
I'm Not Going to Be a Wizard Anymore

"Hoot hoot!"


The sound of an owl interrupted the excited fantasies of the traveller. Looking at the impatient expression on the bird's face, Kevin quickly opened a drawer, took out a piece of biscuit, broke it into small pieces, and placed it in front of the owl. This could decide the fate of is relationship with the postman, and he needed to bribe it well.

While the owl pecked its head, Kevin took out a pen and paper to write a reply. As an adult, he was well aware that, as an orphan from a Muggle orphanage, he couldn't act like an "I know Hogwarts better than anyone else" expert just because he had seen the Harry Potter series in his previous life. He had to pretend to be hesitant and sceptical, and his words had to be in line with the image of a precocious but imaginative child. Soon, a reply was completed.

"Well then, Mr. Owl, please do me the favour."

Placing the reply in the owl's claw, Kevin watched the postman fly away. Then, he jokingly told the orphanage director about the situation: a magic school called Hogwarts claimed to have sent him an acceptance letter, and he replied to it.

Auntie Director naturally didn't believe it and said with a smile, "Oh, little Kevin, maybe it's just a prank from some mischievous kid; don't pay it any mind." However, the very next day, she was proven wrong.

Early the next morning, the orphanage's door was knocked on. Kevin opened the door, and outside stood a tall woman, around fifty or sixty years old, wearing a green robe and glasses, exuding a powerful aura, and with a serious expression. She looked at the boy in front of her with a searching gaze. Black hair, black eyes, and yellow skin make him handsome but obviously malnourished.

"Kevin Green, right?"

"Yes, that's me." Layvin nodded.

"I'm Professor Minerva McGonagall, the Deputy Headmistress of Hogwarts."

So, she's here to take me. Kevin nodded. Compared to the McGonagall in the movies from his previous life, the witch in front of him had a similar style and aura but looked nothing like her, which was not surprising. After all, this was the real world.

The "chosen one" from his primary school also looked different from Harry Potter in the movies, which was why Kevin didn't recognise him.

"Wait a minute!"

Behind Kevin, the Auntie Director was a bit surprised and said, "You mean, you're from that magic school mentioned in the letter? This is not a prank?"

But the word "prank" wasn't spoken. The expression and aura of Professor McGonagall were enough to tell that this woman wasn't the type to play pranks on others.

Looking at her, Kevin felt like he could recall the head teacher from his previous high school. Without waiting for the director to ask further, Professor McGonagall produced a wand and pointed it at the Auntie Director, and her attitude suddenly changed. "Oh, welcome, Professor McGonagall. Thank you for taking in young Kevin. This is the best choice. You know, Kevin is a well-known genius in our orphanage, but... well, I won't say more. You two can chat; I'll make some tea."

Saying that, this talkative woman left. At the same time, Kevin heard a voice in his mind:

[You've felt magic for the first time. Due to your wisdom from your previous life, you've awakened extraordinary insight. You have a chance to comprehend new things more quickly.] 

[In your past life, you possessed information from countless worlds. Your arrival has influenced this world. Your insight can grasp wisdom from countless worlds.]

[You've witnessed the use of Legilimency. You've comprehended the power of the mind. You've awakened psychic abilities.]

[You've acquired passive psychic abilities - [Charming Humans] and [Concealing Thoughts.]

Extraordinary insight? Psychic magic? This is incredible! So, the so-called Hogwarts acceptance letter was just an appetiser; this is the real game-changer! The concept of psychic magic is from the DND world and is associated with the class known as a Psion. Psychic abilities originate from long-term, rigorous self-examination and mental conditioning, nurturing one's mental abilities. It's an inner power stemming from one's own life and spirit. It's a form of metaphysical power.

This ability can directly affect the inner self and produce effects akin to spells. However, compared to traditional magic, psychic magic is subtle, requires no complex incantations or rituals, and activates with just a thought. However, it relies entirely on the caster's mental strength and doesn't come with a comprehensive spellbook or magical framework. All abilities need to be self-explored.

But regardless, the Psion class is in no way inferior to wizards. As for the need for self-exploration, with my [extraordinary insight,] I'm not worried. Currently, I have two abilities: [Charming Humans,] which can make people like me through subtle suggestions, akin to hypnosis but without leaving a trace. [Concealing Thoughts] is essentially 'Mind Blank.'

This means that Kevin no longer has to worry about secrets that could overturn this world being easily discovered by the likes of Snape, Dumbledore, or Voldemort. Professor McGonagall had no idea that the young wizard in front of her had become a psychic in the blink of an eye.

Cautious Kevin naturally didn't reveal it either. He still pretended to be somewhat clueless and looked at the wand in her hand, worrying, "Is this magic? Won't it have any adverse effects on the Auntie Director?"

Professor McGonagall's tense face relaxed a bit, and her lips curved slightly upward. "Don't worry, Mr. Green, this is just a simple charm, and it won't have any negative effects on her. She'll simply think you've entered a good Muggle school. It's best if Muggles remain unaware of magic."

With a wave of her wand on the table in front of her, the four legs of the table suddenly came to life and ran around the room. "Wow, that's amazing!" Layvin exclaimed, genuinely impressed. He hadn't seen Transfiguration magic in his previous life.

[You've observed Transfiguration magic and gained a +1 proficiency in Transfiguration.]

"Kevin would you mind showing me what you can do?" Said Professor McGonagall's.

Without saying a word Kevin used his limited telekenisis to pick up a spoon from a nearby table and bend it, showcasing his current telekenetic limit.

"You've got very precise control; well done," Professor McGonagall's eyes sparkled as she evaluated Kevin.

From her perspective, even though these small tricks didn't show strong magical power, Kevin 's ability to focus on bending the spoon without affecting the other dishes on the table showed excellent control over magic. Something many young wizards couldn't achieve. 

It seemed like he was a very talented child. "Well, as it's still early, Mr. Green, shall we go shopping? I'll take you to buy the necessary school supplies."

"You can call me Kevin, Professor McGonagall. Before we leave, I'd like to say goodbye to the Auntie Director."

Professor McGonagall waved her hand, "No need. You can't be too explicit with Muggles. If that 'Auntie' isn't the head of the orphanage but a Muggle wizard's parents, then it's necessary to let them know where their child is going; They have the right, even under the Wizarding Secrecy Act. But if it's someone from the orphanage, that's another story. In my eyes, she's not your guardian, which is why I used the Confundus Charm."

However, Kevin's concerns weren't over. He blushed and said, "Well then, um... Professor McGonagall, I'd really like to go shopping with you, but... I don't have any money. I've only saved 9 pounds and 15 pence over the years."

9 pounds and 15 pence, what could you do in the wizarding world with that money? Professor McGonagall smiled gently. "Mr. Kevin, you don't have to worry about that. Students like you aren't the first to attend Hogwarts, and we have a plan for this. Each year, we provide interest-free school loans for students like you. You only need to repay it after you graduate and find a job."

An interest-free school loan? That's genuinely kind! At least it's better than American colleges and even compares favourably to the Chinese ones. Wait a minute, students like me... wasn't the last one like me Tom Riddle?

"Very well, Mr. Green, we should make the best use of our time. Shall we?"

"Let me say goodbye to Auntie Director, Professor McGonagall."

McGonagall waved her wand, and the door of the orphanage closed. "That's not necessary; you can't be too explicit with Muggles. The effects of the Confundus Charm may take a while to wear off, so it's not appropriate to reveal everything."


Thanks to everyone's continued commments I've come to the realisation that the last part of this chapter doesn't really make sense. I've double checked the translation and this appears to simply be how the author has written it, so I've had to take some creative liberty and add some little things. Once again thank you everyone, for pointing me out on my embarrasing mistake and I will further double-check all future chapters to ensure that this does not re-occur.

Translation is hard, cheer me up!

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Mustafa_Ecreators' thoughts