
Hope for the Struggle Against Fate

In a land once illuminated by hope and peace, now only shadows of conflict and division remain. The Kingdoms of Aeria and GU were once embroiled in a great war that claimed many lives and shattered the dreams of many. Amidst the ruins, a Princess and a young man found themselves separated by cruel fate.

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Hope for the Struggle Againts Fate

Year 439

The world is divided into 5 major continents, each of which has a ruler standing to lead its people. These five continents are the Gremlin Continent in the Northern region, the Arteria Continent in the Southern region, the Valda Continent in the Western region, the Yashiori Continent in the Eastern region, and the continent most famous for the creatures living within it, namely the Vega Continent, located in the midst of the other continents.

In each continent, there are several great Kingdoms that rule within them. However, there is also a continent inhabited by species of beings higher than humans, namely the Vega Continent.

That time was after the great war between the Kingdom of Aeria from the Valda continent and the Kingdom of GU from the Gremlin continent. The war arose from the desire of the King leading the GU kingdom to marry the Princess from the Aeria kingdom.

After the war, both Kingdoms agreed to a peace treaty for the next 25 years without harboring any hostility or hatred towards each other. The condition was that the Princess of the Aeria Kingdom would become the consort of the King from the GU Kingdom.

Year 439, in the Kingdom of Aeria.

"Ugh... so boring on such a bright day," a young boy muttered under a large tree in the middle of a field.

"What's boring about it? It's because you just sleep and don't do anything," replied an older boy next to him.

He two boys were Samba and Rien, brothers living in a village called Tartara. Samba, the younger brother, had a handsome and cheerful face, but his attitude and way of speaking were often rude towards others. In contrast, Rien, the older brother, also had a handsome face and was wise. His attitude and way of speaking were firm and tended to be more polite and courteous towards others.

Both of them were harvesting wheat from their own parents' field, but only Rien was doing the work, while Samba was just lying under the shade of a tree in the middle of the field.

"Hey, SAMBA... if all you're going to do is lie around, hurry up and help me, darn it!" Rien shouted to Samba, who was just lying down.

"Can't this work be done later? It's bothersome, you know," Samba replied to his brother.

"Oh... Brother, have you heard the somewhat sensational news lately?"

"What's that? I don't even know there was any news like that," Rien replied with an indifferent face.

"Isn't it that our Kingdom's Princess will become the consort of the King from the GU Kingdom as a condition of the peace treaty?"

Rien paused for a moment from his work after hearing Samba's words. He was slightly surprised by the information Samba mentioned and murmured softly at that moment.

"I thought that was just a rumor from people…"

Seeing his brother's apparent surprise, Samba immediately asked him.

"What's wrong, bro?"

"Nothing, forget about it," Rien replied dismissively.

"Isn't that a good thing, though? For the peace between our Kingdom and the GU Kingdom, so there won't be any more dreadful bloodshed," Samba said to his brother.

"You're right..." Rien replied, returning to his work of harvesting, and Samba also joined in to help so that the troublesome task would be completed soon.

As the sun began to move towards the west, they both quickly finished their work for the day and prepared to return home.

On their way back, they passed through a bustling town filled with many people. Suddenly, from the opposite direction, a procession from the GU Kingdom passed through the town, heading to meet the King of Aeria.

They could see a proud-looking king and the Princess of the Aeria Kingdom with a displeased expression riding in the carriage amidst the procession. The king possessed a handsome face and exuded a strong aura of leadership, but there was also a noticeable air of arrogance and haughtiness about him.

"So, this is the GU Kingdom," Samba said, half in awe.

"I don't like that King. Let's go." Rien said, and they quickly hurried home.

On the way home, Samba noticed Rien's disapproval towards the King and the GU Kingdom's troops. He wanted to ask Rien about it but decided against it.

Upon reaching home, they were greeted by their parents. Samba quickly went to the bathroom to wash up and bathe, while Rien cleaned the tools they used in the field earlier.

After a while, they went to have dinner. Samba ate eagerly, while Rien and their parents ate leisurely. Samba then told them about what they saw in the town earlier. He described how the procession from the GU Kingdom passed through the town and how the King, who was in the same carriage as the Princess of the Aeria Kingdom, seemed suitable to become a partner bridging the two Kingdoms.

As Rien listened to his brother's story, he felt indifferent and slightly displeased.

Their mother, noticing Rien's lack of enthusiasm, asked him.

"What's wrong, Rien? You seem a bit unhappy."

"It's nothing, I'm just a bit tired," Rien replied.

"Thank you for the meal," he added before leaving the dining table.

Ismaya, their father, noticing Rien's demeanor, asked Samba what was going on with Rien.

Samba then recounted what they had seen on their way home from their parents' field.

"Rien seems to dislike that King," Samba said after he finished recounting.

Hearing Samba's story, their parents understood what Rien was feeling right now.

"So that's what happened... no wonder Rien acted like that," their parents said.

"What actually happened to Rien, Dad?" Samba asked his father.

Ismaya then explained that Rien and the Princess of Aeria used to have a close relationship before the great war. He also explained that during the great war, they were separated due to the chaotic conditions everywhere.

"Huh? Rien and the Princess used to be very close?" Samba exclaimed after hearing his father's story.

"Yes, the Princess used to be just a noble family member who often mingled with anyone regardless of their status. But for some reason, after the war, she has now become a Princess of the kingdom..." Ismaya said.

"But don't talk about this in front of Rien, and don't let him know that the Princess is still alive." Ismaya continued.

"Why? Wouldn't it be better if Rien knew about this right away?" Samba asked.

"As you know, the Princess is soon to marry the King of the GU Kingdom, right? If Rien finds out that the Princess is his childhood friend, he will surely go to the palace to meet her, and he will be killed by the GU forces before he even touches the palace," his father said, convincing Samba.

"Are you sure about this?" Kashi, Ismaya's wife and the mother of Samba and Rien, asked.

"Yes, we don't have any other choice, do we? This is the best for Rien, I hope," Ismaya replied.

During the night, after what Rien saw in the town, he couldn't shake off his thoughts about what he had witnessed. Seeing the GU Kingdom's troops reminded him of the dreadful events he experienced during the war, even causing him to lose something very precious to him.

As the night grew late, Rien finally managed to fall asleep.

"Rien, do you remember me?" came a voice.

Rien woke up suddenly, realizing that it was just a dream. He was certain that the voice he heard was someone precious to him.

The next morning, Rien decided to practice swordsmanship to train himself so he wouldn't lose something precious to him again. The only way he could think of to do this was to enroll in the Royal Military Academy.

Kingdom of Aeria has a military academy aimed at identifying and educating teenagers to become part of the royal forces. Entering this academy is not easy; several tests must be passed, including written tests and sparring with other participants. Fortunately, this year, the Military Academy is holding entrance exams for those aspiring to receive education to become knights and soldiers of the Kingdom.

Inside the Palace of the Kingdom of Aeria.

The procession from the GU Kingdom has arrived at the gates of the Aeria Kingdom.

The gates are opened by the guards, and the GU procession enters. The GU Kingdom, led by a King renowned for his prowess and ruthlessness on the battlefield, rides in the most magnificent carriage in the center of the procession. Inside, the Princess of Aeria is seen sitting beside him.

Upon reaching the front of the Palace, the procession alights from their respective carriages.

The King alights from the carriage, holding the hand of the Princess of Aeria.

The path leading into the palace is adorned with a luxurious red carpet, and the guards bow before them.

The King observes the scene as if he is the most powerful presence there, displaying his arrogance and haughtiness towards all the guards.

"No one here is greater or more honorable than I am," the King declares arrogantly, his grip on the Princess tightening slightly. "Anyone who opposes me here will meet their death today as well."

Everyone who hears these words falls silent, not a single word is uttered, and there's a moment of eerie stillness in the air.

One person dares to refute the statement.

They remove the hood covering their face, their red lips forming words of defiance, their eyes glaring directly at the King.

With a resounding voice, the words pour forth from their lips.

"I have opposed you ever since you set foot in the lands of Aeria!"

The Princess finally uttered her words of refusal.

The King and everyone who heard those words felt surprised and confused. They were puzzled because weren't the Princess of Aeria and the King married based on peace? Yet, why did the Princess dare to utter those words that could threaten the safety of the Kingdom and its people?

The King, also taken aback and puzzled by the Princess's words, was surprised. The Princess, whom he had always known as a submissive and innocent girl who obediently followed her parents' orders, dared to speak those words to him.

"HAHAHA... Is that a rejection for me, my future bride?" the King said, laughing.

"That's right, all my words are for you and your kingdom, King Quang of the GU Kingdom," the Princess of Aeria said firmly.

"Doesn't this just make me want to have you even more? You are truly a brave woman," King Quang said, leaning closer to the Princess.

"Emhhh." The Princess felt uncomfortable seeing the King too close to her.

King Quang showed no emotion, instead, he appeared very pleased after hearing those words. He grew to like the Princess of Aeria even more.