
Hitoyoshi And The Prison School

Matsuri Hityoshi, an awkward, shy teenage boy who just started life at the new school, Hachimitsu Academy, an all-girls school. Luckily he will be the sixth boy there. Attempting to mark this as his new life, his life turn upside down when the five boys decide to go peeping on the girls. Hitoyoshi's life turns into an unexpected ride Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to the manga/anime series of Prison School except for my original characters. All rights to Prison School belong to the original creator.

MTL · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
70 Chs

Trust Part3

….Out in the Courtyard…..

"Where IS that scum!?" Meiko said as she was impatiently tapping the front parts of her high heel boots. "It's past 3:15pm and is now 10 minutes past that time." She said with a frustrated growl. 

She just got through beating Gakuto for leaving some garbage behind. She took notice of Hana's rather annoyed expression as she was resting against the tree. She would ask if something was wrong, but she chose against it, whatever it was she didn't seem like talking about it. 

But that was the least of her worries, her most concern was the Hitoyoshi boy. He is usually early when he's needed, but now he was almost 12 minute late. She folded her arms under her enormous breast, pushing them up. 

"He's rather late isn't he?" Hana said standing by the tree. 

"He is….." Meiko said as she was looking up. Looking at nothing in particular, just trying to calm down. "If he's not here in the next 5 minutes, I'm gonna punish him…."


Both Meiko and Hana look through the doors that burst open, the boy makes a mad dash towards the amazon beauty. Meiko narrowed her eyes and faced her body towards the boy with her hands on her hips. Hana just stood by and watched the scene that was about to be played. 

Matsuri skids to a stop in front of Meiko, he hunches over, trying to catch his breath. Meiko is still standing tall over him with a glare. The boy looks up at the tall young woman, her mountainous boobs almost obscuring her face, but Matsuri could still see her glaring brown eyes. 

"Um…..huh….." He was lost for words. He knew the silence in her words meant she was mad. But he tries to shake off that fear and bounces back up with a nervous smile. "I made it."

"DON'T GIVE ME THAT BULL CRAP!" Meiko yelled as she proceeded to chop directly on the forehead. 

Matsuri flinched under her contact and rubbed his forehead in pain. He can feel the sting from hand. He had to admit, she was strong alright, really strong from just one move.

"Oww….s-sorry Vice President….I-I know I was running late-"

"Then care to explain to me what was so important to you that made you late?"

Matsuri was about to talk, but then he stopped himself. Should he really say that he was talking to the Chairman, not only that, the Chairman was the father of the fearful president. His eyes averted the enraged eyes of the vice president's. 

"W-Well….I-I was um…." He began to stutter in his words. 

Meiko pushed herself up against the shy boy. Her bare cleavage smushed themselves on the boy's clothed chest. 

"Look at me when you're speaking." She said with a growl. 

Matsuri flinched not just from her tone, but her rather enormous breast that was pushing against him. He could feel the softness from them. The pressure from them was making him weak, but he remained strong with a fierce blush and kept his eyes on the amazon girl. 

"I was doing some last minute work."

"Ah, is that it? You're not lying are you?"

Matsuri began to sweat a little. He was growing nervous. But he feels that he shouldn't tell them about his encounter with the Chairman. He steeled his nerves once more looking at the vice president.

"No ma'am!" He said.

Meiko narrowed her eyes, this boy was acting rather strange….stranger than usual. For one thing he was usually on time whenever he was done with his classes. It's understandable if he was doing some last minute work, but his 'last minute work' was taking longer than usual. She supposed she could believe him…. for now .

"Um….V-Vice President?" Matsuri said, getting her attention. 

Meiko notices how she was still up against him. A small yelp flew from her as she backed off from the boy. A fierce blush formed on her cheeks, she was starting to sweat a little from the contact. What the hell was going on with her!? 

"Damn it Meiko! Focus!" 

Hana was watching the scene with a curious gaze. That was new. She had never seen Meiko act like that before. Especially around boys. In fact, she was acting strange throughout the remainder of the day. And she believes that it all connects to the boy who was standing before them. She shoves the thoughts aside, she would have to think about it another time.

"I'll believe you," Meiko said as she pushed up her glasses. "However, I want you to be on time and not waste your time. Understand?"

"Y-Yes ma'am. Um….." His eyes shifted in the direction towards where Kiyoshi was at. His back against the wall, one arm resting on his knee, looking straight ahead. The expression he wore on his face…..it didn't look like he was happy. He looked more….stressed out. Did something happen again while he was gone? "I-I guess I'll hang by here to help out then?"

"Hmph. Just don't go wandering off," Meiko said as she went back to watching over the inmates, not before looking over her shoulders to give the boy one more stare. "Because if you go wandering off, I won't show mercy."

Matsuri swallowed with a nervous twitch. The boy didn't really want to test Meiko's patience. If he were to screw up, he would feel her wrath. Heck, his most concern was Hana, who he was still frightened of. 

The boy decided to walk over to Kiyoshi to see what had happened. That was until he was stopped. "Oi."

Matsuri flinched at Hana's voice. "Where do you think you're going?" She said with narrow eyes. 

"I-I was just gonna go check up on Kiyoshi…..i-is there something w-wrong?" He said nervously. He didn't exactly know what was going on with Hana, for she was giving him the stink eye. 

"Why are you so concerned about him?" She said, her glare not leaving. 

"Well…..huh….." He was starting to sweat. 

"Just leave him Hana," Meiko said. Not giving a glance at the two. "Just let him do his business. Better than him standing there like a stick."

Hana just gave a huff to the boy as she went back to looking at the other inmates. Matsuri wasted no time as he walked over to the stressed out boy.

Kiyoshi was not having a good day. Gakuto became aware of his plan…..and there was something else bothering him as well. His tired eyes just look up at the blue sky. The clouds roll past in slow motion. The building that he was sitting in casts a shadow that covers his entire body. 

He lets out a sigh. "I'm tired."


The boy's eyes look to his side at the familiar voice. Matsuri was standing next to him with a worried glance. Kiyoshi was happy that Matsuri was here, but the other side of him was just…..tired. 

"Hey Matsuri, done with class?" He said in a tired tone. 

"Um….y-yes," Matsuri raises an eyebrow at the blue-haired boy. "W-What's wrong?"

"...hey…...Matsuri….do you think I should trust Gakuto?"

"Huh? Gakuto?"

"Yeah…..should I trust him?"

"...….Kiyoshi what do you mean?" Matsuri asked with a tilt head. The blue-haired boy was silent for the most part. His eyes now hid behind the bangs of his hair. This only made Matsuri worried more about the boy. "Kiyoshi?"

"...…he knows."

"Know? Knows wh...oh." A realization hit Matsuri. "He knows about the plan does he. The breakout plan." He said with a sympathetic look. 

Kiyoshi lets out an exaggerated sigh. "He does...and he wants to help me escape."

"Oh…..sorry to hear that, but I'm sure he's not-wait what?" Matsuri stopped himself. Did he hear that right? Gakuto!? Want to HELP Kiyoshi escape? But why?


…..A Few Minutes ago…..

Kiyoshi stood there. His eyes widened from shock. The fork is still in his grip. He stood motionless, a few inches from Gakuto whose back was behind the hole that Kiyoshi had dug. The glasses-wearing boy had an evil smile on his face.

"G-Gakuto….y-you….you'll help me…..e-escape?"

"Yes Kiyoshi-dono." Gakuto said with a firm voice. His stare did not leave Kiyoshi's.

The blue-hair boy expression slowly morphed into complete disbelief. To straight out anger. "Y-You're saying this after making me freak out all day with your sumo antics yesterday!?"

"Freak out? What are you talking about?"

Kiyoshi just trembled in anger. "What the-!? What about all the talk about yokozuna and the feet stamping yesterday then!? You even targeted my body!" 

Gakuto merely just sighed as he pushed his glasses up. "That was obviously me singing to you that I am going to aid you in escaping!"

"How the hell am I supposed to know that!? And who the hell sends signs like that anyways!?" Kiyoshi yelled as he was right up in Gakuto's face. "And besides, why do you even want to help me out anyways?"

Gakuto's eyes hid behind the glare from his glasses. He stood motionless for a good second. "The 7th of May…."


"That day is….very important to me as well," He said as he started to make his exit. He walks to the side of Kiyoshi. His eyes remained forward. "We'll discuss the rest of the details tonight….."

The boy said as he made his exit and headed towards where the rest of the boys were at. Kiyoshi was left alone to his thoughts. Processing of what has just happened. Had he gained a new ally? What is he to do now?

….. Present Day…..

"And that's what happened…..he knows about my plan of breaking out of prison and he said he wants to help me escape because May 7th is important to him too…." Kiyoshi said, still sitting with his back against the wall. 

"You're kidding…." Matsuri just couldn't believe it. But he wasn't worried about Gakuto knowing the plan, he was worried about his end goal. "Just what does he want?"

"I'm not sure. But I'm gonna find out tonight…..I just hope whatever it is he wants isn't something that will be bad…..actually…." Kiyoshi began to ponder. 

May 7th is the day when his date with Chiyo is…..just what was it that Gakuto is after…..unless. Kiyoshi began to sweat. His face froze in horror. 

"H-Hey Matsuri….." Kiyoshi's head slowly turned towards the brown-haired boy. "Y-You don't think that Gakuto is also…..wants to take Chiyo-chan away from me right?" 

Matsuri just gave a blank look. "Really…..Kiyoshi I don't think that's his end goal…..he doesn't even know who Chiyo even is."

"You never know though….."

"Kiyoshi….." Matsuri did care for Kiyoshi as a friend…..but sometimes the thing that goes through this boy's head is just something else. 

"Hmm…..maybe you're right, perhaps I'm looking into this too much." 

"There see…."

"...…but what if-"

"Stop. Just. Stop." Matsuri was too tired to argue with him at this point. He crossed his arm looking at the boy. "Is that all that happened today….because it feels like there's something else bothering you."

Kiyoshi just flinched. His eyes widened in horror. His face darkened. Beads of sweat rolled against his skin. His body began to tremble. 


"H-Hey man…..can you make a promise….and not tell this to anyone. Especially the councils and the boys and even Chiyo-chan." Kiyoshi's grave voice gave out. 

"S-Sure….wh-what happened?" Matsuri was getting nervous from Kiyoshi's reaction. Just what else happened to the boy when he was in his classes. 

"So….y-you remember how you were eavesdropping on mine and Chiyo-chan conversation right?"

"Y-Yes….did something happened…."

".....well…..then…..w-were you there…..when…..uh…..wh-when…..Hana was…..peeing."

Matsuri just blinked. His mind processing what he just said. Bit-by-bit. Their conversation about the date of May 7th. Then after that…..was another memory he wished he didn't remember. But he does. He remembers fully what happened after that. Kiyoshi falling in front of Hana. And Hana was…..

Matsuri's face slowly morphed from multiple expressions. His cheeks flared up red from a small faded red to completely covering his face to a fierce red. The boy's hand grabs both his cheeks in distress. 

"S-S-She knows!?"

"Yeah….she knows alright." He had a grim look on his face. 

"D-Did you apologize…..or did she even accept it?" Matsuri asked with a caution tone. 

Kiyoshi didn't say anything for a good second or so before he spoke. "S-She said she would accept my apology if I….i-if…...guh, this day really sucks." Kiyoshi said with a grave tone once more.

Matsuri was rather curious, but also didn't want to know what happened between the two. But since he made it this far, he needs to know. 

"Kiyoshi…..what happened?" 

"...she wanted me to pee in front of her." He finally let's it out. 

"WHAAAAA!!!!!??????" He accidentally blurted out. 

"SHHHHHH!!!!!!! D-Don't scream! She might hear us!"

"WHAT'S GOING ON OVER HERE!!!!" Meiko's voice boomed behind them as the two were startled by her appearance. "WELL!?" 

The two nervously looked at each other and towards the vice president. Kiyoshi's eyes couldn't help but to wander over to Hana who was giving him the death glare. He began to sweat and tremble in fear under the fierce glare of the secretary. If she finds out that what the two were talking about behind her back…..all hell will break loose. 

"Um….w-w-we were just…..um…." Kiyoshi was lost for words. 

"Kiyoshi was telling me a joke, that's all." Matsuri quickly came up with an excuse.

"A joke….." Meiko said with a suspicious tone.


Meiko narrowed her eyes at Matsuri before looking at Kiyoshi. "And what joke were you telling Matsuri that made him scream like that?" She Asked. 

"Um…..w-well…..h-how did it go," Kiyoshi tried to play it off, but with the glare from the blonde girl, it was not helping him in the slightest. "Oh, right. Um….why do men look at girls' boobs so much-" Kiyoshi immediately stopped when he realized what he said. 

"NOT THAT JOKE!!!!!!" Matsuri screamed in his mind. 

"Why?" Meiko growled. Already not liking the joke. 

"Um….w-wait wrong joke-"

"No. Please…..continue." Meiko said as her grip on her whip tightened. And Hana began to crack her knuckles. 

"He dug his own grave." Matsuri dreaded. 

Kiyoshi began to tremble under the towering figure force of both the vice president and the secretary. He's gone and done it now. 

"Um…..s-s-so…..m-men have something t-t-t-to look at," He sweated more when Meiko was readying her whip. Smacking against the palm of her hand. Hana just continued to pound her fist against her hand giving Kiyoshi the death glare. "...…..I forgot the joke."

He was immediately kneed in the stomach by the fierce vice president. She then grabs his head with both of her hands and kneed him square in the face. Blood flew from the boy's nose as his body flung backward and plummets towards the ground. His body facing upward, towards the blue sky. 


"I-I'm sorry." Kiyoshi said in a defeated tone. 

"And you!" She pointed at Matsuri who trembled under her stare. "STOP SLACKING WITH THESE PIGS AND DO YOUR JOB!!!!" She thrust her whip down on the boy's head. Earning a yelp from Matsuri. 

"Y-Yes ma'am!" He said rubbing his head to ease the pain. 

Meiko turned around and took her leave. Hana stayed behind a little, her eyes still eyeing Matsuri with her glare. Lingering for a moment or so, she followed Meiko. The two boys were left alone to their own thoughts. 

Kiyoshi was still facing the sky, his back against the dirt. "Dude…..I can't tell a good joke."

Matsuri just sighed to himself. Just what was going to happen from here on out, he wondered.