
Hogwarts The Eagle Wings

This novel is a google translation of a harry potter fanfic I have read on a Chinese site which I liked and wanted the public here to enjoy it. If you are looking for the grammatical errors sorry but I am only responsible for pasting the translated text here. Synopsis :- Literary Introduction: In the wizarding world, a wizard like Scott Trollope is like an eagle's wing that disappears in the wind, and no one knows when and where his hidden beak and claws will come from Give someone the fatal blow. Formal introduction: This is the story of a prudent traverser in the world of "Harry Potter" who removes all obstacles, plunders knowledge, and pursues the pinnacle.It is also the growth history of a typical Ravenclaw wizard of Muggle origin. PS. The protagonist is reincarnated with the memory of his past life. PPS. The protagonist belongs to Ravenclaw, the same class as the Weasley twins.The story of this article starts from the second book of the original book, Scott's fourth grade. PS:- Sorry guys the machine translated site has removed this fanfic, so I won't be able to continue uploading. But if you guys still want to read this fanfic you can google the below text

Commoner_Prince · Derivasi dari karya
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41 Chs

1. The Traveler Scott Trollope

This day is the only day of admission for new students at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, the only wizarding school in England.

For young wizards attending or about to go to Hogwarts, taking the train from King's Cross is the only way to get to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

This caused the entire platform to be crowded with people, making it extraordinarily lively.

Students of different ages and parents who saw them off walked on the platform with large and small bags of luggage.

Owls flew over people's heads, dropping a few feathers.

Several cats are moving nimbly under people's feet.

Next to the platform, a dark red steam locomotive was parked there.

The sign on the train said [Hogwarts Express, eleven o'clock].

In a quiet compartment near the rear of the car, a boy sat alone in a compartment, holding his cheeks and looking at the crowded crowd outside the car window.

He has black hair that is slightly curly but not messy, just like his clothes, giving the first impression of being clean and tidy.

He wears a plain wizard robe with a blue badge embroidered on his chest.

In addition to a bronze eagle on the coat of arms, there are the words Ravenclaw (Ravenclaw).

At this time, although he looked out of the car window, the noisy scene was not reflected in his transparent blue eyes, and his thoughts were flying.

Scott Trollope (Scott Trollope) was born in an ordinary family in Hastings, a port town in southeastern England. He is 14 years old and is a fourth year at Ravenclaw, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. student.

In addition to these, he also has a secret identity that is different from ordinary people - a traveler.

It has been 14 years since he was reincarnated in this world with the memory of his past life.

Scott didn't know why he was reincarnated in this world with his memories after he died unexpectedly in his previous life.

In this regard, he can only sigh - all kinds of past lives cannot be traced.

In this life, his growth experience before the age of 11 can also be called lackluster.

He - not a well-known gifted child, not the richest man in the world, did not preempt the publication of "Harry Potter" novels, did not buy Apple stock, and did not teach himself hacking skills to empty the Bank of England... He didn't even come standard with a traveler system.

He just accepted his new identity quickly after his brain was fully developed and could think independently when he was a baby, and then he grew up step by step.

The first time I noticed the abnormality was of course because of a sudden magical violence.

The process at that time does not need to be repeated, in short, he quickly accepted another new identity of himself after that - probably a little wizard.

He didn't think of himself as a mutant or supernatural awakening - the feeling of magic violence was so clear, and this was England, of course, he would choose the one with the greatest possibility among the many options that could explain the magic violence.

His parents, Michael and Emilia, also embraced the fact that he had accepted Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry when he was 11 years old.

They didn't make a fuss and didn't see their wizard son as an outlier.

It should be emphasized that the Trollopes are pure Muggle families - Michael and Emilia run an antique shop together.

There were no wizards or Squibs among their relatives or friends, and there were no hidden chambers or magical portraits in the home.

After Scott determined his conjecture about the world, it was a pity that he only had a brief outline of the story of "Harry Potter", but he did not feel anxious because of it.

He is not a fan of the "Harry Potter" series of novels and movies, and in his previous life, he just read the entire series of novels one after another in his student days.

Even if it is a series of adaptations that are popular all over the world, he has only seen the first two when he was still young.

But he felt that he still remembered that the outline had been earned, and he should snickered at his outstanding memory - after all, after being reincarnated for many years, it was already amazing to be able to remember the general context of the whole story.

In short, Scott boarded the Hogwarts Express for the first time in 11 when he was 1989 years old, and was then sorted into Ravenclaw College by the Sorting Hat at the entrance sorting ceremony.

Originally, he thought that with such a casual personality, he should have been assigned to Hufflepuff by the Sorting Hat.

But he didn't expect that the Sorting Hat could see that his ingenuity was obviously more prominent than his casual personality.

It should be emphasized that Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry does not have Legilimency for young wizards.

Neither the Sorting Hat nor Headmaster Dumbledore had the slightest interest in the lackluster memories of the little wizard.

Scott believes that they can easily judge a person's ability and character, so memory is not so important.

He knew that as long as he was a decent student in school, no one would pay attention to him.

On the contrary, if you have always been suspicious and showed super defensiveness, you will be suspicious of "there is no silver 300 taels here".

Everything was as he thought, and since entering the magic version of campus life, Scott has spent three years as a wizard's apprentice safely.

woo woo woo...

A long whistle interrupted his thoughts, and the train started.

Scott came back to his senses, looked at the distant scenery outside the car window for a while, and took out a book with a colorful cover from the backpack that was put aside.

"Vacation with the Dominatrix" by Gilderoy Lockhart.

Lockhart is someone Scott has some impressions of, and the professor in charge of teaching their Defence Against the Dark Arts class this new school year.

Scott remembers that it was a reputation-seeking liar who stole the plots of his book by casting memory spells on the true owners of those adventures.

But, while Lockhart is a fake, Scott thinks his book is still accessible.

After all, except for the protagonist's name, which is fake, the adventures themselves are all real.Otherwise Lockhart would not have been able to achieve the accolades that made him famous with these novels.

The train galloped across the field, and Scott flipped the pages of his book from time to time.

He didn't read it carefully, just glanced at it quickly, and then took a pen and marked the really useful knowledge in the book.

Of course, he simply skipped the passages that Lockhart used to boast.

When he was halfway through the book, he suddenly put down his pen and turned his head to look at the compartment door.

——Five seconds later, the compartment door was pulled open.

"Excuse me..." The little witch who was pulling the door put her head into the compartment and asked hastily, "Did you see Harry Potter and Ron Weasley today?"

Scott saw that she had thick brown hair and a pair of front teeth.

He knew this girl, "Savior" Harry Potter's little friend-Hermione Granger.