
His Temptress

Ilham Hafiz Salam is a 20 year old professional doctor and surgeon at Princess Diana Hospital. What happens when she donates her blood to save one of her patients who unknown to her is the handsome but dangerous drug lord and Mafia king Omar Mohammed Akhir who is the crown prince of Turkey ? When Omar falls in love with the doctor who attended to him when he was injured, he decides to make her mine no matter what. Whether she likes it or not she must be his !!!! When she finally falls in love with him, he does a grave sin on her and she's already pregnant with his child. Will she forgive him and let their love lead or will their love story come to a sad end?

Layla_Sheikh · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
34 Chs

Chapter Nineteen

Omar arrived in Turgistan. He was met by his mother who welcomed him and ushered him into the palace. He wore a long face and it didn't go unnoticed by his mother. He was still grieving over the death of Ilham. He wasn't the same and his eyes were always bloodshot red.

"What's wrong Omar?" His mother asked. He tried to force a smile out of himself but in vain. He knew he couldn't hide this away from his mother anymore. She followed him into his room, before he suddenly broke down in tears in his mother's embrace.

"I loved a girl named Ilham. She was my everything apart from you. She was a doctor and surgeon. She saved my life twice. I took her virginity and was ready to marry her. But dad threatened to kill you if I didn't give up on her and marry Kanita. I left her broken hearted. She loved me with everything she had. She was an innocent girl. She didn't have a great childhood, I wanted to make her life the best she could imagine, but I couldn't.She was pregnant with my baby when I left. She was never the same afterwards. On the 8th month of her pregnancy, she fell off the stairs after crying the whole night about me. She had a miscarriage and lost our child. She became insane after that and when I returned she hardly remembered me. An old enemy of mine who turns out to be her ex, learnt of her state and used that to deceive her into thinking that he was me. She believed him and then things took a drastic change and she found out that he wasn't me and that I was Omar. She left me and now she's dead mom! She drowned herself in the harsh waters and her body hasn't been found yet.

I'm sad mom! Very sad! I miss her so much! I want her back but where she is I can't have her back!" Omar wept bitterly in front of his mother. His mother wept with him.

Though he was 28, she still saw him as that 4 year old son she used to know. She had to console her baby. And as for her husband, only Allah can judge him.

"Omar? Have faith. Ilham wouldn't want to see you crying would she? She's obviously happy to have been part of your life. But as the Quranic Ayah says

"كل نفس ذائقة الموت"

Every soul shall taste death

Death is a test of Allah. Have faith and pray. I'll be right behind you all the way. I live you son" his mother kissed him on the cheek before tucking him in, like that baby she once knew.

She felt bad for Ilham and wished for nothing but the best for her.


Omar woke up hours later and got dressed to meet his father and prospective wife and in- laws.

Omar didn't have any choice now, he wouldn't marry anyone if Ilham was around, but now she's gone. He was forced to marry Iqra. She was a fine girl but he didn't seem too impressed she was well mannered but he didn't want her like he wanted Ilham.

After dressing , he walked to the ballroom and was met by elites from all across Turgistan and Libya. He spared no one a second glance , until he locked eyes with a beautiful lady. Her eyes were bright brown and she was just beautiful.

He felt a slight attraction to her and it made his heart hurt at the same time. That lady was Iqra. She looked shy and blushed when they locked eyes. That gesture reminded him of Ilham and his heart hurt again.

She was obviously lying down asleep in a land of milk and honey (Heaven). He had to move on, but was it that easy?

After his father made the intentions known to the invitees and their engagement ceremony ended. Iqra walked up shyly to Omar and engaged him in a harmless conversation.

"Hey. I'm Iqra" she introduced. It was noticeable that she didn't know how to begin a conversation with him. He smirked and patted the empty seat beside him for her to sit.

She took the seat coyly and slowly they had a long wonderful conversation. Omar saw a bit of Ilham in Iqra. Iqra blushed and was you like Ilham. He couldn't help but drop a tear of sorrow. He quickly cleaned up his face before Iqra saw it.

"I was also forced into this marriage, but I believe that it happened for a reason" Iqra said. Omar sighed as his heart hurt of pain.

He just nodded. He didn't want to talk about all that. He just wanted to go to sleep. He wanted to die and be reunited with Ilham. That's all he asked for.

"I'm feeling quite tired after my long journey. I'll see you next time. Goodbye" he was in a hurry to leave. He didn't want to talk about all that.

She nodded sadly and walked away. He felt bad for her. He just walked to his room, locked the door and entered the bathroom to take a bath.

He took a long warm bath and he became relaxed. That's when he remembered how Ilham almost killed herself at Jamal's mansion. His grief came back. He wanted her back.

But Iqra, she was also a beautiful, fun girl. He had a few feelings for her but not as compared to Ilham.

Why did she do this to him?


The innocent Ilham wasn't doing well either. She missed Omar. She missed him so much. She sat on the balcony of her room in Levent's mansion and started into the night sky. That's when she saw the eastern dim star and the  western bright star. In the exacts same position they were a few years ago.

A lot of memories came back to her.

~~Beginning of reminiscence~~

Ilham and Omar were sitting on the balcony cuddling when she spotted a very beautiful little bright star. Omar notice show she started at it for so long. She seemed very interested in it.

"You see that star in the West, anytime you need me, and I'm not there, speak to it. I can hear" she said.

Omar was surprised when he heard that. He didn't expect that to come out from her. He kissed her gently and spotted another big yet dim star at the East facing the West star. It looked as though, they were speaking to each other, even from a far distance

"And you see that star at the East, it signifies my unending love for you. And that no matter how much I hurt you, I will always love you and when I'm gone, I'll be back"

Ilham looked at him with teary eyes and smiled before digging her head into his chest.

She was glad to have met him

~~~End of Reminiscence~~~

She burst into tears as she spoke to the star on the East. She missed her man. With all she had. She wished she hadn't left him. She wished he hadn't hurt her.

"Omar? I know you're probably crying over my death, but I'm not dead. I'm still alive and I still love you. The burden is too strong. I tried to kill myself, but I met this nice man called Levent who saved me. I want you to know that even if you marry a 1000 girls, I'll always be your number one and thou are the king of my heart"

She marvelled at what she said. She didn't know she could speak like that. But at least the dim star in the East shimmered, making her believe that he had listened and he was happy.

She retired back to her room, said her prayers and sat down to write. She wrote about Omar, Hayat, Amir, her mom and dad and even Levent. She missed her family so much.

But most of all, she missed her love, Omar.


Omar felt a strange feeling as he stood at his balcony staring into the night sky. The sky had those exact two stars that Omar and Ilham made promises to each other to. He smiled as a tear flow down his eye.

He felt something eerie. It was almost as though he could hear Ilham's voice. He missed her dreadfully. He had a strange feeling about tonight.

"Ilham? I miss you everyday. After death took you, I've never been the same. I'm getting married soon. It hurts me to know that it isn't you I'm marrying. Human or Spirit, I still love you baby. I can't imagine living without you. You were everything and everyone to me. From the first time we met, to our first kiss and when we shared a bed and your point of pregnancy, have loved you forever. Forgive me for hurting you, but know that I still love you. I know that the table will turn and when you died, you left your shadow. I'll continue to love you and the shadow of you. I love you so much baby." Omar spoke to the western sky.

He had a sentiment that she had heard him, from wherever she was. He walked back to his room and sat down to draw. He drew a beautiful portrait of her smiling.

She was gorgeous. He folded it and placed it into his money bag. He surprisingly found a jewellery box. It was the jewels he bought for her. He kissed it and placed it into his money bag.

He had her safe and sound. Even though he was grieving, he knew that, there would never be a woman he would ever love in his life like His Temptress

I literally just cried while writing this chapter. Please comment and leave a like. It makes me want to update more.🙏❤

And don't forget to read my other books and like them too ❤