
Hollowness (Discontinued)

[Warning] The following of this novel may contains mild language, violence and any other that makes some viewers uncomfortable, please beware that this is not for kids and I advise for anyone for your safety. Viewer description is advised. The cover is not mine, and the editing belongs to my friend and acquaintance that help me for this. Be sure to show support to the original artist for this cover, as for my friends, I'll not reveal since they are private. According to my statistics, a group of audience are like 13-18, and the other is like older, but to me, there are some of you who are lying about their age, again I don't want anyone lying about their age, parents don't put the blame on me, blame your kids for lying about their age, you should be ashamed of yourself that your letting you're child lying about their age. Again this is not for kids. Before I ended this, there may be a little references there, so be sure to know what they come from and post it on the comments. All copyright belongs to Phobia, if I caught anyone plagiarised my work, I will find someone close to me and sue you, also there may be other foreign languages in the chapter since I use online translator, so yeah, I put foreign languages in the chapters, if you're a foreigner, please help me fix some minor mistake there, help me alot. If you wish to translate my novel, ask me first before publishing it, if you do not have permission from me, I advice you to delete what you post. That's all I have to say. -Phobia. [Webnovel] Hello people from webnovel, this is a novel I made in the original flatform I post, so be sure to check the out the original release. I sometimes may not updated this novel, since I was very busy and trying to find errors on my own, so please keep in mind. That I am one writer and editor, give me some time. Thank you. -Phobia. The darkness filled with nothingness and the one who lives there is a "A being with emptiness" they came from this unknown plain for what purpose they chose, or experience life itself. Join them on a journey where they try to understand themself for what they really are. Schedules. Saturday: 10:00 P.M. Sunday: 10:00 P.M. Releasing two chapters a day.

Phobiaisme · Seram
Peringkat tidak cukup
26 Chs


Hello everyone from Webnovel, I'm the creator of Hollowness. Just so you know, I'm going to discontinue the series in this flatform.

Why, it's a complicated thing to say.

It's just that it looks like it's not a place for me to have good authors or someone like me to be here.

If you came from the flatform where it originally was first made. Where you see the old chapters I changed.

You're in luck to see the references there. Well for the most, I recently been doing an upgrade to some chapters.

I wanted to be more original, since I wanted the story to be something like anybody should enjoy.

I also think that this flatform was not that great. But at least, there are some of those writers place their work in that place.

You may not see me again, but I do know that I'm always there reading some comics and novels in this flatform.

I'll be focusing on working in the site where it all started, for those who came there.

Be surprised that this wasn't always like this before being a remake.

Anyways, also happy to see you guys giving me the support for what I created.

Of course, be supportive to each other as well.

I'll be updating some old ones there.

You will be the who decide which version is better.

As always, thank you everyone for reading my story. Even though it's not big. I'm very happy to see everyone enjoying it.

As always, see you next time folks.
