
Chapter 164 - HYDRA Reunion, The Final One-Shot!

Pi Lama blew up, and Clark also directly launched a counterattack signal!

As soon as his words fell, he suddenly saw a skinny figure appear abruptly from mid-air, before turning into a free-fall stance and falling from the sky after a leap of faith.

"Barf!" With a sound, the skinny figure fell in front of the Abomination who was looking confused and didn't know exactly who to help fight who, falling into a very bizarre shape, looking as stupid as it could be.

Looked at the feet of the sudden appearance of the skinny figure, the abomination was first stunned, not more when he saw the appearance of this person, immediately is a roar, raised his big feet, then toward this poor figure stepped down.

The abomination wants to trample this guy into mush, but his plan is doomed to not succeed.

Halfway down, Abomination's ankle was firmly grasped by an equally huge green palm, and that skinny figure had also transformed into the Hulk's appearance, and after getting up, he threw Abomination out, completely smashing the warehouse, which had been affected by both sides' attacks, into a piece of rubble.

Hulk Hulk, shining!

Seeing that his backhand had already played its role, Clark stopped the playback of "Calories" and switched the background music to "Rituals" once again.

Targeted: Hulk

Pain intensity: 10 times!

After doing this, Clark then began to team up with Tony to beat Crossbones up.

Poor fellow Crossbones, with Clark teaming up with Tony's giant armor, he was soon battered and bruised, and his body's recovery speed had long since lost track of the speed at which he was injured.

If this continued, his defeat would only be a matter of events.

On the other hand, the Hulk, who was cursed by the effect of ten times the Rituals, was also rapidly accumulating rage values in the midst of intense pain, and as his combat power continued to soar wildly, after only a few minutes, he had already fainted the unlucky Abomination to death.

However, Hulk did not kill this time, after the abomination, immediately turned back.

Probably not used to seeing Clark and Tony fight two against one, so he decisively intervened and beat up Crossbones with Clark and Tony.

Two against one became three against one!

Received an impression value of +999 from Rumlow!

Received an impression value of +999 from Rumlow!

Received from Rumlow ...

Received from ...

Received from Rumlow ...

Impressions received from Rumlow + 1000!

Crossbones, Pawn!

With the lesson learned from the last time he was brought back from the dead by this guy, Clark of course couldn't give him another chance to come back from the dead, and after making sure of the pair's death, he especially refused to stop.

Thus, Rumlow's corpse was completely torn to shreds under the ravages of the three monster-level experts.

Until finally, under Tony's Pulse Energy Cannon, he was completely vaporized to the point of no crumbs left, and only then did the three of them finally stop.

With their strong enemies destroyed, Clark hastily switched the bgm to "Clear Heart Mantra" to avoid any accidental injuries.

With the help of the background music, Hulk also quickly calmed down, having changed back to Bruce Banner's appearance.

Taking a deep breath, looking at the Quinjet in the sky which had already withdrawn its stealth function, Clark seemed to see Old Pi sitting in the cockpit giving himself a thumbs up.

Shaking his head, Clark turned to Tony and said, ''Pierce's death, I still don't feel real until now. At least it is also the black hand that hides behind the curtain and messes up all kinds of things, but as a result, after appearing, he didn't even come to pretend to be a pussy, and then he was played to death by you, and in an instant, all of them became pussy-less."

And at this time, another helicopter was rapidly approaching, turning his head to look, under the super vision, Clark was even able to make out Halogen Egg sitting in the co-pilot's seat, and was revealing an expression that seemed to be a smile but not a laugh towards him.

Immediately following, the people from the military also appeared, but this time they didn't rush to make a move, only after rounding with the people from S.H.I.E.L.D. since then, they all gathered together towards this side of the airport.

Feeling that the situation has been finalized, Clark's heart is suddenly a warning sign suddenly, his body shape swayed and flashed past Tony's steel giant fist, landing on the back of the other party's fist: "Tony, the culprit is already dead, do you still intend to continue to fight with me?"

Tony's infinite armor left hand violently towards the right hand fist, but unsurprisingly shot a blank, Clark had already flashed out ten meters away, is suspended in mid-air, smiling but not laughing at him.

Take back the mechanical arms, Tony said in a cold voice: "Want and He, can. Unless you hand over the murderer to me!"

"Hey ..." Sighing, Clark first made a waiting gesture to Tony, followed by his gaze sweeping one by one towards the crowd below.

Black Panther was the first to nod at him, and then quickly disappeared into the wreckage, followed by Yi Long and Team America, who also brought Dr. Banner along with them to quickly evacuate.

As for Hope, even the current Clark didn't know exactly where she had gone, perhaps after getting smaller and hiding in Team America's ears?

Seeing that the combatants on his side had already been evacuated as much as possible, and the people in charge of washing the ground were getting closer and closer, Clark then turned back to Tony and said, "In fact, even without Bucky's matter, you've always wanted to find a chance to have a good fight with me, haven't you?"

"But your battle armor has unlimited energy, and my stamina is also very abundant. Although this place is remote, it can't withstand our tossing and turning." Clark gave a slight beat, and his figure had already flown up towards the high sky, "Come with me, let's find a place where no one will disturb us and have a good fight!"


Promising, Tony also directly manipulated his Infinity Armor and rose up in the air right after Clark.

At this time, Eris's voice was suddenly ringing in Tony's ears, "Sir, we just received a coordinate sent over by Mr. Clark's AI, Qingfeng, may I ask if we should view it immediately."


As a green map coordinate was displayed, Tony's face had revealed a smile filled with wariness, "Sahara? It's really a good place for a duel!"

After speaking, Tony had already maximized the power of his Infinity Armor in an instant and flew directly towards the target location.

And Clark also raised his own flying speed to the extreme at the same time, and in the sound of calorie background music, he and Tony competed to be the first to fly towards the center of the Sahara Desert.

It was said that they were going to fight at the coordinate point in the center of the Sahara, but the contest between the two had actually started from this moment.

When Clark sent the coordinates to Tony earlier, it was tantamount to sending him a letter of challenge.

Before the official battle, we might as well have a warm-up match to move our muscles and bones, let's both compete in speed first!

Let's see who is faster and can reach the target location first!

Similar to the infinite armor this big guy, originally is not suitable for long-distance flight, as if it is similar to the size of the anti-hulk armor, more often than not only on the ground to fight, because to maintain the flight of such a big guy, the consumption of energy is too fast, even if it is the Moon Prism reactor can not support for a long time.

But now Tony has the Tesseract as the energy core, so he doesn't have to worry about that.

And Clark this time is also really the speed soared to the extreme, not only the flight speed will be presented to the maximum, and even also in the process of flight, the use of magic array borrowing power, will be already a few pieces of the speed soared again. For a time, it was actually spelled out with Tony who used it for the Tesseract.

However, there is a time for manpower, even if Clark had been on all the time to reduce the consumption of calories by ninety percent, he would still feel tired after a long time.

In order not to let this warm-up match affect the next official duel, had to give up on the stepping relay, slowed down the speed.

When Tony saw this, he nonchalantly let out a cheer filled with mockery and directly left him far behind.

Hey, this guy's physical strength, even more than my moon prism reactor contains more abundant energy, fortunately I have the Tesseract in hand, otherwise this speed competition, may not be able to win him.

But now, I'm already less than ten miles away from my destination, you're destined to lose to me before the official race!

"Attention sir, Mr. Clark has caught up. His current average speed is more than three times that of yours, and at this rate, he's definitely going to arrive at the target location one step ahead of you."

Eris's voice appeared out of nowhere, and it couldn't help but make Tony freeze.

He really couldn't think of any other way for Clark to suddenly increase his speed to that terrifying level in this situation.

At this time, Tony in flight was suddenly surprised to see a spark with lightning arbitrary door suddenly appeared in the void diagonally in front of him, while Clark's figure was directly drilled out from that arbitrary door, while continuing the previous rapid flight, before he could catch up, but had already completed the construction of another arbitrary door, directly flew into it, disappeared.


Depressed angrily cursed, Tony only then opened his mouth to say, "Before focusing on full speed rush, actually forgot to blockade the space, was this guy drilled a hole."

Looking at Clark who had already arrived at the location one step ahead of him, Tony then controlled the Infinity Armor to land down on the opposite side of it, followed by opening the two layers of the mech's mask, and said smilingly, "I didn't expect that in the competition of speed, I was actually taken advantage of by your use of spatial ability."

"But what you did also gave me a wake-up call, reminding me to fight you and block off space before doing so."

Saying that, he manipulated his Infinite Armor and turned on the space blocking multifunction that was designed for Clark, and then he flashed a very underhanded smile at Clark, "Now try again, can you still use that spatial teleportation ability of yours?"

"Why not?"

Looking at the dead duck hardened Tony, Clark couldn't help but sneer, "You don't really think that you're the only one who has a treasure of this level like the Tesseract, right?"

As he spoke, Clark's hands went deep within his shirt from both sides of his self-collar, pulling out a brass pendant that he wore close to his body.

"Your spatial blockade is merely utilizing the ability of the Cosmic Tesseract, but this magic treasure of mine happens to possess the ability to restrain it."

As he spoke, Clark crossed his arms across his chest and set up two orchid finger-like hand seals, followed by a gentle pull to the sides.

The magic array located on the pendant in front of his chest rotated along with his hand seals, and the tightly closed eye at its core opened with a flash of green light, which appeared exceptionally dazzling.

Eye of Argomotor, open!