
Hollowness (Discontinued)

[Warning] The following of this novel may contains mild language, violence and any other that makes some viewers uncomfortable, please beware that this is not for kids and I advise for anyone for your safety. Viewer description is advised. The cover is not mine, and the editing belongs to my friend and acquaintance that help me for this. Be sure to show support to the original artist for this cover, as for my friends, I'll not reveal since they are private. According to my statistics, a group of audience are like 13-18, and the other is like older, but to me, there are some of you who are lying about their age, again I don't want anyone lying about their age, parents don't put the blame on me, blame your kids for lying about their age, you should be ashamed of yourself that your letting you're child lying about their age. Again this is not for kids. Before I ended this, there may be a little references there, so be sure to know what they come from and post it on the comments. All copyright belongs to Phobia, if I caught anyone plagiarised my work, I will find someone close to me and sue you, also there may be other foreign languages in the chapter since I use online translator, so yeah, I put foreign languages in the chapters, if you're a foreigner, please help me fix some minor mistake there, help me alot. If you wish to translate my novel, ask me first before publishing it, if you do not have permission from me, I advice you to delete what you post. That's all I have to say. -Phobia. [Webnovel] Hello people from webnovel, this is a novel I made in the original flatform I post, so be sure to check the out the original release. I sometimes may not updated this novel, since I was very busy and trying to find errors on my own, so please keep in mind. That I am one writer and editor, give me some time. Thank you. -Phobia. The darkness filled with nothingness and the one who lives there is a "A being with emptiness" they came from this unknown plain for what purpose they chose, or experience life itself. Join them on a journey where they try to understand themself for what they really are. Schedules. Saturday: 10:00 P.M. Sunday: 10:00 P.M. Releasing two chapters a day.

Phobiaisme · Seram
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26 Chs

Chapter 10 Anxiety

(Halete's Pov)

My name is Halete, I have a good and happy family of mine, there's one thing I'm afraid of, it's people that I don't know, I mean I know there some good people and bad people but, I just don't feel that I could do that like normal people do, am I not worth for people to be around, I'm scared.

I went to school as always, I don't like gossips and rumors, of course, I know about them and I don't like hate among each other, I wanted everyone to get along. "Hello, Halete how are you?" The boys and girls greeted me, and I don't know how to respond to everyone for that. I'm scared, please big brother and big sister help me.

"Hey, aren't you making her uncomfortable, you know your scaring right?" A girl that has a rebellious attitude, her hair color is orange and eye color is grey-blue, she's an elf, I think her name is. "Zaleria Ololen!" The girl behind is a noble and she's friendly with her. "How've your pointy ears doing now eh?" "Shut up, before I kill you." Said and gave her a cold attitude.

"Ahh! So cold!" What's with her, I think she hates her or anything, maybe she's annoyed with her? I wonder what relationship they had with each other? "Hey, Shorty." "I'm no Shorty! I have a name!" I don't like people calling me that, even if it's true. "Try to open yourself up a little alright?"

"Yes," I responded and then class started, after a while, I have lunch with my siblings as always, some of my siblings have friends.

My big brother, Leland had a friend named Sallis, he's a funny friend of my big brother, and my big sister friend is the instructor that king ordered to trained her Nil, he's an understanding person to her and us as well, also is understanding when people say no, he'll just tell them if they ready to talk about themselves, he's so patient and honest to us.

Lucky them, I didn't have any friends since I'm scared, even when I'm a child although the others treat me nicely and I did not dare to say thank you to them.

But as I go to the academy gate, I saw Zaleria, I go to the place where I might be lost, but I found it and it's her house in the middle of nowhere, does that mean she lives alone?

I thought that in my head and started to get worried for her, I go to her house and suddenly, she senses my presence, and she suddenly realized it's me and she said. "What are you doing here?" She asked scarily, I said to her. "Do you live alone?" She was shocked by that word, she goes off me.

"Do you want to know what I am?" I nodded in a sign of yes. "Ok then, I was an orphan, a child in a war and I have lived in that hell, I never knew who my parents are, or who I am. I learned how to survive in this cruel world, by scavenging, hunting, and any survival skills I think, it was worthy of a shot after all since I have nothing else to do, and then I got adopted into the family and my sister is the one you saw this morning and she was very much likely a pain to me, but she's nice and annoying at sometimes, but still she's the only who's there for me, unlike my adopted parents, they adopted because I'm good at fighting and used me for their benefit, I can't imagine that this sister of mine to be parents of them." The part that she mentioned her sister made her happy, as for the parents, she held a disgusting thought about her.

"And that's how I was named Zaleria. My family name is theirs and I'm named with the first name." I know what it feels like, it's being afraid of in a lonely place where no one hears her cries and voice, it makes me feel sad. "I don't mind if I'm your friend?" She's shocked by what I said and she froze after she said. "What?" She asked very likely confused.

"I-I--I-I want to be friends with you!" I shouted out loud and then I hide my face in front of her.

"Pfft! Hahahahahahaha!" She laughed at my shyness and I was kinda mad. "What's funny!" I shouted with a blush on my face. "You funny, aren't you Shorty?" "I'm no shorty!" I was annoyed by that word. "If I heard that word one more ti-" "Shorty." Again I was annoyed. "As I said, I'm no Shorty!" I'm getting tired of this. "Come on I'm serious, I wanna be friends with you."

As she smiled at me and said. "Huh. You sure?" She asked with a happy attitude in front of me and I said. "Yes." "Ok then, we're friends now." She said in a cheerful tone.

"Let's get along now, shall we Shorty." "Stop calling me Shorty!" She smiled in front and dare teased me like that, I don't know anymore.

(Fronar's Pov)

I look at the pond when the school, I always saw a reflection myself and I also think of myself for a second, really now, how can I overcome this?

A while back when I was 4 years old, I experience this when my uncle makes me visit the wilderness, me, my siblings and my parents were on a trip and visited my uncle and aunt, it was when that time occurred when my uncle was beaten by wolves, and I was shocked and cannot move a single thing in my body, I was afraid and having a panic.

The world goes upside down and I cannot think straight, I'm scared that I can't die in a place like this.

My uncle told me his last words before he died. "Run... child..." He was already gone, as I saw his eyes with no life at all, he was fully dead.

I have to escape and I ran and I ran and I ran again until they are gone. I have to go through this on my own, I really can't believe my uncle, who is a retired adventurer being defeated by wolves.

I always saw the corpse every time and as the time when he was devoured by those wolves, remove bit by bit, every single part of his body being ripped apart, I saw his lungs, livers, hearts, kidney, pancreas, and every single organ I see when wolves devoured him.

As I cannot look back now, it's all in the past and I have to accept this.

I look in the reflection of myself again and I said to myself. "I must be brave and strong for my uncle." Said a proud look to show that I'm not what I am in the past.

"I will never let any single innocents die and as for the evil itself, I will bring justice." I made an oath and said. "I swear upon my blood, that I will never let the temptation get to me, I swear that I will protect the ones I love, I swear that I will bring justice to the weak and strong alike and show that everyone equal. I swear that I will never join the roots of evil and laugh at the brink of death and I swear that I listen to everyone's reasoning, whether if it's humans, elves, dwarves, undead, demons. Whatever they are!" As made myself clear to remind me even when the time I'm corrupted by evil itself.

"I... Fronar, will bring justice and order to this world!" I am complete, and now I am the Hero, that everyone will remember. "That was inspirational, you know?" My brother is there and watching me, as I said a word in the pond. "Brother, no Leland, I something to tell you." "What is it?" As he stood there and listen to me carefully.

"If I am no longer a hero and being corrupted by the roots of evil itself, I want you to take my place." My brother was shocked and said. "What!" He said in a surprised tone. "Why?" Said my brother in a confusing thought.

"Because... maybe you are the Hero, not me, I know something in my heart that you. Are the true hero that everyone needs." My brother said with a sad look on his face. "I am not worthy of being a hero, you ar-" "No. You are the true Hero." I interrupted him before he finished.

"But still-" "My words are final, and I mean it. Please, whatever happens to me and when I have gotten to the temptation, I want you to strike me, promise me." I gave a serious look on my face, even if I'm a child but, I wish for the people to be happy.

"If that is your wish, I'll try not to back down Fronar, I swear it." My brother accepted it, I said to him. "Thank you, brother..." Now, whatever path I choose, I am willing to accept the choice and no turning back whatsoever.

If I choose the side of injustice, I will fight in my last breath, and tell them to end my life, so that the world be at peace. If I choose the side of justice, I will fight for everyone I cared about and never fade away for their sake.

Now, I am ready.