
His Wife Run Away After Rebirth.

This is about a young girl who gets married to a young man from a noble family. She died after 7 hellish years of marriage to Yun Leifeng. She gets rebirth to the night of her wedding, but she doesn't want to get revenge, just a peaceful life. She ran away and came back after 5 years with a little bean, not as Mrs.Yun or as Li Arinne. read to find out more please~

Ghost_Sinker · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
30 Chs

Chapter 29

"OMG! Little Doll! Are you okey baby?!"

Qi Tian who walk behind the sulky little boy because he want to buy his treasure before come at here to lunch widen his eye when he saw the boy fall like a frog infront them.

Even the bodyguard panicked and quickly help the litte doll get up.

And the other bodyguard even hinder the woman who bump to little doll from walk away!.

Little doll who now at his bodyguard hand still has his eyes big because shocked and even his already white skin become more white and pale now.....

"Uncle annoying...huhuhu....!"

Even when he cry he still call Qi Tian like that.

Qi Tian rolled his eyes! And quickly get the little boy from the bodyguard.

If sister know her treasure fell.....

Hurg!...Qi Tian trembled don't want to imagine further!.

"Miss! Are you blind?!"

Qi Tian shout the woman which the one who bump to the little doll who now cry like a child....

Fortunately he really was a child!.

"Hey! That boy was in the fault! Who told him to run at here?!"

Liang An Yin shameless didn't admit her wrong. She was a celebrate okey! Just who this young boy to shout her?!.

"Uncle...huhu!...that ugly auntie...no...no..that ugly grandma the one who run from that room and bump at me! That grandma is lying!"

Like a hysteria he cry and tell the annoying uncle what that shameless ugly grandma did before bump to him!.

How dare this adult woman lying and accused him as he was the one who wrongs at this matter!. So unforgiveable!.

Because how loud the little boy sound made the customers and employer at this restaurant look at them.


"Grandma! Dont you dare to call my nephew like that! Or i will sue you!"

Before Liang An Yin want to say anything she was startled when the young boy shout her and even call her 'grandma' too like that little boy.....

Just which part from her face look like a grandma??...

"What happened?"

"Don't know but i saw that woman bump to the little boy earlier and didn't admit her fault and even accused the little boy who was wrong"

The employer who saw the scened earlier tell the other people beside her.

"That woman is so heartless how dare she make a cute little boy fall and crying but didn't admit her mistake? Did she thought she is a big shot?!"

The rich woman who was customer in that VIP 10th floor look at Liang An Yin disdain...what a shameless woman!.

"So shameless to accused a children! Just who that woman? Why she look so familiar?"

Liang An Yin start feel panicked and angry when she hear what the crowd whisper with each other. Worried if they know her identity!. Fortunately she wear mask to hide her face if not....urgh! This scened maybe will be a headline and she will be label with a new name like "heartless woman!" Or more worst than that!.

She shot the little boy who now still cry like his mommy die!. So annoying!.

Little doll who still crying pinch his annoying uncle neck and shoulder with all his might!.

This all happened because this uncle! If he didn't threat me to tell mommy about my treasure that day i will never followed him to come at this place! And i will never fall like a childish today and embrassing myself infront all people!.

Where i want to hide my perfect cute and handsome face after this?!!!

Is this karma because i didn't tell mommy about my treasure?....huhu...mommy sorry!...

The little boy cry even more while his thought wandering further and further.....

Qi Tian wrinkle his forehead, just why the h*ll this little boy pinch him?! Its really hurt! Maybe now my body have a mark already!.

Yun Leifeng which still in the private room look at his secretary to check what happened outside.

Oh Qin quickly come out from the room and....

'Just...what the hell this annoying Miss Liang do again?...'

Roar Oh Qin in his heart when he look there so many crowd infront the private room where there are now, a crying baby boy, and a woman and young boy who shout with each other without any shame with their age!.

"Miss Liang what happen?"

Ask him with a stern face like always..or maybe more than always..

"Who are you?! Are you this shameless grandma family?? If yes i want sue this grandma!"

Oh Qin wrinkle his forehead. Just who the hell this young man mean? Grandma? Who? And where? And my grandma already passed away!.

"Shut up?! How dare you call me like that?! I am still young!"

Liang An Yin gritted her teeth. She want to slap this young man mouth!.

The crybaby look at the woman direction with his fierce eyes. This woman really want him to make her life today worst right?.

"Grandma why i think your face and sound is so familiar?"

Qi Tian who still hug and hold the little doll quickly put him down. Because he can't resist the hurt of his body from this baby doll pinch!.

The way he pinch him maybe more dangerous than a pinch from girl!.

"What do you mean?!"

Liang An Yin who know already hate this annoying little boy didn't realized she already ignate the little boy flame.

And she even rolled and give the baby doll a sharp eyes.

"Grandma do you think when you hide your face with a mask and hat i can recognized who you are?...."

The little boy asked with innocent sound and face that can make people fall in love with him!.

All the customer now look at the little boy with a soft eyes and look at the woman with a disdain and hatred eyes. Its like their emotion been control by the little boy.

"Young master i am sorry for my miss mistake"

Oh Qin quickly disturb at the momment when he watch the way that little boy said that sentence make him feel shiver. That was the instinct of the danger is nearby!.

"Who you?!"

Qi Tian asked again to the man who disturb little doll from continue his speech.

"I am..."

"Uncle...i dont need your apologies. You not the one who make mistake and bump at me. That was the grandma who bumps me and lying at here"

Little doll look at man with his cold grey gold eyes.

Oh Qin dumbstruck when he saw the boy's eyes....

"Grandma you a actress right?"

The little boy changed his focus to the woman again with his innocent face.

Liang An Yin trembled and her face turn pale. Just what this annoying child mean? Is he really know my identity or he just make ploy to make me scared?!.

The crowd who hear what the little boy said look at the woman with a curious and suspicious eyes.

They feel that woman figure and voice is familiar too like what the little boy said.