
Have you ever heard of bilocation?

The Ant-Man Battle Suit that Li Congxin had thrown out had managed to attract the politicians' main focus, but that didn't mean that those guys would easily let Li Congxin and the others off the hook.

  As a matter of fact, as soon as it was confirmed that the Ant-Man Battle Suit was real, it was feared that even Old Skin's life would be in danger.

  As soon as he came out from the city hall, Li Congxin detected more than one group of people secretly following him through his perception ability that surpassed the limits of his body.

  With a cold smile, Li Congxin turned on Calories without a care in the world and ran all the way in the direction of his old house.

  His sudden maneuver directly showed those agents in charge of following him.

  In the face of his unconventional routine, the agents were all confused one by one.

  This guy actually left the house and took off, how else can we follow him?


  We'll definitely lose him.

  Chase him in a car?

  How are you going to drive this car?

  If we drive too fast, will you chase him or will he chase you? If he doesn't chase you, what if he makes a U-turn in the middle of the road? Do you dare to make a U-turn on the road?

  Drive at the same speed as Li Congxin? A running buddy followed by several cars trailing behind, that picture is simply too beautiful to bear to see ah have wood!

  Under no circumstances, these people can only call their respective peaks to send additional manpower to help, at the same time with Li Congxin to maintain a certain distance, each choose a fairly hidden route, full of grievances running to catch up.

  Received from Phil? Coulson's impression value +333!

  Received from Everett? Ross ...


  After these agents responsible for tracking him contributed a large wave of impression value to Li Congxin, they lost him.

  It wasn't because Li Congxin's anti-tracking techniques were so brilliant, it was simply because Li Congxin ran too fast for them to catch up!

  The agents were bitter in their hearts, but what could they do?

  It was said that this was a tracking and not an arrest, not only could they not take any strong measures against Li Congxin, they even had to make sure that they were not discovered by the other party as much as possible.

  Even if Li Congxin ran halfway back to ask them for a way out, they could only pinch their noses and point him in the right direction before continuing to sneak up on him.

  They were helpless as well!

  However, the agents also had their own means, their footwork was not as good as Li Congxin's, but the resources they could mobilize were far from being comparable to Li Congxin as a fiction writer.

  After utilizing the various undercover outposts that were set up in advance, accessing street surveillance videos, and even using satellite reconnaissance, it was finally determined that Li Congxin had returned to the Martha's Fitness Club.

  So, a large group of agents from various forces huffed and puffed and got into a car, and all killed to the Martha's Fitness Club.

  And back to his own territory of Li Congxin, the first time to take out a few early prepared a big box, and then directly unplugged the power of the stereo.

  The noisy gym became quiet all of a sudden, and everyone's eyes couldn't help but focus on Li Congxin's body in unison.

  "Friends, congratulations, in time for the seventh anniversary of Martha's Gym's opening!"

  Under the gazes of everyone, Li Congxin blurted out in a big, credulous manner, "So, today, our Martha's Fitness Club will be organizing a store celebration, and everyone present will be able to participate in it!"

  "What activity?" Hearing Li Congxin mentioning an activity, immediately some people who loved to get along with the crowd opened their mouths to ask very cooperatively.

  Li Congxin slowly and methodically opened the several large boxes in front of him, and found that they were filled with some suits, military hats, and eye masks, all in black.

  After showing the things in front of the crowd, Li Congxin just raised his head and said: "Today our store celebration activity is called 'Run, Black Man', requesting everyone to run as fast as possible after this set of clothes to find their loved ones or friends, and take pictures with them, and at the same time when taking pictures, you also have to find something that can prove time as a background, such as a clock or something."

  Looking at the somewhat confused crowd, Li Congxin continued, "Then, please bring the washed photos back here within three days, and we will judge them according to the time and quality of the photo shoot, and the ones in the front will have the grand prize."

  Still the customer who asked the question before, but this time was very discouraged and said, "It sounds like quite boring, what black man, we have never heard of it, can I not participate in this activity, continue to stay and exercise?"

  For this customer's question, Li Congxin, however, did not answer positively at all, but said to himself:

  "The first place winner of the contest will receive a one-month free experience card for the Martha's Fitness Club VIP VIP, which can be renewed at the end of the month."

  "The prizes for the second and third place winners are a place for a VIP VIP membership, which can also be transferred if you don't use it yourself."

  "For the rest of the participants, although there is no special prize, the Pierre Cardin suit used for the competition will belong to the participant."

  After hearing Li Congxin announce the prizes, the customer who had expressed no interest in the event immediately raised his hands and chanted, "Long live the Black Mask! What are we waiting for? Let's distribute the clothes now!"

  The huge box of Black Mask suits that had been prepared for the event, UU Look Book www.uukanshu.net, was distributed more than 90% of them in a matter of moments.

  With Li Congxin's words, the 96 "Black Masks" swarmed out of the Martha's Sword Clubhouse.

  Li Congxin also immediately changed into his own Black Mask uniform, before he had time to put on his hat and eye mask, he saw Stephen Strange step forward from the club. Strange came up from downstairs with a stride.

  Seeing this future Dr. Strange, Li Congxin suddenly remembered something, and hurriedly called out to him, then ran back to the office, took out a beautifully wrapped box and said, "Dr. Strange, this is the banner that old Mr. Nalan asked me to pass on to you, as a thank you for saving big brother Ah Qing, which I almost forgot because I was too busy before."

  After receiving the banner, Strange opened it and glanced at it, followed by very unconcernedly shoving it to Li Congxin as soon as he could and said, "Thank you, now I'm giving this to you." After saying that, he turned his head towards the VIP area upstairs.

  As a localized MiG, Strange was not a fan of this kind of banner, and he didn't want to delay his time even for a second because of this thing.

  Li Congxin can only see the situation helplessly shook his head, looking at the Black Warrior army is about to go through, in order not to attract attention, can only take the banner, followed the team at the end, left the Martha Fitness Club.

  On the bustling street outside the clubhouse, the agents who had just driven over, seeing nearly a hundred Black Man dressed exactly the same, with blindfolds covering half of their faces running in all directions, instantly felt as if more than a hundred alpacas had stepped over them, and the whole thing went bad.

  After a few moments of silence, with a whole bunch of impression value swipes, Coulson bitterly smiled and took out his walkie-talkie, and asked Pierce, the chief commander of the operation, "Sir, have you ever heard of a diversion?"


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