
Hogwarts-A New Legacy

A guy gets reincarnated in the Harry Potter world with some abilities during the first war with Voldemort. I’ve tried writing in the past, but never lasted more than a couple chapters. Keep your expectations low and your disappointment may be palatable. Hey, at least it’s not some crappy mtl or AI written story.

Daoist3RJsA0 · Derivasi dari karya
Peringkat tidak cukup
10 Chs

Chapter 1-Restart

It had been about three weeks of playing Hogwarts Legacy in all of my free time, but I had finally finished it. By finish it I mean I did everything you could do as a player in Ravenclaw. I collected all the collectibles, completed all the Merlin's trials and my field guide. I even went and explored every camp and cave. I didn't even cheat and use the internet to look things up. It was all good fun, but all good things come to an end eventually.

I hadn't really played any new games in years before I had started playing. I bought Legacy as more of a nostalgia thing. I only read the first three books as a kid, but I did watch all the movies. I wouldn't even say I loved Harry Potter so much as I loved the idea of using magic and attending a magical school. Being able to bend reality with a stick sounds pretty fun.

I loved the game, well mainly the castle. It was from my understanding, correct me if I'm wrong, a fairly accurate depiction of the book. I loved exploring the castle and accidentally finding some new place that I hadn't explored yet. It was beautiful and I could honestly see myself just wandering around and getting lost in real life. If I had magic, I don't think I would need much else. I would probably just spend all my time practicing, learning about it and doing research. I can think of more than a few ways to insure an income with magic, although some might not be legal by Ministry standards.

Returning to reality, I take one last look at my switch and head to bed, a bit disappointed that I've already finished it. I lay down and drift off to sleep. After a bit of time passes, I find myself floating in a void. A disembodied voice calls out to me and says, "Hey you, you're finally awake. I heard you like the Harry Potter world."

"Um, yeah?"

"Well good, because I'm sending you there, don't ask why."

"Ok, do I get any cheats?"

"You mean aside from your previous life's knowledge and knowledge of the world?"

"Well, yeah, while I wont say that it's absolutely necessary if I can get them, then I'll happily take them. No sense in making my next life too difficult."

"Very well, I'll allow three within reason. No system bullsh***ery though."

"The Second Magic-Kaleidoscope."


"Alright had to at least try. The first would be a magic eye that would allow me to break down and understand any magic that I see."

"That one I can do."

"The next is a complete understanding of all language, including magical one like parseltongue."

"Done, but it will be languages limited to that world."

"Finally, senjutsu from dxd."

"And done. Time to send you on your way."

The void shifts and I wake up in an empty room in a much smaller body than what I'm used to. I'd that I'm maybe a year old. Thankfully, the ROB must have let me skip the rebirth part.From the living space, that shows it's for multiple people I'm going to assume I'm an orphan. That's fine, I had good parents in my previous life and I don't feel like robbing another set of the experiences that come with raising a child. It does make my financial situation a bit difficult, but that's just in the beginning. I know enough companies that will take off that I can take full advantage of. Hey, retirement and home ownership should actually be doable this time around.

Assuming that I was born around the same time as HP, it should be the late 1970's to early 1980's. That means that Voldemort will be a very real concern, but shouldn't be an issue unless I actively stick my neck out. Not saying I wont, but the option does exist. 'What year is it anyways?' I look around the room for a calendar until I spot one on the wall.

'That can't be right.' I think to myself as I look at the top of the calendar that reads October 1956. 'Oh no, that's definitely not good.' Doesn't Voldemort start his attacks around 1970. Nevermind what I said earlier, I'll be involved regardless. Well, knowing is half the battle. I can at least prepare and if all else fails I can move to France or some other country after I graduate. I'm certainly not going to fight a war where the good guys hamstring themselves with the stupid Batman mentality of not killing. Seriously, if only Rize from Tokyo Ghoul was here to teach Dumbles the same lesson she taught Kaneki.

Anyways, I can't do anything about it, so I just need to get strong enough to avoid death. I guess I'll start with senjutsu since I can't exactly go anywhere or do anything. I close my eyes and try to begin sensing my life force. The reason I asked for senjutsu from DxD was for the utility. Mastery would allow me to strengthen my body, extend my lifespan, and throw punches that hit like a truck. Not to mention a number of other benefits. There's also the fact that I assumed it would pair well with magic. Herbology and Care of Magical Creatures is going to a cakewalk. Perhaps I'll even be able to combine senjutsu and magic to create some fancy new druid magic.

After closing my eyes and just trying to sense my life force for about 15 minutes I feel a warmth in my chest. I sit and just keep feeling the warmth trying to get used to it. I start to try and move it lightly with my intent and can feel it respond. The energy tugs in a certain direction as if it knows where to go. I will it to move and let it choose the path, sort of like taking your dog for a walk and letting it decide to go where it wants with you holding the leash. The energy steadliy circulates throughout my body until it returns to the original point in my chest. I was sweating as that one rotation seemed to take a lot out of me.

'I have begun the path of cultivation. I shall defy the heavens. Now if Voldemort and his followers choose to bother me they will surely be courting death.' As that thought ended, a caretaker walked in and started doing whatever it is they do. Once she was done, she picked me up and whisked me away. From that point on everything was a blur, but I did manage to learn something. My name. I'm now called Andrew Mathers. Too bad my first name wasn't Marshall. She eventually returned me to my prison where I fell back asleep.