
His To Marry

“Do you, Tay Payne, take Olivia Ferguson as your lawfully wedded wife?” Olivia Ferguson is perfect in the eyes of the public but she is weeping on the inside. Best selling author yet unknown. Parents who will do anything to look good in the media. Olivia just graduated from the Universityof Johannesburg and is set to marry a successful entrepreneur Tay Payne. She is instantly attracted to him on the first meet but she doesn’t want to be involved with him romantically because she has a devastating past and only living because she opened her eyes in the morning. Tay Payne is a young powerful billionaire, the eligible bachelor of Sandton and he knows it. His brothers are everything to him. She is a puzzle to him and he is determined to complete the puzzle no matter what but he is not without his faults. Join the world of secrets, lies, passion and betrayal

PearlMampetlana · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
39 Chs

chapter 14

Nate left after finishing the sandwich that wasn't even meant for him. If I told someone that Nate was Tay's little brother, they wouldn't believe me. Tay is private, too private, if I may add, and Nate is bubbly—he's uncaring about the world's opinions. As long as he has the people he loves by his side, he is happy. I finish mine and as Tay promised; he gives me a tour of the house. The house is like bigger than I thought, there is a library. It's so huge you would even get lost in it. We move to the gym, every machine there is that is used to exercise is here. Apparently, the brothers meet at the gym every 4 am in the morning to exercise. Let's not forget Andrew's studio, although I didn't look at it for long — it was beautiful and the rest were guest rooms. Tay's study is enormous; it also has a small bar stand and black leather couch just a few feet away from his desk. There are pictures of him and his brothers, of course. We FaceTime his mother in his office to ask her to talk to Sofia on my behalf. After talking to his mother, I wait for him to finish his work. After he finishes, he tries to convince me to go by the pool for a swim. I—of course, refuse, but somehow, I end up changing into a white dress shirt.

I watch Tay surfaces and resurface in the ocean's blue water.

"Are you seriously going to sit there and watch me swim?" Tay asks, and pushes his hair back.

"Yep," I say, popping the 'p'.

"Come on, the water feels amazing." He tries to convince me, but so far it's not working. Minutes later I'm lifted into wet arms.

"Put me—" I don't even get to finish my sentence as he throws us into the water. I kick until he unwraps his hands around my torso under the water and I resurface. I push my hair back and swim towards a corner to get out, but he pulls me back in before I can climb out. I turned around to face him, and that was a bad idea, if you ask me. He blocks my movement by his body; both of his arms also prevent me from leaving. Our breaths are now in synchronization. The way he looks at my lips sends chills up my spine.

"Tay, you…" Suddenly, I feel a soft hand on my bare thigh leaving tingles. My breath gets caught in my throat; I didn't expect that. He parts my thighs with his hand and slid his body in between them.

"You were saying?" Tay's voice held amusement. I wait in anticipation for him to make his next move. He lifts me and my legs wrap themselves around his waist. He uses one hand to support me and the other to caress my thigh. My hands are now on his heavenly hard chest, and my stomach is about to explode with butterflies. His hands burn me with pleasure, Jesus! What is this man doing to me? His lips are now a few inches away. He leans in, and I close my eyes waiting.

Still waiting.

Still waiting.



I open my eyes and find Tay with a smirk on his face. This man sure knows how to tease someone.

"What? You want me to kiss you?" Tay asks.

"No." my voice doesn't come out as I want it to. If this is a game he wants to play, then two can play the game.

"But your body is betraying you, love," Tay says with confidence. I show him no weakness but God; we are talking about Tay Payne here. A Greek God in the flesh. An expert who knows confidently what he is doing.

"My body is not betraying me."

"Are you trying to convince me or yourself?" he whispers in my ear, and my chest rises and falls, trying to control my breathing.

He unwraps my legs around him and I stand on my two feet in the pool. I suddenly feel hurt by his actions.

You are the one who said your body doesn't respond to his, so woman up. My subconscious butts in.

A hand trails up my inner thighs and I swear to God! I forgot how to breathe. I grip on the pool's edges.

I feel his fingers on my panties, and I let out a heavy breath I didn't know I was holding. He leans his head closer and leaves a trail of wet kisses on my neck. My legs would have given up on me if I weren't supporting myself. His fingers rub me through my panties and I wish I could rip the fabric standing between us, but I don't have the courage to do it.

"Tay," his name comes out as a moan, and he hums against the base of my neck.

"I love the scent of your skin." He says on my neck, sending the most incredible sensation ever through my body.

"You can lie all you want, but your body will always betray you." I can feel my legs wobble.


"Now I truly believe God hates me...Jesus! Why does he always put me in these awkward situations?" a voice says and Tay curses under his breath.

"Nana, you have the worst timing ever," Tay says, his head still in the crook of my neck. I guess I don't need to tell you I'm already red as a tomato with embarrassment.

Tay climbs out of the pool and pulls me out, too. He hands me a towel, and I dry myself.

"You know there's a reason we have rooms, right?" Nana asks.

"I heard a scream; you know that people swim in that pool right. Did you have to do it in the pool?" I hide my face with my hair, not to show the embarrassment that's written all over it.

"We didn't do it, Nana, you can relax," Tay chuckles.

"That's a relief," Nana says and places her hand on her chest.

"I'm going to clean up," I tell the two and make my way to my room.

I take a long relaxing shower, wash my hair, and wrap my wet body with a towel. I dress up in a sweater and leggings. I leave my hair to air dry and settle myself on the bed. I don't feel hungry so I decide to skip dinner. Minutes pass, and there is a knock on the door. I shout 'come in,' and Tay comes into view carrying a laptop and a small bowl on top of it.

"Hey?" Tay says.

"Hi," I say, and there is silence after that.

"Come in,"

"I made noodles," Tay tells me. He gestures for me to eat and I oblige. He opens his laptop and starts working.

"You are not going to eat?" I ask.

"No, I made them for you, so eat up," Tay says.

"What are you working on?" I ask, and continue eating.

"The upcoming project, I'm going to partner up with the Japanese," Tay says while typing on the laptop. I finish the noodles.

"I will take it." He takes the bowl and walks out of the room. I get back into the sheets. Minutes later, Tay comes back and settles himself on the bed. He gestures for me to place my head on his chest and he wraps his arm around me. I could get used to this. He plants small kisses on my head while inhaling my scent. His hand goes to switch the lights off, but I stop him.


"It's okay, I'm here," Tay says softly. Is he going to make me face my fears like this?

"Tay…" how do I explain it to him?

"You can't live like this Olivia; Face your demons at one point, it's better to start now than later. Darkness doesn't always represent darkness, and the same goes with light. The light you always sleep in may be your darkness and the darkness you are so afraid of may be your light. Some people wear white to represent their sorrows and their darkest moments and some wear black. What I'm trying to say here is that darkness is not what it always seems. There's no need for you to be terrified of it. Now go to sleep, nothing is going to happen to you, okay?" I don't know if I should believe him or not, but I nod and close my eyes to sleep. Tay plants one more kiss on my forehead. Shortly I fall into a deep sleep and my mind reaches for feared darkness, despite Tay's reassurance.

Have you ever experienced a moment where all your hope is gone? Where you don't feel the necessity to live? Where you question your purpose in life? I am in my pool of blood, and my body is numb. Unable to do anything, but watch as it all happens; my life turning into turmoil. I am helpless at a man having his way with my body; I don't even have more tears left, so I stare up at the dark clouds. The pain I feel reminds me of my reality; I lost the most precious gift a girl could ever cherish; my virginity. His disgusting lips were now on my neck.

A thumb caresses both of my cheeks. "Shhhh, it's a dream. I'm here," a voice says, Tay.

"Let it all out." I must have been crying in my sleep since I wasn't crying in my dream.

"You are so beautiful" with that being said; my brain goes into sleep mode.


The next morning, I open my eyes slowly. Tay is not here. Last night's events replay in my mind—Tay telling me I am beautiful.

Was I dreaming again, or did he say it? I have never got those kinds of compliments sincerely. The ones I got were from horny pigs. My eyes catch a small piece of paper and a rose on the bedside counter; I grab it and read.

Morning love,

I'm sorry you didn't find me when you woke up. I had to go to the office, but I left something for you; a rose for the lady of my heart. Try not to miss me too much. I will be back before you know it. It reads.

I grab the rose and bring it to my nose. My door bursts open, Nate and Andrew walk in arguing about something.

"Sister-in-law, tell me this....oh! Someone is receiving some love today," Nate says, jumping on the bed and I blush.

"What do you want, Nate?" I ask, trying to change the subject.

"Oh right, am I selfish?" Nate asks.

"What?" I ask. Where did that come from?

"Andrew says I don't think about other people's feelings. Is it true?" Nate asks with hurt in his eyes. I wish we could get a warning about these types of questions.

"Um, I don't think so. You are... your own kind." What type of answer is that? He seems to think about it.

"Okay. Thanks, sister-in-law." Nate says, kiss me on the cheek, and walk out.

"You shouldn't have lied to him, Olivia. Nate needs to grow up and go to college. Tay should stop giving him money and even worse, buying everything he wants." Andrew says softly.

"Why did Nate decide not to go to college?" I ask.

"He said it's a waste of time, therefore, Tay and him brought up an agreement that if he doesn't get into Wolves' train program this year; Tay can choose any University and major for him." Andrew informs.

"I guess that's good also," I say. Andrew pats my legs and walks out.