
Hold Me Tight Honey

WARNING: THIS BOOK HAS MATURE CONTENT ----------- Adia is a simple girl to the surrounding people where she lives and works. Which is not true. She meets a person at an unexpected time in her life. That time she does not know he is going to change her whole life. Aaron is the most powerful one in the country and a famous guy. He never know he will get married to a girl who is unknown to him by himself because of the circumstances. He thought she is nothing to him until one day he realized what she meant to him. How are the two of them going to change their life? ------- "Even if you do not love me, I will love you till the end" ------- The picture in the book is not mine. So, credit goes to the person who created it. I am just editing it after taking it from Google. -------

queen_fly_horse · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
34 Chs


Adia recalled what happened in her department, and realised manager Ao, acted normal. He did get angry but that did even reached the level if she was put in that picture. That means he? looked at Ivan and Rossy in her shock state...

Ivan, "even if that happened and manager Ao also not wrong in this, will CEO of the company stay cool when the company finance details got in to someone hands?" asked her...

Adia shake her head in no frantically, finance statement is important to everyone company. If it went on someone bad hand means that will be tragic.

Rossy, "are you clear now?" asked her seeing her not speaking anything after hearing Ivan...

Adia, "I am sorry," saying it hanged her head down...

Ivan, "that is alright," saying he patted her head without even thinking once...

Rossy looked at him amused seeing him acting soft to a girl for the first time, "wait a second, what is happening here?" asked looking at Ivan...

Ivan realised what he did retreat his hand back from Adia head, "oh I forgot to tell, we know her before she has joined in the company," tells her...

Rossy stunned for a moment knowing it, "in that case why did not you tell me before when I told and given her details to you?" asked him raising her eyebrows at him...

Ivan cleared his throat, "that we thought she was that Ao, people," says her looking around...

Rossy glared at him, why this stupid did not take a look at that detail of hers. Then this all would have not happened...

Adia, "my details," mutters looking at the both...

Rossy, "It was for general, I am the who gathered yours details," said her...

Adia, "you are a receptionist how could yo-" she stops immediately getting how can a receptionist enter the CEO office, and talk like this to CEO personal assistant. Looks the both back and forth and then Aaron who has not finished the call. But looks his side profile she can guess he is having a serious talk with other end of the person...

Rossy, "sorry Adia, I am not a receptionist. I am the secretary of CEO and co worker to Ivan. We both are working for Li family like our family," said her...

Adia said nothing hearing her. As it was too much for her to understand it all.

Ivan get a call, after receiving it he get angry. Cut the call, looked at Adia, "That Ao, called cop soon. They are here and asking about Adia," saying it glance at her...

Adia went pale hearing the cop word, she will be finished if she sent there. She gets all tensed suddenly...

Rossy, "what the hell does he think?" mutters angrily...

Aaron came back after finishing the call. His mood is not good after this call. He looked at Adia whom seems to be calm by now. Then he thinks something, later he sighed Ivan and Rossy to leave...

They obeyed him and left his cabin leaving Adia with him...

Aaron stared at Adia, who has standup and came near his table...

Adia, "I am sorry, I do not know you helped me. But can you tell me what happened with this file and how did it reach in your hand," apologizing to him, asked him narrates it later...

Aaron, "you are in no position to ask me that," said her...

Adia, "without knowing anything how could I defend myself? Please tell me" asked him...

Aaron rubbed his head in tension than he is having before, "That man going to hand it over someone, at first I thought you are with him so I set my men to monitor you. After knowing you finished the file work and submitted it to him, they were following you but they lost your track. when they try to know about Ao, he already in his house.

We could not get what is he planning, when they were going to retreat from his place they saw him going out of his house with the car that came to pick him up. my man swapped the file with the one he has. That is how it came to my hand," narrates her shortly...

Adia, "why did you call me here yesterday?" asked him...

Aaron, "at that time I have not received the file. I left after that call later I got this file and the information. And you, you were not here. I ordered you stay here, did not I?" asked looking at her...

Adia has no words to say for this, "I can not be in same clothes as yesterday so I went to home for fresh up but I returned soon. And thank you for helping me again," tells him with gratitude...

Before Aaron could say something, they heard a knock on his door, "come in" said letting the person to come...

It was manager Ao who came to know what is the status of the matter, "hello sir, I came here, can I take action against her?" asked him.

Aaron stayed silent. while Adia glared at him...

Manager Ao ignored their behaviour and continued, "we can not have the irresponsible person with us. We can have a new employee since she is not fit for this position," said him politely...

Adia, "you-" she stops when Aaron start to talk...

Aaron, "are you talking about the file here?" asked him pointing the file on Adia hand...

Manager Ao sees the file in Adia hand gets mild heart attack, thinks how did this came here. I gave this to him. If the file is here means what is on that file. Thinking it he got worried...

Aaron, "where are you spacing out, Mr. Ao?" asked him...

Manager Ao came to his sense, "this this" he do not know what to say either at this point...

Aaron, "yes this is only. What is the use of doing that all, you may leave if there is no problem," ordered him curtly...

Manager Ao looked at them angrily and left his cabin...

Just as he leaves his cabin, Ivan came inside and told him everything...

Aaron, "tell them leave, and the file is here," said him...

Ivan nod his head and turned his head to leave, but he stops in his place seeing the cop already inside the CEO office, "Mr. Li" calls out him...