
His Temptress

Ilham Hafiz Salam is a 20 year old professional doctor and surgeon at Princess Diana Hospital. What happens when she donates her blood to save one of her patients who unknown to her is the handsome but dangerous drug lord and Mafia king Omar Mohammed Akhir who is the crown prince of Turkey ? When Omar falls in love with the doctor who attended to him when he was injured, he decides to make her mine no matter what. Whether she likes it or not she must be his !!!! When she finally falls in love with him, he does a grave sin on her and she's already pregnant with his child. Will she forgive him and let their love lead or will their love story come to a sad end?

Layla_Sheikh · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
34 Chs

Chapter Twenty Two


He was furious. He had heard about Ilham's death and was so broken. What he didn't expect was that she would come back and even save Omar's life after he had tried to assassinate him. He was mad at her for doing that. And the little baby she was holding in her arms and that familiar man she was walking with. It all didn't make sense. Why should all these happen?

That man looked so familiar. As tho' he knew him from somewhere but the question was where? He had had a lot of business accomplices but one particular one of them looked very much like that man. His name was Dalil or something like that. That man suddenly disappeared one day after a contract went wrong. Jamal was starting to believe that this man was Dalil after all. And if he was, that meant he was in love with Ilham too. This conquest just got tougher everyday.

He had to think fast and act very fast.


Since Ilham got back home, she had been getting calls from private numbers and all the calls turned out to be from Omar. She didn't want to talk to him or hear any excuse. She loved him but didn't want to cause any form of harm to his new home. She had a new responsibility to attend to. Her baby Huda was her new assignment and she was bound on making the life of this little baby one of a kind. Huda was such a cute and adorable little baby. She always made sure that Mama was happy with her.

"Mama!" She called Jn her soft baby tone. Ilham picked her up and planted a soft kiss on her cheek. The baby giggled and kissed her back. She was too smart for her 7 month old age. She was so adorable. And she wasn't a cry baby, unlike Abdul Rauf, Hayat's baby. He took joy in crying. But when he was in Ilham's company he would seize crying, apparently because he was shy of little Huda.

Those two babies were inseparable. They would be best of friends if they grew up. Hayat had been by Ilham's side all the way. Even though she had Mommy issues, she still squeezed some time to be by Ilham's side all the time to give her advice and guidance. It really helped her to overcome that depression, she was going through.

"Let's go to work love " she whispered to her giggling baby. She was allowed to bring her little baby to the hospital with her, while she left her at the nursery to play with the kids of her colleagues. Hayat also. She was gradually getting over Omar and Levent was helping her get there. She still loves him, but she had to love herself and her baby more. She had given herself less attention while she gave attention to other people and their fucked up lives. She now had her life and now she was free to do anything and everything.

Amir dropped her and Hayat off at the hospital while he went back to his own workplace. She had met her father and his reaction when he saw her was priceless. He went down on his knees and asked for mercy from her. He had wronged her so badly and had been the prime cause of her childhood depression. Now her feud with him was over and now she was fine with him addressing her as his daughter. Everything seemed to gradually go back to normal. Except the fact that, she had lost Omar to another woman.

She dropped her baby off at he nursery and turned to walk to her office when she was blocked by a tall hard bodied, muscular figure. He had that cologne of the man that she loved, used to love and will forever love. There he stood blocking her from moving away from him. Her heart was movk v at the fastest rate ever. She had never felt so scared in her life. He wore a expressionless face. He looked like he was angry or up to some no good. She had to think fast. Her guardian angel shone on her, when he got Hayat on the phone. This was her escape but this man didn't seem like he was going to led her to that easy.

"Hayat?" She called into her phone. Hayat was looking for her. She didn't want Hayat to meet her with Omar here. She might think that all the advice she had been giving her was all in vain. She quickly turned away from his gaze and walked past him. He was right behind her. She saw how all the doctors, nurses and patients were staring at the strange scene. It was kind of embarrassing since she didn't like the idea of him following behind her tail that way. She walked into the elevator and it was empty. She cursed her stars for that. That meant she and Omar alone in an elevator.

She entered into the elevator and leaned against the walls of the elevator and started into thin air. Omar walked to her and leaned beside her gazing at her, never tearing his gaze off her. She could feel his gaze on her. She just wished that he would just stop pursuing her. She wanted to forget him and get her life back.

When they reached the 8th floor, she vacated the elevator and walked to her office with the man who broke her heart, right behind her. She sighed as she entered her office and left the door open. She knew he wouldn't leave her until he had spoken to her and now was just not the time for her to fight him. She just wanted her peace of mind. Her psyche had been flooded with miserable thoughts of him and all she wished for was to let him know that she was moving in and didn't want him anymore.

She sat down as he took a seat too, right in front of her. She stared at him while he stared at her, while the both stared at each other. She looked fed up. Fed up of lies, pain, heartbreak, trust issues and all those emotional black mails. He looked at her with hurt, hate and love in his eyes. He hated himself for her condition. But he knew that without her, he would be nothing in this world.

"How are you doing baby?" He inquired. She looked at him with teary eyes and shook her head in disbelief. How could he call her baby, when he was happily married to someone else? Didn't he have any sense of human sentiments?

"I'm Ilham. And I'll be glad if you call me Doctor Ilham. Those nicknames were memories from the past that are now forgotten. So please Mr. Akhir, be a gentleman and call me Ilham or Doctor Ilham" she said with hurt, anger, sadness and all kind of emotions in her voice, to the astonishment of Omar. He never expected her to speak that way. He guessed that she had changed during these months.

"I'm sorry Ilham. I'm sorry for not fighting for you. I'm sorry for betraying you. I'm sorry for lying to you. I'm sorry for breaking you. I'm sorry for not being there for us. I'm sorry for all your sacrifices, I didn't see.And most of all, I'm sorry, for making you lose your love for me" he implored. She just stared at him with amused eyes. She had never expected him to have the guts to come here trying to win her back do easily.

She chuckled out of bitterness. She was young to be very hostile to him and he was going to deserve every bit of it. And she was not going to regret any of it.

"Are you done Omar? Because if you are, accordingly I want you to get this in your head. Your apologies ,don't work anymore. Is it my fault that I fell for a prince of wherever and he lied to me and broke my heart and got me pregnant and made me lose my baby and attempted suncide and is so depressed now?!!! Is if my mistake that I fucking took, all the pain for your mistakes and ended up looking like a 49 year old woman with depressed kids?!!! You screw up real bad Omar!! And I don't think we can ever come back together again. You was the one but you was fucking up. I don't want you anymore. My heart wants you, but my body's scared.of being hurt. I just can't take all of this anymore. Just leave me alone and don't come back into my life. I can't handle all this emotional crisis anymore. I give up Omar! I give up!"

With that said the waterworks begun. She cried her heart out on her desk. Omar say down numb. He came here to win her back, but he was shattered. She had given up on him and now, nothing could bring her back. What had he done?.

The door to her office suddenly opened to reveal an elderly looking woman holding in her hands a little baby. The arrival of the baby made Ilham wipe her face immediately. She smiled at the bundle of joy, she collected gently.  The baby smiled back at her before turning her gaze to the stranger before her.

She stared Omar in the eye for a while before giggling happily. Her second action made Ilham and Omar gasp.

She raised her hand out for Omar and in her angelic baby tone, cried out, a soft yet powerful


Ilham looked at Omar as he looked back at her, both with shocked eyes. This was going to be tough!

Hey y'all. So apparently, I got blocked from commenting for about a week. Because I gave a bad really to one hate comment a reader made on this book. I'm so sorry guys.

I love 😘 y'all for giving me 12k plus😇. I really appreciate the love. Press the star button below and leave a comment.

I love y'all ❤

Ig:@ Elham Dhul Qanayn.