
His Wife Run Away After Rebirth.

This is about a young girl who gets married to a young man from a noble family. She died after 7 hellish years of marriage to Yun Leifeng. She gets rebirth to the night of her wedding, but she doesn't want to get revenge, just a peaceful life. She ran away and came back after 5 years with a little bean, not as Mrs.Yun or as Li Arinne. read to find out more please~

Ghost_Sinker · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
30 Chs

Chapter 26

In the end Qi Ran promise to Wu Yu Han she will bring little doll at his grandpa birthday.

Well she still have a time that day because after that day tomorrow she will go to City B.

And Wu Yu Han who overwhelm with happiness hug the woman before he get his face a punch.....

"F**k! That hurt!"

"That you get when you have dirty thought!"

Smirk raise at her lips.

Meanwhile in the weibo, after one the staff upload the video she taken when the fight between Bai Xi and Qi Ran happened the weibo now in the storm.

*Sillygirl: OMG! Whose that woman?! She so pretty!!.

*fight4thegoddess: Is goddess Bai Xi said that pretty woman stole her role?. Someone plez explain!.

*lovbitch: thef**k! Who that pretty girl?! I want to sign as her fangirl!!!!😍😍

*stormridershit: she still a newbie and not yet appear in any show...

*fuckUlov: (comment above) yeah that right! I want to be her fanboy!! Mygod!finally i can find my goddess!. Lick the screen!!

*moneyiseverything!:hey didnt you all realized that actress bullied the newbie???....that is so rude to call people 'bitch'! Why the manager didn't stop Bai xi from pick a fight with that newbie?. And bai xi is so rude to yell people like she was above all people! Fortunately she not my fav artist! If not i feel shame!.°i hate bully!!°

*fanboyan: yes! That true! That abused power 2the weaker!justice!where our justice!.

*mylover: the important thing is who that newbie??? Didnt she have a personal insta or weibo acc when she sign to be an artist? She so beautiful! °f!!k why my screen have a dirt? Lick!!°

*eatingshit: lick screen!.

*beautyisme: the name above really savage!😂. Me too lick screen!!!.

Comment above was some of the non-fan Bai Xi and some of them is just a passerby.

But....Bai Xi die hard fan didn't quiet too. They fire their comment to protect their goddess!.

*mybeauty: hey! Just who that bitch girl?! Dare to stole my goddess role?!.

*rottenTree: what pretty?! Come one she stole other people work!!. My poor goddess....😢😢

*yellowisme: newbie??? Huh!!! Stupid bitch! She dare to bullies my goddess!! I want to throw rotten egg at that bitch!.

*myendismine: i will be officially that unpopular newbie anti fan start from today for my goddess! Dare to slander my goddess!.

If that was Bai xi fan's comment, there was anti fan too who take the opportunity to tainted Bai Xi reputation.

*f$$k0ff!: the fan really stupid! Did you all not see that the fake goddess you been woshipper is use her seniority to bullies the junior?!. What a blind fan!.

*cookmylife: (comment above) yes that right! What the h*ll with their head is? Not even realized the people which been bullies but protect the people who use her power to suppress the weaker! Stupid fan!°middleFinger4u!.

*look4me: what stolen role?? Haha...that must be kidding! In my opinion after look and watch the video ten time, the fake goddess is the one in the fault! Didn't u all hear that the fake goddess leave the audition before she comfirm to take the roles just because she want to meet her lover?!.jusy how much her lover that newbie mention?! 'Som of ur lover' she said right??...

*skyBeingSky: its was a big scandal if that was true. Ughh...that why i hate a fake goddess the most! The entertainment world really werk!...gosh and shit!.

*justiceuphold: (comment above) hey its rude to said like that! Not everyone in the entertainment world do bad thing. Sometimes there some of them is from a rich family so what the point to sell their body to gain a fame?. Take back what u type!.

*smilebutt:f☆☆k off!!! The one who send this video please tell me is that man appear in the end is the Prince Wu??? OMG! HIS VOICE SO SEXY!!!.

Only one day but many nitizen, fan, anti fan and passerby who responded to the video and give their own point.

And there many nitizen who want to know who that pretty woman and fall in love in first sight at that woman!.

That night when Qi Ran look open her weibo account which was been prepare and register by her manager today amazingly have many follower....

Some of the follower is her new fan and many of them is anti fan!


Use a free way to gain an popularity is really easy to get many followered arh...even most of them were anti fan who now condemned her in the weibo...

"Ahah....thanks Bai Xi! My effort to sell my beauty face use your scandal really work arh!!...it really the power of beauty! Hurm..."

She smile with a very big smile and again adore her beauty in the mirrors...

"Wait for face slapping my dear follower!"

She whisper with a evil voice. Her dark eyes turn more darker.


I really dont know how to write the conversation in the weibo...well...urmm...is that right??? Or good??? Hehehe....nevermind as long i know i understand and like what i write...😏😏