
Epilogue — The Beginning and End of Everything!

Editor: Atlas Studios

After merging with the blood of thestrals and mastering the power to cross life and death, the Resurrection Stone allowed Luna's mother to return.

She had asked Luna to be the Professor of Magical Creatures at Hogwarts in the hope that Luna would be more relaxed. After all, the study of magical creatures was very tiring and dangerous.

However, it seemed that Luna was enjoying her current job.

With this in mind, Ivan dismissed the idea of dragging his friend back to teaching at Hogwarts. He clenched his right hand, and a golden rhombus crystal appeared in front of him.

[Zero at your service…]

A cold reminder rang in Ivan's head.

The diamond-shaped crystal in front of him was the legendary system that he had spent seven years creating using an entire magical stone as its core. It possessed the legendary magical intelligence and was the highest creation of alchemy!

It was just that there seemed to be a slight problem with the fabrication, which annoyed Ivan greatly.

"What was I to you?" Ivan asked tentatively.

The cold reminder sounded again: "You are my maker, the greatest Dark Lord of all time, two-faced politician, deep-minded schemer, ruler of reality and the wizarding world…"

"Nonsense!" Yvonne interrupted. What was all this nonsense?

Given his accomplishments, it wouldn't be too much to call him the savior of the wizarding world, would it?

[This is the most accurate evaluation based on your memories and experiences, combined with information gathered from the wizarding world!]

The voice of Zero spoke again in Ivan's head, and the diamond-shaped crystal expanded into a glowing screen, recreating his experiences.

He killed Dumbledore twenty years ago, captured the British Ministry of Magic, supported the Minister for Puppets, and then framed Voldemort.

Nineteen years ago, he secretly used the Imperius Curse to control dozens of politicians and manipulate Muggles.

… .

Seven years ago, the Weave controlled the life and death of all wizards and monitored their every move…

Ivan rubbed his chin, realizing that he had done so much for the peace of the wizarding world over the years that he was reluctant to do…

Perhaps this was the Dark Hero.

Carrying all the sins alone, leaving only the light and beauty to others…

As is often the case with television shows, people like him tend to be misunderstood…

Ivan didn't bother to defend himself. Reasoning with a magical intelligence was pointless. He considered putting it back together and reforging it, but decided against it. It would be a waste of precious materials and might not even meet his expectations.

Yvonne shook her head. 'It's fine if it has some flaws, as long as it works.'

It was interesting to note that when he wanted to help his past self, he found that creating a system was the most convenient method.

As someone who enjoyed reading web novels in his previous life, he had no doubts about the origins of the system, and was even able to issue missions to guide him in making the right decisions at crucial times.

Of course, due to his limited abilities, this so-called system did not have too complicated a function, and he could not directly exchange it for items. After all, creating things out of thin air consumed too much magic, so it was not worth it.

As such, he only gave the system partial memories and three special abilities that contained a large amount of magical knowledge.

The first ability was Detection. As a ninth-level creation, Zero was able to quickly analyse most objects and give relatively accurate evaluations through knowledge.

The second is the ability to think as fast as the Ravenclaw Corona.

Ivan made some restrictions on this, as using this ability twenty-four hours a day was a huge drain on one's magic.

Additionally, a wizard can never reach the level of a legendary wizard just by reading, and experience is equally important.

Without sufficient danger and pressure, he would never have been able to improve so quickly.

As for the third ability, it was a brief experience of the Law of Words through integration with Zero.

It was powerful enough to survive any danger, and Ivan named it the Protection Mode, meaning to protect one's past self!

However, the amount of magic stored in the system was extremely high, so it could only be used in key areas or to eliminate the risk of merging with the bloodline.

"It's about time," Ivan muttered. "It's about time…" He slipped the Cloak of Invisibility on the wall and vanished.

When she reappeared, Ivan was in the Great Hall of Hogwarts.

It was the middle of the summer holidays, and the Great Hall was empty. This was the perfect time for Ivan, as he did not want to be disturbed while he was casting a spell.

"Coordinates: 7:30 p.m., September 1st, twenty-five years ago," Ivan said, pouring his magic into Zero. He had added some Sand of Time to the system, allowing Zero to travel back in time as easily as the Time-Turner…

The scene around them faded away, and everything that had happened in the Great Hall over the past twenty-five years became nothing more than a blur.

Ivan heard a variety of voices, some screaming and shouting, others talking, and after what seemed like an age, everything quieted down.

A moment later, there was another familiar voice.


Yvonne instinctively turned to look at the stage, where a blond wizard was pulling his Sorting Hat off his head.

Reliving the scene from an onlooker's point of view, Ivan couldn't help but smile as he watched a certain imp walk down the stage looking confused.

He knew he had not yet recovered from the suddenness of the crossing.

Ivan walked up to the blond wizard, and while he was chatting with the Weasley brothers, he silently slapped Zero between their eyes.

Due to the amount of magic used in the process of backtracking, Zero's core was in a state of partial shutdown, and it would take about a year for it to slowly absorb the magic and restore itself, unlocking all of its functions, similar to how he remembered the system updating.

After completing this final cycle, Ivan had no intention of staying any longer. The forces of time and space were eager to drive him away.

As for Zero, unlike him, he existed between reality and illusion, and thus was able to remain in the past.

After releasing the protection, Ivan's body slowly faded away.

Ivan suddenly became aware that someone was watching him. He turned around and met a pair of silver-blue eyes.

Albus Dumbledore, Headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, was sitting at the head of the teacher's table.

"That's very perceptive of you!" Ivan laughed, understanding that some of Zero's magic must have leaked out during the fusion and attracted Dumbledore's attention.

"Good-bye, then, Headmaster Dumbledore!" Although she was certain he could not see her, Ivan mouthed a silent farewell and, under the pressure of the Spacetime Correction Force, returned to his original location.

The golden-haired young wizard also looked up at this moment, mistakenly thinking that the old headmaster was looking at him, but he did not show any signs of stage fright. He pretended to be obedient and shy as he smiled at Dumbledore, then put a large piece of cake into his mouth and swallowed it in a few bites…

Intrigued by the wizard's foodiness, Dumbledore smiled back and turned his head away.

(P.S. Finale, Splinter! A few chapters of epilogue, extra chapters, etc. to add to what is not in the main text. Hmm, end-of-speech can wait until you finish the extra chapters. Finally, the Luna Party. I will consider writing a truly complete extra chapter, double-collect or single-collect, and consider it another world line.)