra was all Asura needed. He punched him in the ribs. Surprisingly, Arhat was able to react in time and bring his elbow down to block the punch with his other arm. Despite the fact that he was able to block the punch, the elbow took the full force of the hit.


Arhat yelled in agony and used the force of the punch to put more distance between them, while the third person finally regained his composure and realized what was happening. He shrieked like a beast, and a greyish-black-colored soul floated out of his body as if he had been transformed into a monster.

It glared at Asura and screamed loudly before lunging at him from behind. Asura focussed on the soul that surged at him, a strange black glow forming on its front as it approached his body. Asura had no idea what he was looking at. Asura did nothing but take a step back and observe as the soul passed him by. It was held by him until the red glow went from his hand into the body of the soul, causing it to screech and shudder as if it was being shocked.

The spirit began to release smoke, and its physical form began to dwindle with each passing second. It went from having a solid appearance to having an ethereal appearance in a matter of seconds. In response to this, Asura uttered the word "Moksha," causing the red glow to turn into a golden glow as it passed into and covered the entirety of the soul.

The golden glow enveloped the entire soul, forming a cocoon around it and compressing it into a small ball the size of a coin, just as it had done with the cat.