
Lean on me

An unexpected texting

My worries just surfacing

A moment of hesitation

I felt my heart skipping its beating

A moment of tension


And disturbing


Does not help my assertion


Invades all types of complication

Try motivation

To deceive confusion

My love

I feel it's not on the move


Needed to stop acting shy

His well-being

It's in play

How the heck

My love is to pay

No blank check

To cover just seeing

Will the pharmacist

Stop being so racist

He must come and assist

My love's health

His wellness must persist

Go ahead

And enlist

The medication

Is just to heal his head

No more explanation

Need nor motion

Please my love

Stay here

Don't move

I'm here to prove

My love

My company

For ever not to move

Like many

Just ran away

No company ever to stay

I'm here to stay

I don't go away

Don't hesitate

I'm here to unstate

This is fate

My love

I'm here

I'm not to move

From you away

No more