
King of Graast Kingdom

"Change of plans, let's go pay a little visit to his majesty."

Knowing the reward, it was vital for Hobie to get this as information on how long before his enemy gets here will be a deciding factor in whether he could be able to kill him.

Although another 1M Death Coins will be helpful the latter reward will let him plan out the most effective way to get stronger. This thought process was all because of the Knowledge of Kings that Hobie got before. The information from the Knowledge of Kings had helped Hobie this past year in strategizing on how to reach his goal. To kill the approaching enemy and get to the next island.

"What's my current Power Level?"

[User has is now Power Level: 1626]

"Good, what's the highest Power Level of the kingdom?"

[Scouting... the highest is Power Level: 510, which is the personal bodyguard of the king]

"Let us not waste time then! I don't have the luxury to waste time right now unless I am certain."

Hobie bought a robe from the system to cover his face in darkness and to extrude an aura of authority and dominance.

Hobie couldn't fly because he was only a Ghoul King but he had Ghouls that did. He rode on top of a majestic bird that had a wingspan that was as wide as 20 feet. This majestic bird flew in the castle making a gigantic hole.

The king took a step back and looked at the gigantic bird in shock, "W-What is this? Guards! Kill that monster! We will not falter!" The moral of the guards nearby had risen since it was the king himself that motivated them.

Although the bird was majestic and gigantic, it was comparatively weak compared to the guards since the bird only was only at Power Level: 264. This bird with Power Level: 264 was not weak at all, it could achieve a feat of taking an entire village down in a single strike and even possibly fight against a creature with Power Level: 300 and above because of its agility and speed.

The guards protecting the king were all at Power Level: 350 - 510, compared to the bird they were the true monsters but if these guards were to be compared to Hobie then he would be the devil incarnate.

A robed man riding the bird jumped down with an aura so heavy that the guards that were relatively weaker were having trouble breathing. This robed man then started walking slowly towards the king where the latter was frozen in fear. Every step that the robed man took closer to the king made the latter want to run more and more.

No single guard had the will to oppose this demonic figure in front of them, "G-Guards! This was why I chose you! You are the elite among the elites! Those who survived countless expeditions against numerous monsters! This is just one man, we have the number advantage now I ask you brave, heroic men... WHAT ARE YOU?" The king mustered as much courage as he could and shouted at the soldiers he recruited to protect him.

Upon hearing this motivational speech the soldiers realized that no matter how strong their enemy was he was just only one man, "WE ARE THE ELITE WARRIORS OF GRAAST KINGDOM, PERSONALLY PICKED BY THE KING BY OUR ACHIEVEMENTS AND SKILL!" The soldiers all shouted in unison, after shouting, their spirits were filled with battle intent.


The soldiers that were filled with battle intent attacked the robed man with all their might saving no strength at all. Each person used their strongest techniques and attacked Hobie without mercy. The first strike hit Hobie but he wasn't damaged at all and the pace at which he was walking didn't change.

Strike after strike landed on Hobie but he wasn't damaged at all, even though their strikes did nothing their determination to end this mysterious figure's threat was all left in their minds. These soldiers were all synchronized in their attacks and movement, they had perfected attacking in such a way that their enemy wouldn't even have a single moment to relax.

"Tsk! Stop attacking or you die, this is getting annoying."

The soldiers did not stop at all, after around 20 more strikes Hobie snapped. A soldier at Power Level: 350, which was the weakest one, attacked Hobie with all his strike expecting nothing to happen but he was dead wrong. The robed man moved so fast that no one in the room noticed him, the next moment a head rolled on the floor. The owner of that head was the soldier that just attacked him, there was no resistance on the way he died.

Seeing the head of that soldier roll on the floor and his body dropped dead, shivers were sent down the spine of the other people in the room. The cold, hard truth froze their bodies, this robed man didn't care if it was a 1v1 or a 1v100 because either way it only took a single motion to kill. "Hais, I didn't want to kill but you forced my hand! I was here in the first place to extract information from your king then leave alongside my army."

The soldiers heard this and turned their battle intent into pure bloodlust, Hobie killed countless citizens of this kingdom and this was the perfect time to get revenge. Their attacks now were even fiercer than before and were faster as well. They were no longer doubtful, they had some suspicions on what this robed man's identity could be and when he said he was the leader of the army, the soldiers no longer cared for their well-being and just wanted revenge against that man from killing so many innocent citizens.

"Tsk! Seems I like I no longer have the choice..." Hobie who was in the middle of the flurry of attacks simply disappeared into thin air. The next moment, every single guard in the room had their heads fall on the ground with a loud thumping sound.

"Now that the annoyance is out of the way, we have something to talk about King of Graast."