
Hold Me 'Till the Morning Comes

Two boys living on the streets only have each other, but their story goes public after one ends up in a hospital. Riley and Sky must learn to live with Riley's mental illness... and how to keep their relationship secret.

Riley_Andromeda · Realistis
Peringkat tidak cukup
17 Chs

Origin Stories

The doorbell rang and Riley opened the door. Standing in front of him was a woman with dreadlocks and a nose ring. Her smile reminded Riley of his mom's back when she was healthy. More startling were her neon green scrubs. She looked like a punk-ish Tiana, a princess from a kid's movie.

Kesha stared at the boy who opened the door. He was short, but still within the normal height range. He had straight, dark brown hair that hung into his eyes. His eyes were so dark they resembled black holes and the bags underneath could have given collage students a run for their money. The boy was wearing a too large hoodie and very worn out sweats. Bandages peaked out from the sleeves of the shirt.

Nico appeared behind the short boy's shoulder and gestured Kesha inside. He welcomed her inside and lead her to the couch. After all five people were seated and introduced, Nico explained how Kesha was there for a sort of intervention. Riley immediately clamed up and began to pick apart his cuticles.

Kesha stated off by making meaningless conversation and Nico went to get a batch of cookies out of the oven. Riley mumbled his answer and was slowly inching his hand towards Sky's. Kesha picked up on Riley anxiety and turned to Sky.

Sky and her worked their way through the ice breaker questions until Nico returned. Kesha said, "Riley, your friends are worried about you. From what I understand you cut yourself earlier this week. I want to make it clear that you are not in trouble, but you need help. I am going to talk to your friend Sky here and you one on one later, as I understand you guys are very close."

At this statement, Riley tried to melt into Sky's shoulder. The taller boy simply put an arm around Riley and whispered reassurances in his ear. She continued, "I know you and Sky lived together when you were homeless. Can you tell me what led up to that?" Riley simply began to study the carpet.

Sky rubbed his shoulder and answered for him. "Riley ran away at 16 because his living station was no longer safe. His dad caught him kissing another man and ended up injuring the boyfriend, who had to get stitches. Riley simply walked out of that town and hitchhiked his was to the city."

Riley mumbled something to Sky. Sky looked up Kesha and translated. "Riley says his dad never even reported him missing." Riley finally made eye contact and Kesha saw tears welling in his eyes. Sky continued on his narrative.

"I met Riley at the cities 4th of July picnic. You know, the one where they give away hot dogs and have the fire works show?" Kesha nodded and Sky said, "He had been on the streets for almost one year at this point. I had been homeless since I was 14 and my mother passed when I was 15. I noticed that his backpack strap was literally a piece of braided duct tape. I thought that was really cool and noticed he was alone. Most people were avoiding many of us because of our appearances. One woman shepherded her kids away from me like I was contagious. One man even spit on me."

"Anyway, I approached him and we got to talking. You could tell this kid still had hope for humanity. His stomach gurgled in hunger as he tore off part of his hot dog bun for the pigeon stalking him. I mean, I could have stole his bag and he would have shouted after me to have good evening. I felt really bad for this kid. Most people I knew on the streets were more corrupt then the city mayor. I didn't want this kid to be taken advantage of but I also didn't want to break his innocence. In a spear of the moment decision, I asked if he wanted to stick around with me a bit."

"Being native as he was, he said yes. Three years later we are inseparable. He had his issues and I had mine. He had been self harming since before I met him and I thought he had stopped. Additionally, he has thrown up many of his meals even though he thinks I don't know."

"His panic attacks are easily triggered and can lead to danger. We met Nico and Will in the hospital when Riley panicked and ran into traffic. Thank the non-existent gods that he didn't break any bones."

Sky let out a deep sigh, signifying the end of his story. Nico looked sympathetic and Will looked shooked as this was the first time he had heard the full story. Kesha, still appearing calm, asked if Riley wanted to add anything. Riley just said, "I wouldn't be alive if it weren't for Sky, and I want to try to stay alive for him for as long as possible." He then hugged Sky who gave him a one armed hug as he had just grabbed a now cold cookie. Riley wouldn't let go until Sky told him that he was getting cookie crumbs in his hair. All five people felt slightly more at ease.