
hot love and secrets

⚠️warning ⚠️ ⚠️Please tell me if I should keep writing.⚠️ Lime is a nerd that has no friends and his mom and dad I always-on business trips. And he has a secret that he can't tell anyone, Mike is a jock that has the school wrapped around his finger. But nobody knows that his dad has anger issues and a mother that committed suicide. He also has a secret, What will happen when Mike and Lime find out they have something in common? Find out

horrorqueen · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
5 Chs

hot hend


I got up from my bed and walked to

my closet to grab my red t-shirt and blue jeans I go out of my room to the bathroom to take a shower when I get out of the shower I put my t-shirt on and my jeans


I hear my mom calling me and I walk downstairs to the kitchen to sit down and see my mom cooking waffles with some sausages

Lima me and your father are going on a business trip. She turns around and says giving me a plate with waffles and sausage

Where to this time and how long, I reply

New Jersey and we will stay for 3 weeks. Oh that's not that long I thought to myself

Honey, we hired our usual babysitter so you don't get into so much trouble like last time behavior yourself ok

Yes, mom. I say as I take the last bit of my waffle and get up to put my plate in the sink I

Lima before you go out remember to put on your gloves ok. my mom comes over to me and hands me my gloves.

thanks, mum I keep forgetting to grab them I say as I turn around to go outside

I walk towards the front door and open it to see my dad cutting the grass

Good morning Buddy. My dad says and walks over to hug me

Morning dad. I say and hug him back

So did your mother tell you, yeah she did when are you guys leaving? Today, when you get back from school, will be living then

And remember son control your emotions we don't want to have another accident. now hurry up and go to school already. my dad says then let's go of me.

Oh yeah, I have to get going see you later. I run to my blue and green bike and hope on it. as I ride my bike to school I feel the wind blowing through my hair it feels so nice.

good thing my school is not that far from the house I hop off my bike when I arrived at school and put my bike on the rack

and finally, go inside when I walk in I start to hear the same Whispers as always about how my family is cursed but I just ignore them and go to my first class

I sit down next to the window seat and pick up my backpack then I see Mike and his group

Hello, there nerd, Mike says and grabs my arm, Ow wtf why are you doing this??

Shut up fag mike says, why are you doing this I say as I get up from my seat and grab his head away from my arm

I might be a nerd but I know how to fight a little bit. my dad taught me when I was a kid

Did you just touch me? Mike says and punches me in the face I fall to the floor and hold my cheek. Ow, mike What the fuck. what's your problem I didn't do anything to you.

shut up, nerd. Mike grabs me by my hair and holds my chin up to face him then he pushes me down again. Ew, you freak what is with your eyes?

It's getting hot in here do you feel that? Candy says holding on to Mike's arm. yeah hey nerd what's going on with your gloves nerd,? huh

mike nails down and touches my gloves, whoa your hands are kind of hot nerd he says with an angry face. mike grabs me up by my hands. And says,

you know you piss me off. Mike says then goes to take one of my gloves off, I then push him to the floor and jump on top of him I hold him down and rose my hand to hit him.


Mrs. Clinton yelled to us, I want you both in detention right now

but-but Mrs. Clinton he started i-it with me. I say getting up from him. I don't care who started it now both of you go right now!

I start walking towards the door when I start to hear Mike giggle.

ugh damnit, what if my parents find out I got detention? I think to myself

I walk out of the classroom and into detention I sit down in the back and Mike follows not long after and sits down next to the window seat.

we sit in silence for 3 hours

hey, nerd why was your hand so hot a minute ago? Mike turns his head in my direction and says.

none of your damn business you asshole I don't know why you always have to start with me mike.

I just wanted to see why you always have those gloves on nerd. Maybe if you asked me nicely and not trying to pull them off me I would have told you.

now I might get in trouble with my dad do you have any idea what's going to happen to me if he finds out I was in detention today?

No, I don't know but why should I care if you started with me,

whatever you missed with the wrong person mike said to me and left detention,
