
Hogwarts Frog Cub Brings Back the Dragon Slayer Crystal at the Start

Lou En traveled to the Harry Potter world and received an admission letter from Hogwarts. He also raised a traveling frog cub that can travel around the world and bring him some specialties from time to time. “Your frog cub brought you a special travel product [Thunder Dragon Slayer Crystal]” “Your frog cub brought you a special travel product [Eternal Mangekyo Sharinggan]” “Your frog cub brought you a special travel product [Time Magic Scroll]” “Your frog cub brought a guest [Young Erza (Queen of Fairies)] to visit!” When the wizards saw the figure swallowing the thunder in the sky, the entire wizarding world was dumbfounded. Dumbledore: “He’s the most talented wizard I’ve ever seen in my life!” Voldemort: “He’s the Dark Lord, darker than me!!” Hermione: “He’s the most knowledgeable man in the world! My dear Lou En!”  

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Chapter 193

Chapter 193: You Two Are Really A Natural Pair!

Looking at the books on a table, Lou En picked up a few books by her side, flipped through them, and glanced at them.

The knowledge in it is almost all he has learned by himself in the last semester, so the content of these semesters is not difficult for him.


"With so many subjects, have you taken all the courses as electives?

Lou En had a guess in his mind.

Although the elective courses were selected in advance last semester, Miss Hermione at that time did not show him the elective list.

Do you have so much time to study if you choose all of them?

"Aren't you the same?"

Hermione glanced at him, tilted her little head and said.

She ticked according to Lou En's elective list, mainly to be with him for a longer time.


Hearing his little girlfriend's answer, Lou En shook his head with a smile.

You must know that many of these courses are conflicting. For example, if you take Hagrid's Conservation of Magical Creatures class, you can't take the Runevan class.

He chose all of them purely because he had studied these knowledge and was confident that he would get an excellent score in the final exam of the last semester.

And…there's a time-turner!

Thinking of the time changer that can go back to the past, Lou En couldn't help but narrow his eyes.

As long as there was a class conflict, he might be able to apply for one from Headmaster Dumbledore.

If I remember correctly, Hermione once got a time-turner with the help of Professor McGonagall.

As an excellent alchemist, he is naturally interested in this alchemy product that can affect time, and he does not know what the principle of operation is.

If you can penetrate it, you will be one step closer to grasping the mystery of time.

"A honey muffin, would you like it?"

Hermione put the book beside the table and asked Lou En a question while ordering a breakfast.

"Well, here's one."

Lou En, who had come to his senses, nodded.

"One more cup of black tea by the way. 99

He has no desire at all for chocolate milk in his heart now.

Maybe it's a habit of drinking tea.

It could also be that Miss Hermione was beside her and subconsciously didn't order one.

Today is the first day of school, and the two of them do not have any courses, because the timetable for this school (bdab) period has not been handed out.

"On the first day of school, you two got up too early, didn't you?"

Halfway through Lou En's meal, Harry and the others came over, yawning, looking sleepy.

"Why are there so many books?"

Ronald looked at the books on the desktop and blinked in surprise.

He also held a sleeping pet mouse in his arms.

Peter Pettigrew.

Lou En looked at the mouse, which he hadn't seen for a long time, with a thoughtful expression.

It seems that I have time to settle things on Sirius Black's side.

"Didn't you two choose electives?"

Hermione asked with a frown.


Harry and Ronald looked at each other, not knowing what to say for a moment.

There are not so many books for elective courses, right?

"This is your book?

Harry asked cautiously.

"No, it's all Miss Granger's alone.

Lou En shook his head and replied.

All alone?

"How many courses did you take?"

Ronald couldn't help exclaiming.

At this moment, a piece of parchment floated from mid-air, and was slowly distributed in front of every little wizard.

Each day's lessons are clearly recorded on it, which is a unique timetable from third-grade students.

"The timetable is here.

Harry picked up his timetable and glanced at it.

Most of the above content is blank, except for some necessary courses, his elective courses are all selected according to the minimum.

It made him feel satisfied.

Ronald and Harry next to him have exactly the same timetable, after all, they were chosen together.

On the opposite side of Lou En and Hermione, the two of them have the same timetable, but compared to the blank, they are full.

There are even several conflicting courses in it, listed in the same place.

Like tomorrow morning's divination class and Muggle studies class, the two of them are destined to choose only one class.

"You…you took all the classes!?"

Harry glanced curiously, the content above made him stunned for a while, and he shouted in disbelief.

Above the dense courses, watching him dizzy.

Compared with them, his blankness seems to be a satire from scumbags.

"Some of the courses above are conflicting, how do you resolve them?"

"And a course like Muggle studies, you two don't have to take it!"5

Harry's little head really couldn't imagine the thinking of a scholar.

These two are just too scary!

"Well, there's another letter?"

At this time, Miss Hermione also discovered a letter that had been brought to the table with the parchment scroll.

The signature of Professor McGonagall is written in elegant cursive lettering.

"It was sent by Professor McGonagall."

Hermione said to Lou En with some doubts.

What did Professor McGonagall send them letters at this time?

Lou En probably guessed it.

If nothing else, the timetables for the two of them were known to Professor McGonagall and told to Dumbledore.

Next, then, is the time-turner from the Ministry of Magic.

You can only get that thing, and then Lou En has another research goal.

As the envelope was opened, the contents above were presented in front of the little witch's eyes.

"Professor McGonagall asked the two of us to visit her office!

There was only such a short sentence on a piece of white paper.

"Let's go then."

After Lou En ate the rest of the muffins, he said goodbye to the two who were still in shock.

"The two of them are a perfect match.

Looking at the back of the young couple leaving, Harry couldn't help muttering something.

Is this the scholar couple?

Hearing Harry's words, Ronald nodded in agreement.

compared to these two.

The two of them are just trash…