
His Temptress

Ilham Hafiz Salam is a 20 year old professional doctor and surgeon at Princess Diana Hospital. What happens when she donates her blood to save one of her patients who unknown to her is the handsome but dangerous drug lord and Mafia king Omar Mohammed Akhir who is the crown prince of Turkey ? When Omar falls in love with the doctor who attended to him when he was injured, he decides to make her mine no matter what. Whether she likes it or not she must be his !!!! When she finally falls in love with him, he does a grave sin on her and she's already pregnant with his child. Will she forgive him and let their love lead or will their love story come to a sad end?

Layla_Sheikh · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
34 Chs

Chapter Fifteen


It's been a year since I moved to Australia. I'm still not over Ilham. When I run away with Rahina,Ilham's former best friend, I realised that she was not as good as Ilham.

She could hardly cook and when it came to sex, she was the worst. I am hadn't had sex with me yet, but knew she would be great in bed. She looks like a good screamer and I loved screamers.

Now hearing that Ilham was pregnant and had hot a miscarriage and had now lost all her memories of that prince, a new sinister plan formed in my head.

She didn't know who Omar was and how he looked like. I would take his place in her life. I would pretend to be Omar and get her to fall helplessly in love with me.

I knew what to do.


Amir has been the best baby daddy ever! We were not married yet but at least we had something to share and it was an upcoming baby.

"Amir? Can you get me some whipped cream when you're coming?" I asked him as he set off to work. He a CEO of a fortune 500 company. So he made a lot of dough.

"Anything for you wife and you Amir Jnr." He said as he kissed my tummy.

He waved us goodbye before driving off to work. I loved with and so did he. We were still trying to figure out how to make Ilham stop thinking about Omar. She was hurting herself by doing so.

Amir was angry when Omar came over. He never expected him to show his face again. Omar was still in love with her, but he should have fought for her love. Perhaps Ilham wouldn't have become crazy and her baby would have been alive by now.

Something told me that Ilham was not safe. But I didn't see to know what. And that fool Jamal. He run off immediately after involving himself in Ilham's heartbreak. I just prayed that my baby girl, got that beautiful life she deserves.


It was raining when I heard the doorbell ring. I walked to the door and opened it. The man that stood before me looked very familiar. Those green eyes he had. I knew I'd seen them somewhere before.

"Please forgive me Ilham. Please. For everything I've put you through. I beg you " the man went on his knees and begun pleading.

She still couldn't figure out who he was. He had a bad aura around it. But she shrugged it off.

"I'm sorry, but who are you?!" She asked. He looked into her eyes with his green eyes and said

"It's me Omar. Baby please remember your true love Omar. It's me "

Ilham couldn't help but feel joy and heartache. Her man had come back. But she wasn't strong enough to take him back.

"I'm sorry Omar. I-I can't i-its too hard to forget" she said as she wept bitterly. The man on his knees got up and hugged her tightly.

" I'm sorry baby, I should have fought for your love. But I'm here now, we can start a new family together." He said as he patted her head gently.

Ilham nodded as he carried her bridal style to her room and lay her down on her bed while he lay beside her.

They both stared at each other for along while before she hugged him slightly and whispered

"Don't screw up this second time alright?"

He nodded and kissed her on her lips.

Jamal had finally succeeded in deceiving the innocent Ilham into believing that he was Omar.


"What do you mean by you spotted her with Jamal at a the mall?!!" Omar roared into the phone.

This piece of news arrived at a very bad time. Omar had just finished beating up Kanita and locked her up in their room. He was very angry at the fact that, she still tries to seduce him with her herpes infested body.

Jamal again?! He thought that bastard had long forgotten about Ilham. But it seems like Ilham had this charm that made her irresistible. That air a she gave could make you kill in order to get her. No wonder she was His Temptress. She was just there to tempt him.

Omar hot up to dress and leave for America immediately. He wouldn't stand back and see the love of his life being taken away from him that way.

He dressed up very quickly and set off to leave when he had a strange call. It was from an unknown number.

"Hello Omar? Don't waste your time coming back, Ilham is all mine now and there ain't nothing you gonna do bout it. If you come closer to her, she's gonna get hurt!" That idiot Jamal won't into the phone.

Omar was very angry now and when he was angry, he destroyed and when he destroyed, a lot of people get hurt.

He chuckled wickedly into the phone. He chuckled for about a minute and spat

"Ilham's going to get hurt? If only you, Jamal lives to see it!"

He hunged up the call and called his trusted friend Amir. He knew Amir was mad at him but he knew he could get him back.

"Amir?! I need you back! My girl ;Ilham is in danger. I need us to get rid of Jamal asap" Omar said calmly but with venom in his voice.

Amir smiled at the other side and said

"Let's send that bastard to hell, shall we?"

They both chuckled evily. They were both angry!



Omar(Jamal) and I were spending some time at the mall getting some new clothes for both of us. I was excited to finally have him back.

But something clicked in my mind suddenly. I saw the face of someone in my mind. The face looked nothing like the person near me. Today was not the first time. It has been happening since I lost Shamsiya(her daughter who got miscarried). It seems as tho' it's giving me a picture of Omar. But it doesn't look like this man I'm with in the least.

"Hey what's wrong baby?" Omar(Jamal) asked her when he saw her massaging her temples. She just smiled slightly and looked away. Anytime that happened, she ends to get a slight migraine.

"Can we go back home?" She asked him. She was beginning to feel very dizzy. She didn't want to black out in public. Actually Omar(Jamal) had rented the mall out for only them to shop for what they want. The Power Of Money!

Omar(Jamal) nodded as he asked his guards to pick up what they had bought. He held her possessively and walked out of the mall with her. Suddenly they bumped into a muscular talk man with silver coloured eyes.

"We're so sorry Mister" Ilham apologised as she looked at this beautiful man before her. He was in black and he looked like someone she had seen before. She suddenly became suspicious. Where had she seen those eyes before?

"Hey, I know you. Your are Mohammed right? The man who came for cookies at my place the other day? " she finally recognised him.

He smiled at her whilst Jamal gave him a vicious look. Jamal knew that he was the real Omar and so did his guards but he kept mute.

"Yes. You have such a great memory. Anyway don't worry about bumping into me. Have a nice day Ilham " he stressed on the Ilham and glaired at Jamal.

"Have a nice day too Mohammed. Let's go Omar" Ilham waved the real Omar and pulled Jamal aka Mr. Impersonator aka Mr. Fake Omar away.

The real Omar smirked at Jamal. He now understood how Jamal the sly fool, got Ilham in his trap. He had impersonated him.

The Turgistan prince, was going to destroy Jamal to a point of no retrieval just like he did to Ilham. He was going to make every minute of Jamal's death painful and regretful.

He swore it and for the first time in year, he looked up into the sky and said a silent prayer to Allah.

He was going to go any extent to destroy that evil man called Jamal.

Hey y'all lovelies. This chapter is short eh? Comment what you think about Omar, Ilham, Amir, Hayat and the bastard of all bastards Jamal!

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