
Hollow Heart: Darkened Love

In the realm of emotion, they say love is blind, and for the once-sweet young master Alex Sterling, it proved to be a transformative force. What began as a promising tale of affection and dreams took an unforeseen turn, altering Alex into something unfathomable. The bitter sting of betrayal and shattered expectations Mold him into a figure shrouded in mystery and darkness. Love's blindfold, once a symbol of innocence, now veiled his eyes with shadows, steering him down a path that would redefine the very essence of his being.

abdulaziz_Saqar · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
21 Chs

Quest I


The chill of the Hyousetsu winds swept through the barren landscape as Ragna stood, an enigmatic figure against the frozen expanse. His eyes, a piercing gaze that seemed to hold a universe of untold secrets, met Alex's.

"Remember, Alex," Ragna's voice echoed, a melodic resonance that seemed to blend with the howling wind. "The realm you venture into holds both challenges and revelations. Your journey has just begun."

Alex, clad in his formidable armour, took a moment to glance over the supplies he had packed for the arduous journey. Rations meticulously portioned, weapons at the ready – a silent acknowledgement that the road ahead was fraught with unknown trials.

As Alex checked and rechecked, he couldn't shake the feeling of Ragna's words lingering like an unsolved riddle. "What awaits me in the depths of Hyousetsu? Challenges, revelations... or something beyond my imagination?"

The farewell between master and apprentice held an unspoken depth. Ragna, the mentor who had guided Alex through the awakening of his powers, had chosen this moment to part ways, leaving the young Renegade to navigate the icy realm alone.

The journey into Hyousetsu unfolded as Alex traversed through the desolate landscape, a solitary figure against the frozen tableau. The chilling embrace of the realm seemed to echo with the tales of ancient times, whispers that danced in the air like ethereal specters.

His footsteps left imprints on the snow, a temporal mark on the otherwise untouched canvas. The silence, broken only by the crunch of snow beneath his boots, played a haunting melody. It was as if the very essence of Hyousetsu was narrating stories of bygone eras, tales woven with frost and time.

As Alex pressed forward, the landscape metamorphosed around him. The icy creatures, harbingers of this frigid kingdom, observed his passage with curious eyes. Arctic birds, with feathers that glistened like ice crystals, soared above, their calls resonating in the crisp air. A sentinel frost wolf, its eyes betraying both intelligence and caution, observed from a distance before retreating into the shadows.

Each step revealed new facets of Hyousetsu's majesty. Snow-covered peaks stood like silent sentinels, their lofty heights obscured by clouds that seemed to caress the mountaintops. Frozen rivers meandered through the landscape, weaving tales of their own journey.

Yet, amid this enchanting stillness, an undercurrent of tension lingered. Alex, attuned to the energy coursing through his veins, felt the realm's pulse quicken. It was a subtle resonance, a prelude to the challenges awaiting him.

The expanse was a vast hymn, a melodic ode to the mysteries concealed within its frozen heart. As Alex continued his solitary sojourn, he couldn't help but wonder about the stories etched into the frost-kissed landscapes. What legends lay dormant beneath the snow? What secrets were whispered by the icy winds?

With each step, Hyousetsu unfurled its tapestry, inviting Alex to decipher its symphony, to unravel the mysteries woven into the very fabric of the realm. The frostbitten hymns resonated, leaving an indelible mark on the apprentice's odyssey, a testament to the unseen chapters awaiting him in this frigid expanse.

The path through Hyousetsu, though silent, teemed with life—creatures that called this frozen realm home. Alex's journey became a rhythmic dance, a communion with the frigid elements that shaped the very essence of this land. As he moved deeper, the encounters with the icy denizens escalated, each interaction a testament to the diverse hierarchy of beings inhabiting Hyousetsu.

The first creature he encountered was a Frostwing, its wings spanning the breadth of the icy sky. The crystalline feathers shimmered like polished diamonds, refracting the pale sunlight. Wary but majestic, the Frostwing bore an ethereal glow, signalling its A-rank status. It eyed Alex with intelligence, a silent acknowledgement of his presence in its domain. 

"An A-rank entity, huh?" Alex mused, his armour pulsating with readiness. The confrontation, however, was avoided. The Frostwing, recognizing the latent power emanating from the apprentice, chose to retreat without a challenge.

Continuing his trek, Alex found himself face-to-face with a formidable Icefang Drake. Towering and robust, the drake emanated an aura of dominance, proudly displaying its S-rank status. Its scales, a mosaic of icy hues, refracted the ambient light. The creature's eyes, sharp and unyielding, met Alex's gaze with an unspoken challenge.

This time, there would be no retreat. The confrontation erupted into a spectacular display of power. Alex, wielding Oblivion with grace, deftly danced through the air, his movements an intricate ballet. The Icefang Drake, despite its imposing stature, faltered in the face of the apprentice's newfound prowess. The battle, a testament to the evolution of Alex, concluded with the drake subdued.

In the aftermath of the intense battle, as the icy winds carried echoes of victory through the desolate enclave, Alex approached the subdued Icefang Drake. Its once-proud posture now betrayed a sense of submission, its frigid breath forming ephemeral clouds in the icy air.

With a resonant voice, Alex uttered, "Your strength is impressive. In recognition of your power, I grant you a new existence." His armour pulsed with abyssal energy as he extended a hand towards the creature. Shadows gathered, swirling around the drake until it was enveloped in a shroud of darkness.

In the transformative embrace of the abyss, the drake underwent a metamorphosis. When the shadows dispersed, a silhouette reminiscent of its former self emerged. Now a shadow, named Fang, the creature's essence had become entwined with the abyssal power under Alex's command.

"Fang," Alex spoke, testing the resonance of the name. The shadow drake, once a formidable adversary, now stood by Alex's side as a loyal companion. The apprentice felt the bond between them, a connection forged in the crucible of battle.

However, recognizing the need for balance, Alex raised his hand once more, and with a command, Fang dissipated into shadows. The transformed being returned to the abyss, awaiting the call of its master. As the shadows retreated, Hyousetsu's desolate enclave once again embraced the cold stillness.

However, as his journey unfolded, it wasn't merely about subjugation. Alex's discerning eyes spared those beings that showed no aggression, those whose existence aligned with the silent equilibrium of Hyousetsu. He felt a connection with the rhythm of their existence and chose to let them be.

The path through Hyousetsu had become a relentless journey, each step a testament to Alex's growth and resilience. As the icy landscape stretched endlessly, shadows clung to the edges, and the air resonated with an ominous stillness.

As Alex pressed forward, a figure materialized from the icy mist—a silhouette forged in the heart of Hyousetsu's bitter winds. Frostbite, the self-proclaimed guardian of the northern expanse, stood as a formidable obstacle. His frost-laden armour glistened ominously, reflecting the pale light of the realm. Behind him, an army of SSS-ranked beings, the Frost Legion, assembled like an ethereal tide.

"Foolish intruder," Frostbite sneered, the frosty breath of his words hanging in the frigid air. "You've wandered too far. This is where your journey ends."

With a wave of his hand, Frostbite signalled his legion, a display of arrogant confidence. The beings of ice moved in unison, a force that seemed insurmountable. Yet, Alex remained undeterred.

As the first wave of the Frost Legion descended upon Alex, he summoned Claw and Fang, who were now SSS, to his side. The shadows fought with an eerie grace, melding seamlessly with the ethereal frost that surrounded the legion. The clash was inevitable, a symphony of ice and abyssal shadows echoing through the desolate tundra.

Alex moved with a newfound finesse, each strike a calculated dance that defied the biting cold. Fang lunged with shadows, coiling around the frost beings, while Claw moved with the swiftness of the abyss, disrupting the Legion's advance. The battle unfolded as a seamless collaboration between master and shadows, an intricate tapestry woven with the threads of power.

"Your legion is no match," Alex declared, his voice cutting through the icy winds. "This is the power I've gained in Hyousetsu."

As the confrontation intensified, the clash of powers between Alex and Frostbite sent shockwaves through the icy realm. Frostbite, initially dismissive, now found himself facing an opponent who had not only conquered the challenges of Hyousetsu but had absorbed its essence.

Frostbite's legion crumbled. Claw and Fang, now a united force under Alex's command, overcame the Frost Legion with a relentless surge of power. The icy veil that had shrouded Frostbite's arrogance shattered like brittle ice, revealing the vulnerability beneath.

"Impossible," Frostbite muttered, his frosty armour cracking under the pressure. "What kind of power is this?"

"This is the power of the abyss," Alex responded, his eyes glowing with the crimson aura of mastery.

With the legion defeated, Alex turned his attention to Frostbite. The once-proud guardian now stood alone, stripped of his arrogance. The confrontation became a one-sided struggle as Alex, fuelled by the abyssal energy coursing through him, pressed forward.

The dance of shadows reached its climax. Frostbite, despite his formidable powers, found himself outmatched. Alex, now a master of the shadows and frost, overcame his adversary with a calculated precision that spoke of newfound mastery. Frostbite's frost-laden armour crumbled, revealing the vulnerability beneath.

As Frostbite knelt in defeat, Alex extended his hand, a gesture of both mercy and inevitability. "Now, become part of the shadows. Join the legion that serves the conqueror of Hyousetsu."

Frostbite, unable to resist the abyssal force, yielded. Shadows enveloped him, and within moments, he transformed into a shadowy silhouette—a remnant of his former self. Alex named him Frost, a reflection of the icy power he once wielded, a crimson aura enveloped the cracks and crevices of his armour.