
Hogwarts-A New Legacy

A guy gets reincarnated in the Harry Potter world with some abilities during the first war with Voldemort. I’ve tried writing in the past, but never lasted more than a couple chapters. Keep your expectations low and your disappointment may be palatable. Hey, at least it’s not some crappy mtl or AI written story.

Daoist3RJsA0 · Derivasi dari karya
Peringkat tidak cukup
10 Chs

Chapter 4-Almost There, I Promise

After I sent the letter, I got another one that said someone would stop by before the start of the term to assist me. As time passed, I kept up with my regular routine with the addition of actual exercise. Yes, I was already strong, but I figured I should start trying to actually train my body and not just my chakra. Although I received my letter, I still had several months before the start of the term and I intended to make the most of them. During the first week of August, someone appeared at the door of the orphanage. I was called into a private room in the orphanage and was introduced to a young Minerva McGonagall.

"Good afternoon Mr. Mathers. I am Professor Minerva McGonagall. I take it you know why I am here."

"It's a pleasure to meet you Professor. I was hoping you would take me to get the supplies I need. I have a bit of money that I've saved and I've been to Diagon Alley, but I do have some reservations."

"You don't need to worry about the money. There is a special account for muggle borns that will pay for everything. You being an orphan even more so. Now, you said you've been to Diagon Alley?"

I casually explained my experiences in the wizarding world.

"Well Mr. Mathers, that's quite interesting. Now what questions do you have?"

"Well, I'm interested in healing and I was wondering what I would need to do to get on that path."

"While we don't offer courses on healing specifically, the school healer, Madam Pomfrey, occasionally takes on students to teach. If you work hard and speak to her of your interest she may help you. Any more questions?"

"No, that's all I have."

"Good, now let's go get your shopping done. If you'll grab my arm I will aparate us to the entrance. Oh, and a bit of warning. Aparation is a bit unpleasant."

I grab her arm and with a pop we were in front of Tom's bar. My stomach felt like it did a flip, but other than that I was fine. I guess my physique has other benefits. We walk into the bar and stop by Tom.

"Ah, Andrew! It seems like you've received your letter. I take it your about to get your supplies."

"Yes, Professor McGonagall was about to assist me with that. Thank you for your help these past few years."

"Don't mention it. I don't mind helping someone who's putting in the effort. You'd make a great Hufflepuff. Good luck with school if I don't see you again."

I say goodbye and walk with P. Minnie to our destination. We enter the alley and make our way to Gringotts. As we approach the bank's entry, a voice calls out to the professor.

"Minerva, it's good to see you. I take it that you're with a new student."

We turn to see two middle aged gentleman, a woman, and three girls. One was my age and the other two were older.

"Arcturus, it's been a long time. Cygnus and Druella as well. I take it you're all here for your granddaughters."

My back straightened as I immediately made the connection in my head. One of most troublesome families in magical Britain. At least Walburga isn't with them. I look over to them to see Bellatrix of all people looking at me with a grin. Almost like a cat that's found a new toy to play with. Andromeda and Narcissa notice my discomfort, then look at Bellatrix and give me a look of sympathy.

"Yes, you already know Bellatrix and Andromeda. This is Narcissa. She'll be starting this year."

Narcissa gives a formal greeting and Bellatrix walks over to me specifically. 'Oh shit, go away, go away, go away,' I say in my mind while maintaining my calm demeanor.

Bellatrix gives me formal greeting as well and I muster up the etiquette I learned from the book and respond.

Bellatrix gives a confused look before giving the same smile and saying, "Passable, before skipping back to her family."

Everyone was giving me odd looks, but I didn't respond. I just did my best to act like it was another Tuesday. Luckily my occlumency was keeping my poker face in check. P. McG finally comes in with a save at the end.

"Well, if you'll excuse us we must be on our way."

We walk into the bank and I give the proper goblin greeting, while the professor gives me another odd look. We receive the money and go about our shopping. We went and bought everything that I needed except for the last item on the list, a wand. We went over to Olivander's and the professor had me go in alone. Something about tradition. I walked in and was greeted by a young Garrick Olivander.

"Good afternoon Mr. Olivander. I'm Andrew Mathers, a first year student and I've come to purchase a wand."

"Ah, Mr. Mathers. I will pair with a wand right away."

He looks through the countless boxes until he finds one and brings it over to me.

"Give this one a try. Just give it a wave."

I do as he says and a few boxes go flying off the shelves. I gently put the wand back in the box.

"No matter, I believe that I have just the wand."

He looks theough his collection again before pulling out another box.

"Elder wood with a phoenix tail feather core. An odd combination, but one that I believe will treat you well."

I take the wand and give a wave. It emits some gentle sparks and doesn't destroy anything. I'll take that as a yes.

"Excellent! Only two tries. Now that will be seven galleons."

I pay the money and exit the shop. I guess if you're not Harry Potter you get a more business like Olivander. I meet up the P. Minnie and we head back to the orphanage. I thank her and she leaves. The first thing that I did was open my books and begin studying. I imagine it will take some time to get used to Hogwarts, so getting started on my studies should make the transition a bit easier.