
History's Strongest Master - Yang Weimin

When a young man is Isekaied into the world of Histories Strongest Disciple Kenichi, how will he become strong?

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19 Chs

Chapter 1 - A Master is Born!

A young man suddenly found himself sitting up in an unfamiliar place, his eyes darting around in disorientation and confusion. The last thing he remembered was the blinding headlights of a truck as it struck him, the impact shattering the fragile bones in his body. Yet here he was, in what seemed to be some kind of ethereal, otherworldly space, an old man calmly sipping tea at a small table.

"Hello, young Izumi. It is good to see you," the old man said, surprising the mortal with his knowledge of his name. Izumi approached cautiously, a mix of trepidation and curiosity evident in his expression. This couldn't be real - was he dreaming? Had he truly perished in that tragic accident?

"How do you know my name? Where am I?" The questions tumbled out, Izumi's brow furrowing as a sense of unease settled in his stomach. He had always been a rational, logical person, and the idea of an afterlife or divine intervention had never crossed his mind. Yet here he was, face-to-face with what appeared to be a deity.

The old man chuckled, seemingly unperturbed by Izumi's bewilderment. "I am God, and you... well, you are dead." Izumi's eyes widened in shock, the harsh reality of the situation sinking in. He had never believed in the concept of an afterlife, yet here he was, confronted with the truth. Before he could respond, the deity continued. "But do not fret. Due to your great karma, I have decided to reincarnate you into another world."

Izumi listened intently, his heart racing. Reincarnation? Another world? The prospect both excited and terrified him. What would his new life entail? Would he ever see his family and friends from his previous existence again? He steeled himself, determined to make the most of this rare opportunity, even as uncertainty and trepidation gnawed at the back of his mind.

As the deity explained the process of selecting a new world and ability, Izumi felt a cautious optimism growing within him. The wheel of worlds spun, and when it finally stopped, Izumi read the name with a raised brow - "History's Strongest Disciple." He knew of the anime, though he had never actually watched it. Still, the prospect of being reborn into that universe both intrigued and intimidated him. What challenges would he face in a world centered around martial arts and powerful warriors?

The deity then presented the wheel of abilities, and Izumi carefully selected "Child Prodigy." As he read the description, a sense of hope blossomed within him. "Child Prodigy: This is more of an innate talent or predisposition than a traditional ability. It allows a person to excel at a certain field of study from a very young age, granting them the ability to progress and master skills at a rate far surpassing their peers. Rather than representing supernatural powers, this 'ability' reflects an exceptional natural aptitude and capacity for learning."

Izumi's eyes widened as he took in the details. This was no mere superficial power - it was a rare gift that could give him a significant advantage in his new life. If he could channel this prodigious talent towards the martial arts, the focus of the "History's Strongest Disciple" world, then perhaps he could truly thrive and make the most of this second chance.

Yet even as Izumi felt a surge of optimism, a twinge of anxiety lingered. Would this ability alone be enough to overcome the challenges that surely awaited him? He knew nothing of the dangers and trials that characterized this new world he was about to enter. What if his talents, no matter how exceptional, proved insufficient in the face of the powerful warriors and martial artists he would surely encounter?

Izumi took a deep breath, steeling himself for the unknown. He knew this was a rare opportunity, but also felt a pang of uncertainty about the future that lay ahead. With the deity's final words, the world began to slip away, and Izumi felt himself being pulled into the void, his previous life fading into the darkness.

Suddenly, a flood of memories filled Izumi's mind - the identity of the 11-year-old boy he now was, the small home he shared with his martial arts master, Yao Shen. Izumi slowly stood up, his body feeling strangely limber and responsive, a stark contrast to the physical limitations of his previous life. A small, eager grin tugged at the corners of his mouth - perhaps this "Child Prodigy" ability would give him an edge in this new world.

As Izumi stretched and examined himself in the mirror, he couldn't help but note the serious, almost stern expression on his young face. So this was the face of Yang Weimin - a far cry from the open, expressive features he had been accustomed to. Yang made a subtle face at his reflection, his lips quirking upwards in a hint of playfulness. No matter, he would just have to bring a bit more of his lively personality to this stoic countenance.

Just as Yang was about to change out of his casual clothes, the door suddenly burst open, and a booming voice filled the room. "GOOD MORNING MY YOUNG DISCIPLE! IT IS TIME TO BEGIN YOUR TRAINING AND ROAD TO BECOMING THE GREATEST MASTER!" Yang couldn't help but jump in surprise, his heart racing at the unexpected intrusion.

However, any lingering unease quickly gave way to excitement as Yang recognized the towering figure of his new master, Yao Shen. "Master!" he exclaimed, a warm smile spreading across his face. "Could you please not scare me like that? You nearly gave me a heart attack!" Yang said, his tone still lively, but a touch more subdued than before.

Yao Shen seemed taken aback by Yang's energetic response, raising his hands in a placating gesture as he let out a hearty chuckle. "Well Yang! Apologies, but I am just so excited to begin teaching you the ways of the martial arts." Yang listened intently as his master explained the plan for the day - focusing on technique and light exercises to start, given Yang's young age.

Before they headed outside, Yao Shen produced a set of martial arts training clothes he had prepared for Yang. "These will be your training and fighting clothes from now on!" he said, handing Yang the outfit. The ensemble consisted of a black dogi with the sleeves torn off, a red headband, black dogi-style pants, and a set of red kickboxing foot grips and gloves. As Yang tried on the ensemble, he couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement.

"Honestly, Master, This outfit makes me feel badass! I really like it," Yang said, a touch of pride in his voice. His master seemed pleased by the compliment, though he did not approve of the earlier use of the word "badass" from the young disciple.

With his new martial arts attire donned, the two made their way out to the backyard training area. Yao Shen turned to Yang, his expression serious yet brimming with excitement. "Now, Yang! I will be teaching you all I know, so make sure to soak up as much as you can. You'll be studying four different martial arts - Jiu-Jitsu, Boxing, Taekwondo, and Karate. We'll start with the basics of Karate."

As Yao began walking Yang through the fundamental Karate techniques, he emphasized the importance of proper breathing exercises and stretching. "The basics are going to focus on these core elements," Yao explained. "Without flexible muscles, you won't be able to progress in Karate."

Yang listened intently, his eyes bright with focus. As he and his master began to stretch, Yang was surprised to find his body surprisingly limber and responsive. He was able to follow the stretches with relative ease, nearly achieving the splits, though he still had some room for improvement.

A small, pleased smile tugged at the corners of Yang's mouth. This "Child Prodigy" ability was certainly living up to its name. With his master's guidance and his own innate talents, Yang felt a surge of confidence about the challenges that lay ahead. He was ready to pour his heart and soul into this martial arts training, determined to make the most of this unexpected second chance at life.

After the stretching exercises, Yao began to teach Yang some basic breathing techniques that would be crucial for his martial arts training. Yang dutifully followed along, though he struggled at first to fully replicate the methods his master demonstrated. Still, Yao couldn't help but be impressed by the boy's determination.

What truly caught the master's attention, however, was Yang's performance during the Karate technique portion of the training. Yao walked him through a series of fundamental strikes, blocks, and kata, and to his surprise, Yang was able to pick up on them quite quickly. While the boy's punches lacked perfect precision, his form and execution for those first katas were remarkably solid for a beginner.

"This kid...could he be some kind of prodigy?" Yao found himself thinking, his brows furrowing in contemplation as he continued guiding Yang through the other martial arts fundamentals - Jiu-Jitsu, Taekwondo, and Boxing. Despite the young disciple's clear fatigue from the extensive training, he managed to grasp the bare basics of each discipline in relatively short order.

When Yao finally called an end to the session, he turned to Yang with an impressed smile. "Well, Yang, I must say I'm amazed by your performance today. You truly are a prodigy among prodigies when it comes to the martial arts." He handed the boy a water bottle, chuckling as Yang practically chugged it down.

"T-thanks, Master..." Yang panted, still trying to catch his breath. "But I was just...following your instructions..." Despite his modesty, Yao could see the pride shining in the boy's eyes. The master reached out and affectionately ruffled Yang's messy hair.

"Well, Yang, I think that's enough for today. How about we go celebrate with some KBBQ?" Yao suggested, eliciting an excited grin from his young disciple. As the two changed into more casual attire, Yao couldn't help but feel a growing sense of anticipation. Yang's raw talent was undeniable - who knew what heights the boy could reach under his tutelage?

---Three Months Later---

It had been roughly three months since Yang had embarked on his martial arts journey, and to say he had shown remarkable improvement would be a vast understatement. Within that short timeframe, he had managed to reach the high end of the "Low Class Disciple" level of power, much to the astonishment of his master, Yao Shen.

In fact, over the past month, Yao had begun incorporating some light sparring sessions into Yang's training regimen. While the master carefully limited himself to match Yang's current abilities, the young disciple was still finding the sessions to be an immense challenge. Even with Yao holding back, Yang's skills were being pushed to their limits.

As Yang ducked under a swift strike from his mentor, he attempted to counter with a punch. But in the blink of an eye, Yang found himself flat on his back, coughing slightly from the impact.

"Yang, you need to stay focused. Don't let your mind wander," Yao admonished gently, extending a hand to help the boy back to his feet.

Yang's typical training routine was a grueling one. It began with running exercises, where Yang would have to pull various items - and even his master - along on a tethered tire. This was followed by upper body workouts like push-ups, pull-ups, and handstands - the latter of which proved particularly challenging for the young disciple.

The lower body exercises, which focused on footwork drills and squats, were also a major test of Yang's burgeoning abilities. But the sparring sessions remained the most daunting aspect of his training regimen. Even with Yao carefully regulating the intensity to match Yang's progress, the master's skills were so formidable that Yang often found himself overwhelmed.

"S-sorry, Master," Yang replied, steadying his breathing. "I'll stay more focused going forward."

The boy knew he had come a long way in a short time, but the road ahead was still long and arduous. With a renewed determination, Yang prepared himself for the next round of sparring, eager to prove his mettle and continue his rapid ascent.

Yes I know. Holy crap you are making another Story? Yes I am. Kenichi is one of my favorite Manga/Anime of all time and I don't see any fanfics about it. So I am deciding to try to make a come back via this. I hope you all enjoy!

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