
Hitoyoshi And The Prison School

Matsuri Hityoshi, an awkward, shy teenage boy who just started life at the new school, Hachimitsu Academy, an all-girls school. Luckily he will be the sixth boy there. Attempting to mark this as his new life, his life turn upside down when the five boys decide to go peeping on the girls. Hitoyoshi's life turns into an unexpected ride Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to the manga/anime series of Prison School except for my original characters. All rights to Prison School belong to the original creator.

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70 Chs

Test Run Part2



"Are you sure you're okay?" Etsuko asked her friend, Matsuri, as he sat together with Etsuko, Chiyo, and Mayumi. Once again on the rooftop. 

"I told Etsuko, I'm fine…..really I am." He said in a low tone. 

If he was being honest, he was honestly somewhat okay. He was still hurt from yesterday, more particularly at Mari. Matsuri didn't hate her or hold a grudge against her, but he felt like she shouldn't have done that without his consent. If she was so curious about his private life, she could've just asked. But even if she asked....it wouldn't really make a difference.

"I mean, after what happened yesterday," Mayumi spoke out. "I wouldn't blame her for asking."

"Yeah, I'm really sorry about my sister," Chiyo said as the attention was on her. "But please don't take it personally, she's just doing it for the safety of the school."

While Chiyo was trying to defend her sister's action, Etsuko however did not take that too well.

"I highly doubt that, it almost looks like she was doing it on purpose."

"I kind of agree with her, Chiyo...I don't think the president didn't care what she was doing. It's almost like she was expecting Matsuri to confess."

".....I mean..." Chiyo really didn't want to admit it, but she wants to believe that Mari had a reason. "I know…..but she was just doing her job...but I wish she chose a different way instead of interrogating him."

"Guys….." Matsuri captured their attention. "It's okay, really it is..."

"What are you talking about!?" Etsuko said as she shoves her face right up to Matsuri. Causing the boy to flinch. "She literally went into your private life! Interrogated you! Caused you to have a breakdown! And you're just gonna forgive her for it!?" 

Matsuri just blinked. He was not expecting this small first year to explode like that. Neither did Mayumi and Chiyo. But honestly, one could not blame her for being outraged.

"I am mad..." Matsuri's eyes look down at her hands. "I'm mad at her...but I'm not gonna hold it against her...I know she was just trying to protect the school…..and honestly I don't blame her. With a past like mine, I wouldn't be surprised if anyone wanted to know….." 

Matsuri just stopped as he just looked at his half bitten melon bread that he got from Meiko. He couldn't blame her honestly. He was mad at her, but not to hold a grudge. Deep down he really wished that she didn't know about his past at his previous school. 

"Matsuri..." Chiyo spoke out. "I'm not sure what happened to you back at your old school, or who this Yoshimiya person is...but I feel like you need to talk to someone about this."


"But nothing. Matsuri that panic attack from yesterday is nothing to just shrug off. You need to talk to someone about this. If you don't want to talk about it, then I won't pressure you...but please talk to me if you ever feel the need to talk. Heck, you can talk to my father too."

"And me!" Etsuko raised her hand in an energetic motion. 

"A-And also me I guess….." Mayumi nervously raised her hand.

The boy's eyes fluttered around him at his friends. He just blinked a few times, water filled in his eyes, but chose not to cry. Especially in front of the girls. 

"T-Thank you...thank you guys." He smiled.

He hears the bell chime. Realizing the time, he flinched. "Oh right! I need to go help out the Vice President!" He said as he got up from his sitting position. "I'll see you guys later!" 

On that note, Matsuri got up, only to jump a few times due to his leg falling asleep on him. He runs towards the door. Leaving the girls to themselves. 

"You sure he'll be alright?" Mayumi asked, worried about the boy.

"I'm sure he'll be fine…..hopefully." She said with a hint of nervousness in her tone. 

"I just hope the president doesn't try anything funny like that again!" Etsuko said as she crossed her arms across her chest.

"Nah, I'm sure Mari learned her lesson."

"What makes you so sure?" Mayumi asked her friend with a raised eyebrow. 

"Because when Matsuri suffered from that breakdown, she possibly would've took that answer as a yes and thrown him in the prison with the rest of the boys."

Both Mayumi and Etsuko looked at each other and blinked. Their mind processes what Chiyo has said. She did make a point, she would've taken that as an answer and threw him in the prison block. But she didn't. She actually helped a boy.

"You sure she won't do it again." 

"I'm positive. Mari may be stubborn, but she's not that evil."

"Hmm...I want to believe you. But something tells me I shouldn't hold on to that much faith."

"Well, take it or leave it. But I want to have faith in Mari...and I think Matsuri will change that."

She said as she got up from her sitting position and headed towards the door. Followed by the other to continue their school life.



Meiko had a back against the building as she continued to watch over the boys. Without Hana, she had to watch over five of them by herself. At least, only temporarily as Matsuri was ordered to come here by noon so he can help her observe the five. 

For the moment, she simply laid against the school building and rested her head. Her eyes watched the blue sky, clouds slowly rolled by overhead. She let the wind splash against her face, the cool breeze maintaining her sweat gland. 

Her mind was more particularly on the boy, if she recalled, the President mentioned that he had suffered a panic attack from the interrogation. And according to the nurse, Matsuri seems to have a mental scar within him. A question has occurred to her ever since, just what happened to him in his previous school life that affected him that much? Did he really cause Yoshimiya death? It was all hard to believe, considering that so far he seemed a well-behaved boy for the most part. 

Sure, he shares some perverted traits, but they are never out of enjoyment or lechoursus like the boys they are watching over. In fact, he seemed more ashamed of himself for looking at girls in any ways possible. She remembered how he always takes quick glances at her, but for some odd reason…..she has grown accustomed to him looking at her. Not that it wasn't only him, the boys do the same. But Matsuri was a different story.

"Why am I thinking that?" 

"Vice President?"

Meiko made a small yelp as she moved off the wall. But tripped on her legs and fell backward. Matsuri reacted quickly and dashed to her aid. Before Meiko could fall on her back, Matsuri hands quickly wrapped around her hourglass frame, his body pressed against her's. 

Their eyes locked onto each other. Her body facing upward, her massive breast pressed against his clothed chest. Meiko's face heated up from the close contact, she slowly breathed heavily as she looked up at the boy. A strand of hair fell from her clip and rested on her face between her eyes. 

Matsuri didn't know what to think on his end as he continued to support the tall girl's weight with both his hands as they wrapped around the girl's waist. He could feel her massive soft bosom pressed against him. His heart was beating fast from the contact, he continued to stare at the grey hair girl whom he was holding close, just a few inches from the ground. The way her sweat leaked against her face, the rise and fall of her breathing. It all strangely aroused him. 

The moment broke when both of them looked to the side and spotted Shingo, Andre, Kiyoshi, Gakuto, and Jo. The five boys were watching the scene with such an intense look in their eyes. They all had similar reactions from one another. Mad blushes flushed on their faces, while some had drools leaking from their mouths. More particularly Shingo, Andre, and Jo. 

Meiko flinched and shifted her gaze at her savior. "HEY! L-LIFT ME UP ALREADY!" 

"Gah! S-S-SORRY!" Matsuri quickly lifted her from the ground and immediately jumped a few inches away from her, giving her some space. 

Meiko dusted herself off and shifted her anger at the boys. Her hands rested under her bosom, causing them to be pushed up. 

"AND JUST WHAT ARE YOU SCUMBAGS LOOKING AT!? FOCUS ON YOUR OWN SCRAPS!" Meiko yelled with fury. Causing the boys to quickly eat their food and pretend to mind their business. "AND YOU!" 

"Waah!" Matsuri flinched.

"Say something next time! And do not sneak up on me like that!" 

"B-But I did say something."

"NOT LIKE THAT YOU IDIOT!" She said as she leaned closer to the boy's face. 

"S-Sorry. It won't happen a-again." 

Meiko just huffed in the air and faced the other way. Her face remained hot from the contact. She can still feel it. The way his hand grabbed her waist from saving her. But did he really need to hold her like that? What if the boys got the wrong idea!? What if anyone else saw them in such a pose? Or worse, what if the President caught them like that!? Just the mere thought of it got her sweating. 

"Um…..V-Vice President?" 

Meiko slightly looked over her shoulders and glanced at the boy. "W-What?" She stuttered. 

"Um…..s-so I know that I'm supposed to come here early now, but…..w-what happened to Hana?"

"R-Right, Hana," She said as she cleared her throat. Trying to calm herself. "Hana had an accident yesterday, so for the remaining days the President wants you to help me by observing the Prisoners." She said still facing the other way. 

"What happened?"

"Not sure. For the moment I just want you to help out with the boys."

"O-Oh….okay then." Matsuri said. His eyes darted back and forth between the boys and Meiko. "Umm….s-sorry but…..could I say something to you?"

"What is it now?"

"I….It's private." He said in a low voice. 

Meiko turned around and just gave the boy a confused look. It seemed like he didn't want the boys to know either. She sighed to herself and gestured to him to come over to her. Matsuri walked to her side and tapped on her shoulders, motioning her to bend down. She rolled her eyes and lowered herself, due to their height differences. Just what was it that was soo important?

He leaned close to her ear, the girl flinched under his close contact again. But remain composed. 

"I'm sorry for when I touched your breast." He whispered into her ears. 

Meiko blinked a few times, there was nothing but silence on her end. She just remained motionless. 

Matsuri backed up with a mad blush upon his cheeks. His eyes darted back and forth. He's been meaning to apologize for his action that day. He still remembered that dream he had the other night after that day. 

Meiko's reaction on the other hand was…...different. She trembled from her spot, her sweat intensified as it created a pool underneath her feet. Her breathing became heavy. Her face became a heavy crimson red. 

"Y-Y-You bastard."


"YOU STILL REMEMBER THAT NIGHT!" Meiko blew up in front of his face. 

"Yes! A-And I thought I needed to apologize for-MMPH!" His mouth was shut tight from Meiko's hands. 

She desperately shut his mouth from talking about the scene, especially in front of the boys. "Shut up you idiot! Don't go saying it out loud in front of the boys!" She hissed. 

Matsuri mumbled through her hands. She couldn't exactly hear what he said but she could take a guess that he said he was sorry. 

"And now thanks to you, I was trying to forget that night! But you…..y-you…...ugh! I can't believe you!" Meiko huffed as she removed her hands from his mouth and faced the other way. Her hands returned to rest under her bosom. 

"I-I'm sorry. I just…..I just felt like I was in the wrong." Matsuri said, gaining a bit of her attention. "I wanted to apologize for it. Sorry!" He bowed. 

A small blush formed on Meiko's cheek. She pursed her lips together, irritated at not just the boy, but herself. He was just trying to apologize for his actions…..nothing in the wrong.

"I-It's fine. It was an accident anyways….." The bell chimed, hinting that it was time to get back to work. "Did you eat Matsuri?"

"Y-Yes. I had something quick while on the way."

"Good. Then let's get to work." She said as she walked over to the prisoners. 

Unknowest to him, a small blush crept on Meiko's face. Her hand settled between her massive cleavage. Her heart beated against her chest. 

"Why…...Why am I feeling this right now..."

A moment or so passed there after, Meiko was watching over Shingo, Jo and Andre. While Matsuri was watching over Kiyoshi and Gakuto. 

In fact, the boy was, at the moment, speaking with the two boys. "So, what exactly happened with Hana?"

"Ah, alas it wasn't me. It was Kiyoshi-dono." Gakuto said as he gestured to a rather uneasy Kiyoshi. "It was he who disposed of Lady Hana."

Matsuri's eyes shifted over to the boy and took notice of how on edge he was. His expression just grew suspicious of the navy blue hair boy behavior. Something must have happened during his absence. Or something he didn't MEAN to do in the slightest. 

He wanted to question him, but decided against it. "Well, that's one problem solved. I should be able to take care of the Vice President." He said with a hint of uncertainty in his voice. 

Gakuto took note of the boy's tone. "You sure. You seem so unsure of yourself?"

"S-Sorry…..it's just that…..I feel kind of bad deceiving her. Plus I still think this whole thing is a bad idea."

Kiyoshi caught on to what Matsuri means. He knows that this whole operation is really a big risk. But he really wants to make this breakout a success. 

"I know Matsuri," Kiyoshi said. "But I made up my mind, I will do anything to be with Chiyo! I'll do anything to see that precious smile of hers!" He said with such a determined voice. 

"That is the spirit, Kiyoshi-dono! Matsuri-dono, you must follow his lead! You need more fighting spirit in you as well!"

"I have a spirit…...it's just saying we should not do this..." Matsuri said with a plain look.

"Matsuri-dono, if I may be bold to ask…..but is the reason why you don't wish to do this is because you have a thing with the Lady Vice President?"

"HUH!? Matsuri's face completely flushed red. Where did that statement come from!? 

"Now that I kind of think about it, you and the Vice President were looking at each other when you caught her in your hands." Kiyoshi said as he raised his hand to his chin looking at Matsuri.

The brown hair boy looks between the two with a mad blush. "W-Wait a minute! You're misunderstanding this! We don't have that sort of relationship!" He denied, his blush not leaving his cheeks.

"I am not dumb when it comes to relationship, Matsuri-dono! I can assure you that the relationship between you two is the start of something that even I will be surprised about."

"I'm telling you it's not like that! And I'm pretty sure Meiko feels the same way!"

"Meiko? You call her by her first name?" Kiyoshi asked as he titled his head. 

Matsuri's face was red by this point. He looked between the two, not sure what to say. "Huh….uh….t-.....we…...let's just get back to the topic okay! Anyways, Kiyoshi, I just found out something yesterday! About Chiyo!" He said desperately trying to change the subject. 

"Huh!? Um….w-what?"

"The other reason why I feel like this breakout is a bad idea is because…..Chiyo is the President's younger sister." 


Complete silence between the two boys. Nothing was heard except for the wind. 

"HAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!??????????" They both said in sync. 

Matsuri flinched under their screams and desperately waved his hand to calm them down! "Be quiet! The Vice President can hear you guys!"

"Sorry! But are you serious!? The President is Chiyo's older sister!?"

"It's true!" He whispered. 

"B-But how come! T-They look nothing alike!"

"P-Pray, it must be some genetic thing in the family. Where Lady Chiyo got it from one side, and Madame President got her trait from one side of the other family."

"Kiyoshi, I feel like this plan is really dangerous. If the President finds out that you were dating her sister, who knows what will happen?"

After hearing this, now he knew that he was playing with fire here. And a dangerous one at that. His eyes looked at the hole that was still in progress of being made. It got bigger for a good while now, ever since Hana was gone, they have managed to make some progress and went along smoothly than they anticipated. And by tomorrow…..it will be big enough to slip through.

"Matsuri…...I know the danger of this…...but even if she's the President's sister…..I'm still determined to make this date happen!"

Matsuri just looks at him, his eyes looking into Kiyoshi's. He can see the determination within the boy's eyes. He had bravery that's for sure. Something that he would be jealous and wished he had, but he didn't. Matsuri still believed that this was a bad idea to go with, but they did get this far. So what else is there to do, he didn't like it but…...they had to continue on. 

"Alright then…...let's continue…...just promise me you guys won't get caught okay." He said with uncertainty. 

"Pray. Calm yourself Matsuri-dono," Gakuto spoke up as he pushed up his glasses. "We will not fail. Operation Breakout will be a success!"

"That's right Gakuto! We can do this!" Kiyoshi agreed with Gakuto. 

Matsuri just watched the scene unfold between the two. 

"I have to admit. Their determination is strong. Kiyoshi really wants to make this a success…..he got guts I'll give that…...much more than…...me."