
Hogwarts Frog Cub Brings Back the Dragon Slayer Crystal at the Start

Lou En traveled to the Harry Potter world and received an admission letter from Hogwarts. He also raised a traveling frog cub that can travel around the world and bring him some specialties from time to time. “Your frog cub brought you a special travel product [Thunder Dragon Slayer Crystal]” “Your frog cub brought you a special travel product [Eternal Mangekyo Sharinggan]” “Your frog cub brought you a special travel product [Time Magic Scroll]” “Your frog cub brought a guest [Young Erza (Queen of Fairies)] to visit!” When the wizards saw the figure swallowing the thunder in the sky, the entire wizarding world was dumbfounded. Dumbledore: “He’s the most talented wizard I’ve ever seen in my life!” Voldemort: “He’s the Dark Lord, darker than me!!” Hermione: “He’s the most knowledgeable man in the world! My dear Lou En!”  

Big_Big_0235 · Derivasi dari karya
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340 Chs

Chapter 263

Chapter 263: Peter Pettigrew Running Away?

"The next Dark Lord is about to appear in Knockturn Alley?"

Lou En looked at the title above curiously and read it out to himself.

Knockturn Alley?

And the next Dark Lord?

The combination of these words made him stunned for a moment.

This report doesn't refer to Senior Tom, does it?

Lou En looked down slowly with a sense of doubt, while Hermione, who was beside him, wiped the corner of his mouth with a slender white finger.

It was a smear of white cake that was left behind when I just wiped my mouth.

"The biggest dark wizard force in Knockturn Alley, and even Captain Lockhart of the Auror organization can't do anything about them, those black eyes are like death…"

After reading this sentence, Lou En was already affirmed in his heart.

Black eyes – isn't that the only Tom Riddle besides Lockhart?

If it weren't for this report, he wouldn't even know that Tom's power has grown to such a large extent now.

And actually let Lockhart catch Tom…

Seeing this, Lou En couldn't help but laugh.

These two people are his puppets, how could they hurt each other.

After returning the 760 newspaper to the little witch, Lou En sat aside and thought about things.

So far, Tom's development has been very smooth, and it has even been looming over the entire Knockturn Alley.

On the other hand, on Lockhart's side, the captain of the Auror has always been unable to go up.

"Looks like Tom has to give Lockhart some chances…"

Lou En couldn't help but murmured something.

If Tom is asked to do this, it is estimated that Lockhart will soon be able to officially enter the top ranks of the Ministry of Magic.

At that time, you can start with Fudge.

After breakfast, the group of people walked towards the spiral staircase with their books in their arms as usual, preparing to go to the Potions Classroom in the basement.

Harry seemed a little absent-minded along the way, and the others had long been used to it.

As long as he took Potions class or met Snape, Harry would always make this look subconsciously.

After taking the potion to become Harley, it was fine, but the point was that he didn't dare to use it at all.

One Malfoy was enough for him.

Seeing that potion now, Harry was reminded of Malfoy's damn tongue – the bdab heart!

Harry subconsciously covered his mouth and looked desperately at the dark classroom.

He suddenly had a sense of wanting to skip class.

But reason is telling him that if he skips classes, it will be more serious.

"Let's go Harry, don't stand there forever, Professor Snape will be here in a moment.

Lou En kindly reminded him, then clasped Miss Granger's little hand tightly, and walked into the classroom chatting and laughing.

After hesitating for a while, Harry finally gritted his teeth and followed Ronald's footsteps.

A dim light emanated from the dark classroom, which was rendered by some old glass.

Lou En cleaned his crucible and put it on the table.

The textbooks in his hands were placed in the corners. According to what Professor Snape said in the first class, the potions textbooks in his hands were completely unnecessary.

Because the above mistakes are too many.

Anyway, after getting the Half-Blood Prince's notes, Lou En never read this book as a decoration again.

With a soft sound from the huge door, the heartbeats of all the little wizards couldn't help speeding up. The able footsteps were very loud in the silent classroom, and Snape walked in quickly.

What is worth noting is that his original wide bat robe has been replaced by a black slim dress at this time, and the slender wand is slung around his waist, as if it is possible to launch an attack anytime, anywhere.

His cold, falcon-like eyes slowly swept across the entire classroom, without the slightest pause, he stood on the podium to explain the content of the lesson.

Although Snape appeared to be no different from before, the wizards present could feel that the atmosphere was gradually becoming depressed, and everyone dared not let out one, for fear that they would be noticed by this old bat.

The class ended with such a trembling mind. Watching Snape's back hurriedly leaving, many people were discussing in a low voice.

Even Harry, who was relieved, was a little surprised.

You must know that in the past as long as he took potions class, his name would definitely be mentioned.

Why didn't Snape call his name in today's class?

Harry scratched his head, thinking a little strangely.

"Today's Snape is really weird, he didn't call you by your name…"

Ronald also found something wrong.

"how could I know.

Harry shook his head in response.

But it's a good thing not to call him, if his name is called, Gryffindor will definitely be deducted points in this class – unless he becomes Harley.

"Oh yes, have you seen my Scabbers?"

Ronald suddenly widened his eyes and asked Harry quickly.


"Don't hold so tightly, I'm almost out of breath…"

Lou En looked down at the little witch hugging him tightly, shook his head helplessly and said.

He could already feel a soft bump in the position of his abdomen.

Sure enough, people always grow up—especially Miss Granger, who is a year away from coming of age.

It's not the same scale as when we first met.

"Um—you hurry up!"

Seeing that Lou En had been staring at him with half-squinted eyes, Hermione urged shyly.

Intuition told her that her little boyfriend must think of some bad things again.

"Got it, dear Miss Rabbit."

Lou En rubbed her brown curly hair with a smile, then reached for the golden hourglass pendant that went around their necks.

After three laps, time began to regress wildly.

The next moment, the sun came to the morning again.

The two hurriedly held their books and waited outside the auditorium.

After a while, several people from another timeline walked out of the auditorium and walked towards the main building.

"Come on, we shouldn't run into them now." Lou En chuckled at Hermione, holding a class schedule, "We're going to Muggle Studies next class—don't know it How did you meet the required courses at the same time?

"Wait Lou En, do you think that rat is Ronald's Scabbers?35

Hermione said suddenly, pulling on his sleeve.


Lou En turned his head suspiciously.

I only saw a mouse running straight towards the long bridge, looking at the place where the target should be the forbidden forest.

Peter Pettigrew about to run away?

(End Peter Pettigrew as soon as possible and head straight for Professor Snape!).