
Host, Please Be Honest! What Exactly Are You?

Author-san here! Well, you're smart to stop by here. So I won't praise you all anymore. (^_^)  This is my original work, and I know you all will like it. So shamelessly pop your popcorn and read away!  Oh… And don't forget to check out my other books: • I'm The King Of Technology •Help!: I Think My System Is Trying To Kill Me! And, •In A Cultivation World With An Entertainment Park... You can also visit my website for more books: https://LumydeeNovels.Gumroad.com/ Ps/// THE PACE WILL BE SLOW AT THE BEGINNING TO SET EVERYTHING IN MOTION. But after a while, it will pick up quickly. . . Now, back to the synopsis. Er-Erhmm.. (narrator-voice on) ... In another world called Blue Star, the famous son of wealth, Dorian D. Tian, is thrown into a whirl of unfortunate circumstances, resulting in his death. . His parents had a brutal car accident that left them in a coma, and his uncle had quickly taken over the company,  and seized the company, making sure that he was financially crippled for good. With that, the famous young master struggled desperately. And in the end, he gave in to his despair and depression, leaving the sad, lonely world. The end? Heh... Think again! Because in that brief moment, the lifeless corpse suddenly opened its eyes, revealing a deep calm look. That's right. Another mysterious soul had entered the body. But if one thought this story was just about revenge, then sorry... that wasn't even the half of it! .... The mysterious entity suddenly triggered an exorcist system. And from then on, both humans and even those from the underworld shuddered in fear and despair at the mysterious soul's cruelty. [Humans]: "Demon! Demon! You're definitely a demon!" [Demons]: "Help! Help! The famous demon wants to eat me!" [Evil Spirits]: "You!... Are you the one who is an evil spirit or us? Why the hell did it seem like you're the demonic one instead?" [Ghouls]: "You stay away from me! Stay away from me now, you evil entity!" [Hellhounds]: "Are you sure you're not the son of hades?" The system couldn't help looking at its host in doubt. Its indicators said that its host was indeed mortal. But why did it feel like something was wrong with its host? Dorian lightly chuckled in amusement. He would also like to ask the same question. What exactly was his identity? Well, this would be the biggest mystery of all. But Dorian wasn't in a hurry. Who were his enemies, and who were his allies? Soon, he would find the truth. In the meantime, why not play a little? "Demon! stay back!" "Oooo~~~... I... I want to go back to the underworld where it's safe." "Run for your lives! The demon is here!" …..

lumydee · Seram
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614 Chs

Wuphil Mountain

Time passed quickly.

And soon, the night had covered the entire sky in one swoop.

And out on the mountain region past the woods was a secluded open space.

There were large rocks of strange shapes randomly positioned on the open space, as well as several bumps on the uneven ground.


"Haiiii!... We've finally made it!" Terzo exclaimed while dumping his heavy bag on the ground with relief.

When they first began the journey, it didn't seem all that heavy. 

But after climbing up for several hours past the harsh troubles of nature and the terrible terrain on the mountain, his bag suddenly felt like it was 100 pounds heavier.

They had left in the late morning and had only arrived now, which showed just how rough and big this mountain region was.

They followed the map, just as those rich men had instructed, and ended up in this open space.

But looking around, it seems that no one was in sight yet.

So, where were those wealthy men?

Weren't they going to watch them perform again?

Well, maybe they hadn't arrived yet.

Fortunately, from their investigations, there weren't any ferocious creatures around these parts... just your typical rabbits, pheasants, etc.


Thinking like this, Terzo couldn't be bothered since his belly was practically screaming like that of a beast.


Feeling embarrassed, he quickly turned his attention to Minato and Yangbo, who were resting beside him.

"What the hell are you two lazing around for? Our tents aren't going to set themselves up by themselves. So what the hell are you 2 sitting down for? Move!!!"

"Y...Yes... " The duo answered, somewhat still in a daze.

Now, they weren't all that scared of Hayden's group. What scared them was the wealthy traffickers.

Like lifeless zombies, they started fixing the tents while deep in thought of what to do next.

Their moments were too puppet-like and very disturbing to watch.

Lulu saw them like this and felt that Terzo had intimidated them too much.

She calmly took out a chocolate bar to curve her hunger and only scoffed in disdain.

Tch! What a bunch of weaklings.

Soon, her focus turned to her charming man, who was standing at the corner, making a call.

And in a region not too far away from them, several gangsters were busy sharpening their daggers cruelly, while others were pointing their guns at trees as if practicing for fun.

Anyone who ran into this group of gangsters was sure to make for the hills in fear.

One of the gangsters with blond hair, who was crouching down with a cigarette in his left hand, snugly held the phone close to his ears while taking big pulls from the cigarette.

"Heh... Boss. We did a full sweep over the place and found no other people in sight. Only you 5, entering the vicinity."

"Hmm... And are the boys ready?"

  "Boss... Relax... we've got everything under control. 

Me and the boys are all in position.

Our men have surrounded the entire place. And even if things do get bad, we have our plan B and C on speed dial, no? And besides, this isn't our first operation. So even if they're rich, we got 200 of our men here. That's why I say relax... we've got this. This gig is big. So how can we afford to screw it up?"

"Good... That's what I like to hear. Remember, this is a big gig. Just wait until I give you all the signal before you rush in. For now, stay hidden at all times. And when they arrive, point all guns at them. Be ready to take any necessary shots when you get the signal."

The blond gangster let out a thick cloud of smoke before standing up again: "No problem, boss. We'll stay out of sight until... eh?... Boss! I think I heard something."

With that, the gangster looked up and instantly froze.



~Whoop! Whoop! Whoop!

The chopper blades whistled in the air, creating a fierce wind as it flew over.

Damn. Being rich had never looked so good.

Do you expect these rich people to walk up the mountain for hours just like they did?


When one was rich, they came in style.

The blond gangster could only watch the approaching choppers enviously while getting everyone to quickly take cover.

They had to stay hidden, lest the chopper lights catch a glimpse at them.

"Everyone, get in position now! They're coming!

Our Big Fat Sheep are Coming!"

~Whoop! Whoop! Whoop!

Listening to the sounds of the approaching Choppers, Ji Shen and his gang, hidden safely away, couldn't help marvelling at the scene they were witnessing.

Dammit! They felt like they were caught up in some gangster exchange.

What exactly were they witnessing?

The more they dug into the matter, the more confused they were.

But the most mysterious thing of all was their Young Master's skills.

They thought they would have to clear the space for him, keeping the coast clear for him to pass.

But before they could say anything, their Young Master had already moved ahead stealthily past the line of gangsters.

It was only now that they realized that they didn't know much about this loner Young Master of theirs.

As expected, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.


As for Hayden on the other side of the phone call with the gangster, he could already hear the loud whistling sounds of the choppers.

~Whoop! Whoop! Whoop!

His heart pounded excitedly as he could already envision all the money he would collect.

Each person would be given 10 million, and he would allow Terzo and Lulu to keep 8 million each out of their 10's.

Of course, Minato and Yangbo would die, and he would pump their own money into his gang, making his men happy or else they might revolt.

Out of the 20 million from the duo, he would only use 15 million for his gang.

And as for him, the 5 Million extra, coupled with his own 10 million given to him and the additional 4 million from both Terzo & Lulu... He would have a whopping 19 million all to himself!

Yes! He had already calculated how the money would be shared.

It was all his! 

All his!!!


Hayden smiled idiotically while watching the choppers above.

Good... let the games begin!