
His Temptress

Ilham Hafiz Salam is a 20 year old professional doctor and surgeon at Princess Diana Hospital. What happens when she donates her blood to save one of her patients who unknown to her is the handsome but dangerous drug lord and Mafia king Omar Mohammed Akhir who is the crown prince of Turkey ? When Omar falls in love with the doctor who attended to him when he was injured, he decides to make her mine no matter what. Whether she likes it or not she must be his !!!! When she finally falls in love with him, he does a grave sin on her and she's already pregnant with his child. Will she forgive him and let their love lead or will their love story come to a sad end?

Layla_Sheikh · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
34 Chs

Chapter Twenty One

7 months later...

It's been seven good months since Ilham came back. Omar had neither called nor visited America anymore. She was undoubtedly still in love with him. But the problem was if he returned her love?

During these months, Ilham had grown strong for her new responsibility. It was a baby. When she resumed work 7 months ago, she had a critical condition to deal with. A pregnant woman had a serious seizure and a serious long failure, and wasn't going to make it. On her dying bed, she whispered into Ilham's ear

"This is my daughter. Save her and take care of her. Tell her I love her. Allah bless you. " with that said, she painfully gave up the ghost.

Ilham had witnessed a lot of patients die and she had tried for them, but this woman was the worst she had seen. She couldn't cry anymore because her consciousness told her to keep it together for the little girl.

The level of sadness and joy in her for this woman made her want to cry. But she couldn't. The baby girl needed her and she had a big responsibility.

The little girl reminded her of her own daughter Shamsiya. Even tho' she had not lived long enough to see her Mama's face, she knew that Shamsiya was as beautiful as this bundle of joy in her arms.

Ilham decided to have a grand naming ceremony for this baby. She had already chosen a name for the baby

She would call her 'Huda' meaning, Guidance.

"From now on baby Huda, I'm your new Mama and I'm never going to hurt you" Ilham whispered into the baby's ear.

Levent had tried in vain to get Ilham to give him a chance with her. She remained the same girl who would fall for no one except Omar. She had resumed work at the hospital. There was a sudden increase in the number of cases of a new deadly virus that has spread throughout the world. The Covid-19 virus. It was deadly and had killed an enormous number of people worldwide.

Ilham had been honoured with the chance to join the top doctors in the world to visit France for a meeting with the top world leaders, to discuss the new deadly virus and the new vaccines found, called

' Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine'

Ilham of course, was the only doctor and surgeon at the meet. The rest were just doctors or nurses.

(A/N I found all this information from the web. So if you don't get anything, please Google it 😇)

Hayat had also been blessed with a beautiful baby boy. Amir and her got married happily, a month after she gave birth. They didn't want to, because they felt it would hurt Ilham, but she promised that it was alright. The sad think was that Omar wasn't invited. He deserved it !

Ilham, Hayat, Huda(Ilham's baby), Abdul Rauf(Hayat's son), Amir and even Levent went to France together for the meeting. They had the opportunity to be there because of their relationship with the two selected doctors.

It was a long flight to France. Ilham kept herself busy by attending to her 7 month old baby. This bundle of joy in her arms was her new happiness. Her former happiness was not there anymore.

They all arrived in Paris, France. Everything was so perfect. World leaders had honoured this invite and were here to discuss and learn more about the new virus.

Everything was going on fine until she heard a loud scream. It was a lady's voice. She quickly handed over her baby to Levent who sat beside her and rushed to the scene.

What she saw made her gasp out of horror.


The new deadly virus was spreading at a very fast rate and the people of Turgistan we're dying so much. As the crown prince of Turgistan, he had to look for what to do to save his people.

The upcoming meeting in France for all the top doctors and world leaders to discuss this issue was a good one. He had to honour it.

What he didn't know was that, that was where someone from his adversary side, would finally get him to shoot.

He arrived with Iqra at the venue in Paris, France. A log of doctors and a lot of world leaders were present. For some bizarre rationale, he felt Ilham's presence getting closer and closer. He missed it. But was he going to be able to face her now that she was eternally damaged?

That was when he met his Queen come in with a bundle of joy in her arms. A tall good looking man walked beside her. Hayat also walking with a bundle of joy, had Anir beside her being protective over her and his sister Ilham.

Omar was infuriated. Personally, I think he had no right to be since he abandoned her for another woman. But he was angry. Not only at Ilham, but at that man walking beside her.

So she had left him and forgotten him already and had gotten married to another man?

He sat down with Iqra beside him listening to the meeting going on half-heartedly. His mind was on Ilham and the baby in her arms.

That's when he felt a sudden pain in his chest. Suddenly Iqra stared at him and screamed. He realised only then what was happening. He had been shot. The perpetrator used a silencer so as not to attract any attention.

The next thing, he's lying down on the ground surrounded by doctors and some world leaders.

"I'm a surgeon. Get me a lancet or just a short knife, a bowl of warm water a towel, some painkillers, some jelly!! Fast!" The voice of his Queen was heard giving out commands.

She carefully picked out the bullet shell from his chest and clean the wound up with the towel. She gave him painkillers to take. Cleaned up the area around his bare chest and sealed that spot to prevent air from behind sucked into the wound.

"He's going to be alright. Send him to the hospital" she said calmly to the lady who was crouched beside him. It was obvious that was Iqra. Ilham had tear filled eyes. Omar just stared at her not knowing what to say. She had saved his life for the third time.

"Thank you so much. I don't know what I would have done if I lost him" Iqra begun thanking Ilham and even offered her some money. What Iqra just said made the tear drop from Ilham's eye. So she was truly in love with Omar? Ilham was shattered even more now.

"I don't need your money. I'm just doing what's right" Ilham said slowly amidst cheers and good remarks for her. She got up with her bloody shirt and took her baby from Levent and walked back to her seat.

Omar was sent away when he heard something that broke his heart in the hospital. The whole scene at the conference had been telecasted worldwide. He was sure that everyone would see it. A journalist had followed Ilham to her sitting position and was asking her a few questions.

"You did very well there doctor Ilham. We're proud of you" the journalist said.

Ilham just smiled a little and turned her gaze back to her bundle of joy. After a long line of questions, a question that was aked which she gave a surprising answer to, shocked not only her, but the whole conference.

"You know what the say, that behind of a great man, is a strong woman?" The journalist asked.

"Oh I wouldn't know. I've never stood behind a man " Ilham answered casually. It was a simple answer but had deep meanings in it.

Omar was ad the hospital when he saw this interview. He could swear that he saw tears in her eyes. And all these tears were because of him. He wanted to die. She had given up completely on him.

In the hospital, Iqra took care of him. Iqra was a good woman but not like Ilham. She wanted Omar to love her back, but he couldn't. He loved only one girl and she was enough for him. But she had now given up on him.

Omar sighed as he rested in his bed. The familiar scent of his first and only true love. He had a sentiment that she was around and was getting closer and closer.

"He's in here Miss" he heard a nurse usher someone in. It was Ilham. What was she doing here? She wasn't here with the baby she was holding and wasn't with anyone. He started at her while she state at him with steady eyes.

She sighed and her miserable expression changed into a painful but in love expression. She smiled a little at him and walked to the machine that was near him.

She has to regulate some few things on the machine. Her mind was on the machine but her heart was staring elsewhere.

"You saved me " he whispered.

She sighed and kept quiet.

"Haven't I always?" She said lowly as she was done and was adjusting the bed in which he lay to make him more comfortable.

"I'm sorry " he apologised.

She chuckled in a bored manner and shook her head. She changed his bandages slowly and lay him down to rest but not without giving him painkillers.

"Don't be. Just tell your wife that my work here is done and she can leave you here to heal or she can take you back home" Ilham whispered in a heartbreaking tone. The word wife made her want to cry.

Why were men so heartless? Why did they play with women's feelings? Why? Just because women are weak, they want to break you to a point of no retrieval?

She turned to leave when Omar held her hand tightly. His touch against her gave her sensations but not the type she used to feel. This time the tingles made her heart hurt.

"Let Me Go!" She said weakly. But he wouldn't leave her. He wanted her but wasn't willing to fight for her. She was fed up of all this mixed signals.

Her saviour came in the form of Amir. He was holding baby Huda in his arms. He frowned at Omar especially when he saw tears in Ilham's eyes.

"Let go of my sister bitch!" He spat at Omar. Omar wasn't moved. Infact he wasn't going to let go of her. Not for anything. But when he heard the baby cry, he let go of Ilham's hand.

"Huda, what's wrong? Uncle Amir has been naughty hasn't he?" She asked the baby who was now calm and relaxed. She smiled at Ilham and placed her head on her chest.

Omar then remembered the baby that Ilham was first taking care of when she was his. If was Mrs. Bailey's niece. He had missed all those eternities.

"Get well soon and return to your life Omar" Ilham said and walked out. Amir casted Omar one last glare before leaving behind Omar dreading his very existence.

Omar had screwed up. It was obvious. He has let go one of the most valuable things he could never get.

He didn't know what to do. He sat down and awaited the arrival of a nurse so that he may leave. He didn't want to be here anymore. He knew that back home, his father would be impressed and dread ever letting Ilham take the pain that he wanted to inflict on his wife.

His father was the cause of all this. He has made Omar lose Ilham and now she probably thinks he is a player and wants to be the MVP.

He sighed as he closed his eyes and was reminiscent about his whole life. He had lost her. He would get her back. He didn't care anymore. He would make her his once again.

This was a promise.

Hey y'all. Ya feel this chapter? Telk me what you think about it. Press that star button and leave a comment below.🙏❤😇

And please read my other book on Booknet too such as Killer's wife, Mafia's Pursuit and so on.😇🙏❤

Ig:@ Elham Dhul Qanayn❤