
His Wife Run Away After Rebirth.

This is about a young girl who gets married to a young man from a noble family. She died after 7 hellish years of marriage to Yun Leifeng. She gets rebirth to the night of her wedding, but she doesn't want to get revenge, just a peaceful life. She ran away and came back after 5 years with a little bean, not as Mrs.Yun or as Li Arinne. read to find out more please~

Ghost_Sinker · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
30 Chs

Chapter 23

Qi Yi Jun.

27 year old.

Brown eyes and brown hair

Tall and slim body but hot!

Handsome and a bit pretty as a man

A very rich man and young success CEO

The owner of SE Company or PEC most opponent in the entertainment world

But like YUN Corporation too, PEC is only one of their small branch or company below YUN Corporation and SE one of the Golden Q Corporation....(😏)

And the most important thing is he still single!

Never married and never have a sweetheart...!!

Easy story he never have a scandal about woman.

Stop for the introduction first guys...lets back to the reality...

'The f**k!'

'Omg!!! I never thought i will have an opportunity to meet the Golden King!!'

'He so gorgeous! I don't mind if my eyes blind after this! I don't want to blink my eyes even once!"

'Oww!! I almost pregnent when his eyes glance me! Even i know he didn't look at me!'

All the woman thought already run to crazy when they realized who that man!.

His aura is so strong that can make all the people quiet and dont dare to speak or make a noise even one...

But from their eyes you can see their excited when meet this very handsome man!.

"What happened at here? Why all of you gather at here instead do all your work?!"

The man beside the brown hair man speak again with his cold voice.

His eyes look at all of them make the staff and the actress scared! Who don't know this man!.

He was CEO Wu Yu Han! This PEC's CEO!

And he popular with his stern and fierce face! Almost all staff and actress at here already saw how scary this man when he was angry!.

When he angry that time you even can see all the table or thing near him have a wing and fly in the air!.

He even have a very sharp tongue that can make you want to quit from work and run immediately infront him or you will die from his anger.

That why they all scared when hear this man voice earlier.

Well...as for Qi Ran...urmmm...she only startled because that was the first time she hear this man cold and serious voice! She already familiar with Wu Yu Han acting like a child with her...so its feel awkward and weird!.

But the thing make her tremble is that man beside Wu Yu Han!. That was....forget it! Its not important to know who that man in Qi Ran life....

"Can someone explain? Did you all already mute?! Want me to cut your tongue so that way you all never can speak again! And make fuss at here anymore despite do you work?!"

All the crowd tremble when they hear the man threat! But don't have courage to speak even a word. All of them just pray in their heart hope for someone of them will speak and save their tongue from being cut!.

"Nothing happened CEO Wu. We just have a practice...."

Bai Xi brave herself to speak or...just acting to show her brave infront this two famous man!. Unfortunately before she finish speak Wu Yu Han cut and his eyes now at Qi Ran direction.

"Miss Qi right?"

Qi Ran startled when Wu Yu Han ask her.

She still shocked when she look Wu Yu Han news side her never know before and even forget to maintain her calm expression!.

"Err...Yes... CEO Wu..."

Qi Ran feel awkward when she adress Wu Yu Han with a polite address!.

'Hehe!. Why it so nice when this maniac call me like that?!'

Wu Yu Han almost lost his cool when he hear Qi Ran use a polite address to him infront all people!. He thought before even after die he never hear this girl respect him!.

Qi Ran rolled her eyes when she catch Wu Yu Han flash proud smile. Hurgh.....its hurt her pride....

"Explain to me what happened earlier? Did they bullies you?"

Wu Yu Han give Qi Ran a question and with his changed voice with a bit sweet!.

'F**k! This bastard! How dare he...!'

The crowd now look at Qi Ran with a suspicious eyes.

"Nothing happened CEO Wu. We just practice with each other earlier"

She answer while give a big smile to Wu Yu Han and threaten him with her eyes to get away from here quickly!.

I donet want have a scandal with you arh!. She roar in her heart.

"Is that so? Why i hear from afar the way miss Bai yell at you like you two are fighting?"

Qi Ran rolled her eyes without she realized to Wu Yu Han. Her fist already feel itchy to give this man a beauty punch!.

"Oh..that..? Well earlier Senior Bai want to test her vocal and want me to judge if her vocal is good or not. But as CEO Wu listen earlier her vocal is not good enough to act as a tarzan version woman! That why we practice...right senior Bai?"

With an innocent face she ask Bai Xi for support what she said.

Bai Xi startled when this stupid newbie use her name as an excused to save them from this scary but handsome CEO!.


Wu Yu Han eyes now turn to Bai Xi which now her face red like a tomato. Rotten tomato....

"Yes CEO Wu"

Without any choice Bai Xi force her lips to give an answer. She glare at Qi Ran. Tarzan version woman? What the heck is that?!.

Qi Ran who look at Bai Xi give her a big smile and show her white teeth.

'Serve your right! Who said you to bully me? I have a big bastard here to backup me you know!'

Qi Ran give a proud smile to Wu Yu Han when no one look at her.

Her body stiff when she feel a cold eyes look at her!. Its really make people shiver!. Who give me that fierce look?.....

"Go back do your all work! I don't want to see anyone waste time like this time anymore in the future!"

Wu Yu Han give a reminded to all the worker before he bring his important guest or friend to his office.

Qi Ran look at the man behind who now walk by Wu Yu Han side with a confused expression.

'Why his face same with the pervert stalker earlier? But even have a same face their aura and character really different!...maybe he was that crazy but generous man twin or big brother...'

Thought Qi Ran.....

But not confident and don't want to care anymore.


He don't plan to involved with the actress argument earlier or want to stop it but when he saw Qi Ran been bullies by the other actress make him feel angry and without realized it he already give a very cold voice to them earlier!.

And he want to tease the maniac girl and make her angry even he know after this he will get a special gift from Qi Ran.

A punch.

"That my girl. Pretty right?!"

When he and Qi Yi Jun already in the lift with a very proud voice as always he brag to his friend which from earlier have a cold aura and suspicious.

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