
You're being vindictive!

Directly opening a portal from the New York Sanctuary back to Pym Labs, Li Congxin found Old Pi after settling down Bucky, and had intended to ask him for news about his aunt, yet the answer he got from him was, "Maybe she'll be a supernatural, but I don't really know."

 Spreading his hands, Old Skin said somewhat sourly, "When I was in S.H.I.E.L.D. back in the day, I didn't have access to the highest level of authority, so there are a lot of things that I actually don't know."

 Li Congxin nodded slightly after hearing this, perhaps this was the reason why Old Skin resolutely chose to leave after discovering that Howard had replicated the Pym Particles, and the S.H.I.E.L.D. side didn't stop him, right?

 After all, although Old Skin was a man of great power, he was also a bit too egotistical, more like a superhero like Team America or Iron Man than an agent, and many secrets were not suitable for him to know.

 It's about whether or not they are trusted, but rather the unsuitability stems from a subjective philosophy.

 The biggest difference between the two is that when it comes to things that conflict with their philosophy, an agent will choose to prioritize completing the mission, whereas a superhero will say: you have to explain things to me!

 And there are some things that can't be agreed upon with lip service, like the Sokovia Accords.

 In this case, giving up on each other might be the best option.

 While drinking the juice, Li Congxin slowly and methodically briefed the encounters of this trip in detail, which only concealed the indescribably wonderful experience between him and Hill.

 After listening to Li Congxin finish the matter, Old Skin frowned and said, "Listening to your description, it seems that your aunt did not use her supernatural ability in front of you, and through what did you begin to suspect that she was a supernatural person?"

 "At that time, I was seriously injured, and my aunt transfused her blood to me, after waking up, I found that not only my strength had increased, but even the energy in my body had produced some mutations. Specifically, let's take qi for example ... "As he spoke, Li Congxin flicked open his palm, and a ball of energy composed of highly condensed qi emerged from within his palm.

 Unlike in the past, the originally formless and phaseless qi was now permeated with a pure white light that looked dazzling.

 Old Pi nodded his head slightly after looking at it, sticking out his thumb and praising, "Not bad, this is very Seven Dragon Balls. In terms of power, has it improved from before?"

 At this time, however, he saw the ball of light in Li Congxin's palm begin to become bright and dim, "Now that I have qi, although the improvement in terms of power is not very great, I can determine the brightness of this light with my mind as well as the amount of qi that I release."

 "In order to protect your old man's eyes from being harmed by it, its limit strength will be tested separately when I turn back."

 Li Congxin was not being alarmist when he said this, the Qi mass in his hand at the moment was only released casually and the intensity of the glow was deliberately controlled, if it was not suppressed, an ordinary person's eyes really might not be able to withstand it.

 At this time, but saw the old skin to him stretched out his right hand, palm facing up, a look of wanting something.

 Li Congxin, on the other hand, directly dispersed the qi mass and placed the ring that had exploded out along with Lord Manchu's finger on it.

 An old man and a young man, two foxes, nowadays the tacit understanding no longer needs words, even with the eyes to communicate.

 Placing the dry finger where on the test bench, Old Skin immediately prepared to start working, while at the same time, without thinking, he opened his mouth and asked, "For this attack, do you have a person you suspect?"

 "Alexander? Pierce."

 Old Pi's movements lurched as he turned his head and asked, "Reasons?"

 "Hill was poisoned with a special drug that can avoid S.H.I.E.L.D.'s detection apparatus." Lee explained casually, "Who but the top brass of S.H.I.E.L.D. would have such a good idea of what taking something does and what its flaws are?"

 "Based on that?" Old Skin frowned slightly, "Do you have any idea what kind of drug that is, and what its symptoms look like when it kicks in?"

 "That ... well, I admit that the reason I suspected Pierce was because I had seen images related to it in the Quantum Realm."

 After saying that, Li Congxin no longer gave Old Pi the chance to continue to pursue the question, directly turned around and walked towards the outside: "After tossing and turning for such a long time, I have to go back early to rest after escaping from death, and I'll talk about the rest later."

 After speaking, the person had already left Old Skin's laboratory as if he had fled.

 Seeing Li Congxin escape, the old skin's face could not help but show a very lewd smile: "After all, it's the young people ah, just that little thing, what is embarrassing."

 "However, it looks like our family Hopper doesn't seem to have much of a chance, it's a pity ..."

 "Forget it! Young people things, let them solve it themselves."

 "On the contrary, this ring ... is a bit interesting!"


 These two days Halogen Egg's mood is really too bad, bad!

 The ambush that Hill and Li Congxin had been subjected to was, at first glance, an insider's trick.

 To know that what they were traveling on was S.H.I.E.L.D.'s internal plane and Wind Zero, and every staff member inside was S.H.I.E.L.D.'s internal backbone, and in this case, there would actually be an assassination, and to say that there was no insider would be an insult to his intelligence!

 What makes him feel more depressed is that after the assassination attack, the Harmony Zero actually exploded in the air, in addition to Hill and Li Congxin who fell out in advance, all the personnel were killed, which makes him want to investigate are unable to start.

 And from Hill's return, only know that the plane mixed with an outsider, or body mutation, assassination failure on the spot to blow up the kind of ...

 On the other hand, he sent Black Widow to pick up that used to investigate the S.H.I.E.L.D. internal Hydra personnel of the cardiology expert was also killed, by the Winter Soldier one shot two eyes, penetrate the Black Widow after the death of the expert. Not to mention that expert, even the battle-hardened Black Widow was nearly killed in the line of duty.

 From Hill's mouth, Halogen finally heard the news that the person behind the scene might be Pierce. This shocking news he couldn't believe and had to believe.

 Because to complete that assassination operation and know the S.H.I.E.L.D.'s poison detection apparatus like the back of his hand, it must be the top personnel of S.H.I.E.L.D., and Pierce was one of the top personnel of S.H.I.E.L.D.!

 Returning to his office with a depressed mood, the pupil of Halogen's one-eye snapped.

 It turned out to be an Asian teenager wearing a casual outfit, handsome beyond words, was sitting on the sofa with his legs crossed, looking like he had been waiting for a long time.

 This person was none other than Li Congxin!

 Casually shutting the door of the room, UU look book www. uukanshu.net Halogen egg asked with a black face, "How did you come in?"

 "It's not right for you to say that, Director Fury." Li Congxin smiled bashfully, "I didn't ask you the same question when you broke into my office in the first place."


 Is your office that doesn't even have a few security guards the same concept as my office as the Divine Shield Director?

 You're clearly being vindictive!

 However, such words were only in his mind, but on his mouth, he said without budging, "I remember when I broke into your office last time, you said that even if you killed me on the spot, it would still be considered self-defense, and now I'm returning the original words."

 Li Congxin raised his eyebrows, "Are you sure you can beat me?"

 Halogen Egg: ...

 Received an impression from Nick? Fury's impression value +555!