
HOTD: Surviving Uzumaki Style

High school was already a challenge, now he had to deal with a zombie apocalypse, one in which he would have to give it his all, although that didn't mean he couldn't have fun in the process. . . . . . . . Traslation to English

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79 Chs

Chapter 05

As for the other two teachers, he didn't know them, after all it was only his first year, the one he did know of the group was the teacher who brought him there.

"What do you want?" Kyoko asked, looking angry at the arrival of a stranger during class time, she was not a patient woman, "We will call the police if you do something strange."

" What's wrong?" Naruto was close enough to see the intruder, he looked like the typical random man who works in the offices now, although she found his unstable posture strange and... "Is that blood?"

"Okay, Mrs. Hayashi-Chan, let me handle it."

Acting like the tough guy of the group, the PE teacher stepped forward, making sure Kyoko looked at him as he walked over to the guy and grabbed him hard through the door and pulled him until he hit his head repeatedly against the door. metal door

Something exaggerated in the eyes of the other teachers.

Being the teacher who was scandalized by the treatment of only a drunk who was in the wrong place, "Wait, Teshima-sensei! Excessive violence is prohibited-"

She was interrupted by Teshima's scream of pain after the crazed man tore a chunk of her arm off her arm.

"That son of a bitch bit me!" The professor screamed in agony, feeling as if acid had been thrown down his arm, which was now missing a good chunk of flesh. The pain was enough to make him roll on the floor when blood began to shoot out of his open wound.

Naruto had seen everything, and saw how the subject from outside the gate seemed to have an attack because of the erratic way that he began to shake, so much so that he collided with the door several times, and with the poor quality lock, the large gate came to an end. opening.

"Get that crazy guy out of here!" Kyoko tried to maintain control of the situation, taking off her jacket and trying to stop the bleeding from the arm of her colleague who was still writhing in pain on the floor.

The other two teachers tried to get the stranger out, in the end when they tried to push him they ended up being bitten too.

"Kyoko... Kyoko... kyo..." It took a little more than a minute for the physical education teacher to stop talking, to remain completely still.

"Teshima-san?" With her trembling hands the woman touched the man's neck and gasped in terror as she could not feel his pulse, "Is he dead?"

Her response came when the 'dead man' stood up abruptly and lunged at her.

Kyoko felt someone grab her shirt and pull her back. The next thing she saw was a broomstick breaking against Professor Teshima's face, who was knocked backwards.

"¡Sensei corra!"

"U-uzumaki-i?" She stuttered in disbelief as she was lifted off the ground and shoved by the boy who had just knocked down the teacher, who to her horror got back up.

Although not only him, the other two teachers and the one who caused it all also focused on them.

"Sensei, damn it, run!" Naruto couldn't continue pushing the teacher, he had to turn around and use his backpack to avoid being bitten by one of the teachers who knocked him down.

"Uzumaki!" She knew she had to help the boy, but her fear had her paralyzed.

'Get off!' Using what she learned with Seako, she pushed her hips up to get the teacher off of her, and immediately stood up, to see the crazy teachers who focused on the teacher, "I won't say it again ma'am! Run!"

Luckily his screams brought the woman out of her state of shock, although she also caught the attention of the teachers who growled at her.

"Uh oh..." taking a step back an idea came to his mind, "Wait, yeah, Hey here! Do you want a piece of this?!"

Provoking the fury of the teachers, he achieved his objective of forgetting about the teacher, he immediately had to run at full speed to start a chase, one that extended to the back of the school, where the rabid teachers stopped when they lost sight of him. to his prey.

It didn't matter, their new target was some students who were secretly smoking behind the school, they didn't even expect to be attacked.

" It was close"

In a garbage container, there was Naruto who was trying to catch his breath, the smell of garbage was the least of it, escaping from his pursuers was his goal and he achieved it, now he had time to think.

Zombie apocalypse!

They were the two words that came to mind in light of everything that had happened.

At times like this I was grateful for having watched so many old, new and even Korean zombie apocalypse shows.

Thanks Netflix.

And thanks neighbor to the one who stole the internet.

"Help me! Please stop!"

"Ouch! This crazy guy bit me!"

"Stay away! I said stay away!"

"Help! I'm going to die!"

Naruto could hear it all, the desperate screams coming from inside the school, from the students desperately trying to flee from the infected, who attacked the entire sight.

Their screams of pain and horror were enough to tell us that more than half of the school was under attack. I could hear the rumble of their footsteps in the hallways. Surely, in panic, they would have tried to flee in large groups.

A serious mistake.

Now the smartest thing would be to lock themselves in their classrooms and make sure that no one enters, something logical and basic in the movies, although surely because of the shock of knowing that something as monstrous and stereotyped as a zombie could be real, it was enough to drive anyone crazy. be.

Trying to ignore all the screams as much as possible, he knew that he couldn't go save them all, he wasn't fucking Superman or Alice from Resident Evil.

The most sensible thought at times like this was that the survival of those who mattered most was one's own.

It would be so easy to just get out of the dumpster and jump over the wall that surrounded the academy, he had already done it hundreds of times, he just had to do it one more time to run away and get to his apartment to gather everything he had and who knows. how far to go

He only cared that he was alive.

But... What good is a life without company?

Ignoring the rats running across his shoulders, he knew he couldn't leave without the few people he cared about.

"Okay," carefully lifting the lid of the garbage container, he looked out to see if anyone was nearby, and unfortunately I could see several of the infected lurking nearby.





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