
His Temptress

Ilham Hafiz Salam is a 20 year old professional doctor and surgeon at Princess Diana Hospital. What happens when she donates her blood to save one of her patients who unknown to her is the handsome but dangerous drug lord and Mafia king Omar Mohammed Akhir who is the crown prince of Turkey ? When Omar falls in love with the doctor who attended to him when he was injured, he decides to make her mine no matter what. Whether she likes it or not she must be his !!!! When she finally falls in love with him, he does a grave sin on her and she's already pregnant with his child. Will she forgive him and let their love lead or will their love story come to a sad end?

Layla_Sheikh · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
34 Chs

Chapter Eight


Omar promised me that, I could go back to work today. He has really been wonderful to me. I'm starting to believe that I'm falling for him.

I believe he's hiding something from me, but I don't seem to fugure out what.

After our first kiss, he had become more overprotective over me and Amir has also been overprotective over me.

I didn't really get why. I know that yeah , a man has to protect his girl , but it's too much.

It's as though he didn't want me to know something, so he wanted to hide me away from finding out.

I didn't know what to do.

I was tone dressing and he offered to drive me to work.

I met Hayat in front of the hospital. She just stared at Omar and me and her jaw dropped.

I knew what would come next.

"How are you doing Hayat ?" Omar asked as he put his arm around me.

She smiled widely and answered

"I'm good Mr. Omar"

She was giving me eye signals. I knew what was going to come next once Omar left.

Omar whsipered in my ears and I giggled a little

"We'll meet at home hun. I'll miss you "

I nodded and blushed. He kissed me on the cheek. Hayat was staring at us lovingly.

I held her hand and pulled her into the hospital.

We walked straight to my office.

"You never told me that you were dating Omar. Weren't you the same b*tch who was strictly against dating her patients ?! And why didn't you inform me that you're no longer a virgin ?!" She continued bickering.

Wait What ?! No Longer A Virgin ?

"Woah , woah , woah , I'm damn still a virgin, girl. And I'm not dating Omar okay ?"

She didn't believe a single word I said.

"How was he ? Was he big or small ? Was it painful or painless ? Was he long or short ? Did he have a six pack or and eight pack ? C'mon Tell me ! Tell me ! Tellllll Meeeee!!"

Oh God please kill me. This b*tch I call my bestfriend will be the death of me.

"Hayat ! I've not had sex with him yet"  I yelled at her.

"Yet ? So you're planning on having sex with him ?" She mischievously asked.

I just rolled my eyes at her and sat down. She didn't have much to do today , and so did I.  We sat down in my office chatting until closing time.

Omar came over with Amir and tokk me back to his house.

Hayat stayed behind to see to somethings.

I sat at the back seat with Amir , while Omar sat at the driver's seat , staring at me through the rear mirror.

I just stared outside because , I felt like something was going to happen.

Unknown POV

"Boss , her name's Ilham Hafiz Salam.  She is a doctor and surgeon at the Princess Diana Hospital in America. She's 20 years old and is currently staying with Omar " the informant told the boss.

"Well , Well , let's pay my ol' friend a visit shall we ?" The Boss said with venom in his voice.

"And to my lovely Ilham , I'm going to get you back at all cost , because you're mine only " the boss said yo himself.

Who was this man ? And why did he want Ilham ?

Omar's POV

I am so worried about Ilham. She looked like something was bothering her.

But what was it ? She was just looking outside through the window and didn't even hear Amir when he called her.

Did something happen at the hospital  ? Did a patient annoy her ? Or her colleague ?

I swear to Allah I'm going to kill anyone who is responsible for her mood now.

I drove for sometime before we finally got home. She got put of the car and walked to her room , without looking at anyone.

"She's upset , go take care of her " Amir said as he patted my back.

I nodded and followed behind her. She entered her room and I followed.

She put her bag down . I held her from behind and pulled her to my chest.

"What's wrong with my baby today ?" I asked.

She just sighed and turned to me.

"It's nothing , it just some mood swings" she explained.

I didn't buy it.

"I don't buy it girl. Tell me what's wrong"

She looked at me and said

"I have this feeling that something is going to happen"

That's what's bothering her ?

"Don't worry baby, nothing is gonna happen to you. So far as I'm here , nothing is going to touch you , except me "

She looked at me with confused eyes.

I kissed her on the lips again, she was submissive.

I didn't really understand why she was being so submissive.

It's not like I didn't like it but I thought she hated me.

Had she finally returned my love ?

"Do you love me ?" I asked her.

My phone begun ringing suddenly. 

'Damn good timing b*tch ' I mentally cursed at the caller.

Itbwas an unknown number.  I picked it up and I immediately recognised the voice

"Hello there my ol' friend" the voice on the other side said.

I signalled to Ilham that I had to leave .

She nodded and I left

"What the fuck do you want Jamal ?! "

I roared at him.

" You have something of mine and I'm going to get it back !" He spat

What was he talking about ?

"Listen here Jamal ! You're new to this Mafia game , so you better not fuck with a Mafia Lord like me. I can just as easily annihilate you and everything that's yours" I threatened.

He laughed evily and said

" Well, try it then. If only you want to see Ilham dead !"

What ? How did he know her ?

"How do you know her !" I spat at him.

"Haha , ask her about me " he said calmly before hunging up.

Ilham knew him ? Was she a spy ?

I barged into her room and met her rounding up her prayer mat.

"Who the hell are you?!" I roared at her.

She looked terrified and it hurt me. But I needed to know her relationship with Jamal.

"Speak up !" I spat at her.

She backed away , as I paced towards her.

"What's wrong with you Omar ?" She asked in a frightened voice.

I held her viciously in my hands and held her head up to look me in the eyes.

She looked like she wanted to cry.

"Who are you ?! " I said with venom in my voice.

"What do you mean by that ?!" She was confused.

"Whats is your relationship with Jamal Abd Karim ?!" I spat.

Her face lost colour and she sat on the ground sobbing.

"H-He was my ex. H-He run away with my former bestfriend. I-I didn't do anything wrong to him but her broke my heart" she confessed.

What ? She wasn't a spy ?

And I almost hurt her ?!

She must hate me by now.

I should have been a little more patient with her.

I sat beside her on the ground but she pulled away.

Great 🙄! Now she's scared of me!

"I'm sorry baby " I whispered , before I got up and left.

I shouldn't have done that to her.

She was finally becoming mine and now I screwed up.

Now as for that idiot Jamal !, I was going to make him wish that he hot swallowed up by the earth.

For hurting my baby and gor making me hurt her. He was going to pay with his life !

What happens next ? Find out in the next chapter.....
