
His Saving Angel

She was the world's deadliest assassin. He was the Don of the most powerful mafia family in Milan, Italy. They both had a darkness inside them that was slowly taking control over their minds. They had believed that there was no escape from the darkness. That one day the darkness would consume them entirely and they would no longer have their humanity. His family believed that if he found someone they referred to as his saving angel that he would be saved. She simply believed that she couldn't be saved. That there would be a day when she didn't even recognize herself in the mirror. But what happens when these two meet and they do end up saving each other? And what happens when their newfound happiness is threatened by enemies from their pasts?

R_A_CASEY · perkotaan
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36 Chs

Chapter Four

As soon as he got home his second in command, Richard came up to him. "Where have you been, boss? I've been trying to call you." He said as he looked at his phone.

Alessandro glared at him. "Since when do I have to tell you where I am?" He demanded.

Richard held his hands up in surrender. "I'm sorry but we have a problem."

Alessandro sighed. "What's the problem, Richard?" He questioned as he started walking to his office.

Richard followed after him as he spoke. "Well, we found a traitor." He said simply.

Alessandro stopped in his tracks and turned to face Richard. "What do you mean you found a traitor?" He demanded in anger.

Richard blew out a rough breath. "Jesse and I caught a guy in the tech room. He was hacking into our system and trying to find all of our hideouts and warehouses."

Alessandro swore under his breath as he shoved his office door open. "What are we doing about it?" he demanded as he sat down in his chair.

Richard sighed as he sat in a chair. "We took him down to the dungeons. He's in a holding cell right now. I thought that you would want to take care of it yourself."

Alessandro muttered under his breath as he roughly shoved his hands through his hair. "Alright. I need to take care of a couple of things first but it shouldn't take long. Only ten minutes. Meet me in the basement."

Richard nodded in understanding. "I'll make sure everything is ready."

Alessandro gave him a dismissive nod. Once he was alone in his office he picked up his phone and made a couple of phone calls. The first call he made was to a flower shop. He ordered a dozen white lilies and a dozen blue orchids to be sent to Evangeline first thing in the morning. Once that was done he called Luca. "Hey, Luca. I need your help with something really quick."

Luca cleared his throat. "What's up Alessandro?" He asked breathlessly.

Alessandro frowned. "Am I interrupting something?" He asked as he leaned back in his chair with a small smile.

Luca chuckled. "Not really. I'm just moving some old boxes out of the guest room."

Alessandro sighed. "Okay. This isn't going to take too long. I just need to ask you a quick question about Evangeline."

"Of course. What do you need?" Luca asked.

"I just need to know some of the things that she likes for a gift that I want to get her," Alessandro explained.

Luca understood. "Oh okay. Well, she loves butterflies, music, flowers, and drawing."

Alessandro grinned. "Okay thank you."

He hung up the phone and called the family jeweler. "Mr.Galeazzi, how can we help you?" A man asked as he answered.

"I need you to send a unique bracelet to my saving angel." He said as he fiddled with a pen that was on his desk.

"Of course. What do you need?" The man asked politely.

"I need the bracelet to have charms on it that represent music, butterflies, flowers, and dancing." He thought for a minute before adding. "Also add a charm with something that represents the carnival. I need it ready and delivered by tomorrow morning." He said as he stood up from his chair.

"That won't be a problem, sir. It'll be ready first thing in the morning."

"Thank you. Have a good night." He hung up the phone and made his way down to the basement.

He slipped on a pair of black biker gloves as he walked through the cell door where the traitor was being held. He raised an eyebrow when he saw one of his security guards tied to a chair. "Well, I never would have thought that you would be a traitor Marcos." He said as he stopped in front of him.

Marcos scoffed. "I thought you knew that I was betraying you. I wasn't trying to hide it."

Alessandro sighed. "I had my suspicions but I wasn't sure." He shrugged. "Now that you've been caught red-handed you're going to regret it."

Without any further words between the two of them, he went to work. He started by beating him for a while. It didn't take long for Marcos's face to become bloody and swollen. When he got tired of beating Marcos he grabbed a pair of pliers off the table and started taking fingernails and fingers off. He tore off all of his nails and cut off half of his fingers. By the time he got halfway through with Marcos' fingers, he was begging for mercy. "Please stop," Marcos begged with tears in his eyes.

Alessandro scoffed. "'Please stop.'" He mocked. He shook his head. "I want to know who you're working for. I want to know who you're giving all of this information to."

Marcos shook his head. "I can't tell you." He said quietly.

Alessandro shook his head in displeasure. "Well, I'm not going to stop until you give me the information that I need." He shrugged. "I already have an idea of who it is but I just want to be sure before I move to do anything about it."

Marcos whimpered as Alessandro got closer to him with the pliers he's been using to cut his fingers off. "Okay, I'll tell you." He whispered.

Alessandro folded his arms over his chest with the pliers still firmly in his grip. "Talk."

"It's Enzo Moretti," Marcos whispered. "He hired me a year ago to try and find a weakness. He wants to take you down, but there's no weakness that he knows of."

Alessandro nodded in understanding. "Understandable." He let out a humorless chuckle. "I have no weakness though. There is nothing that he can do to take me down."

Marcos let his head fall back on his shoulders. "I know you're going to kill me so could you just do it quickly please?" He begged.

Alessandro tossed the pliers onto the table in the corner. "Okay." He pulled out his gun and shot Marcos right between the eyes.

He slipped his gun back into the holster that was kept at his lower back. He turned to find Richard standing by the cell door. "Get someone to clean this mess up." He nodded to the dead body.

He walked upstairs to his room as he tore his gloves off. He threw them in his laundry basket as he walked into his room. He ran his hands through his hair and noticed that there was blood on his wrists. He exhaled roughly as he went into the bathroom and turned the shower on. He was getting undressed when his phone started ringing. "You've got to be kidding me." He muttered as he reached for his phone, thinking it was Richard with another problem. He sighed when he saw that it was Luca. "Hey, Luca. What's up?" He asked as he leaned against the sink.

Luca was breathing heavily as he responded. "Have you heard anything from Evangeline?" He asked in a panic.

Alessandro frowned. "Not since I dropped her off earlier tonight." He said in confusion. "Why?" He questioned.

Luca exhaled roughly. "I'll be there shortly. Be ready."

Before Alessandro could say anything about that Luca hung up the phone. He frowned as he looked at his phone. "What the hell?" He muttered.

He blew out a rough breath before taking a quick shower and throwing a quick casual outfit on. He was making his way downstairs when the doorbell rang. He yanked the door open and frowned when he saw a frantic Luca. "What's going on Luca?" He demanded as he closed the door.

Luca shook his head as he paced through the foyer. "She's gone and in a blackout. We need to find her." He said with a frown.

"What are you talking about Luca?" Alessandro demanded as he put his hands on his brother's shoulders to stop him from pacing.

"Because of what she's been through she goes into blackouts sometimes. Half of the time she just goes into a comatose state. Her eyes will be wide open but she won't move, eat, or drink anything. She'll just sit there and stare blankly at a wall or out of a window. The other half of the time she goes into a murderous blackout. She's aware of everything that she's doing but it's something that she can't control. She has to hurt someone. Even if it's herself." He muttered.

Alessandro frowned. "She'll hurt herself?" He questioned quietly.

Luca shook his head. "It's more likely she's in the city somewhere. She only hurts herself when she's in a house with people that she knows are innocent." He mumbled as he started pacing again.

Alessandro's eyebrows furrowed as he thought about it. "Has she done it before?" He demanded as he folded his arms over his chest.

Luca nodded. "When she first told me and Aurora." He shook his head after a minute. "We have to find her though. She might end up hurting someone innocent if we don't get to her in time."

Alessandro nodded. "Let me go and wake up Jesse."

They rushed through the house to Jesse's room. He was their tech guy. Anytime they needed anything taken care of that was tech-related, that was the man that they went to. When they got to his room Alessandro banged on the door. "Jesse," He said loudly. "I need you right now."

Jesse opened the door wearing only a pair of sweatpants. "What's up boss?" He asked as he yawned and rubbed a hand over his face.

"I know that it's late and I hope I didn't wake up Sabrina but I need your help finding someone and it's quite urgent," Alessandro said quietly.

Jesse nodded. "I'll grab a shirt and meet you in the tech room."

"Thank you," Alessandro said before he walked with Luca to the tech room.

They were only waiting for a few minutes before Jesse came into the room. He sat in his usual chair and cracked his knuckles before hovering his hands above the keyboard. "What am I looking for?" He asked as his many screens came to life in front of them.

Alessandro blew out a rough breath. "We're looking for a young woman." He muttered. "She's about five feet tall. She's a tiny woman. Black hair with silver streaks throughout that goes down to her thighs in curls. Mysterious amethyst eyes with a silver ring around her irises."

"If she's wearing shorts she has a large tattoo on her left thigh," Luca muttered. "She also has a flowery tattoo that goes from her shoulder and across her upper back." He said quietly.

Alessandro's eyes went wide. "She does?" He questioned in shock.

Luca chuckled. "Yes, she does. She got the one on her thigh about a year after I found her. Then the other one a couple of years later. Oh and then the one around her belly button about six months after the shoulder tattoo."

Alessandro grinned widely. "I'd love to see those someday." He said as he watched the screen.

Luca rolled his eyes as he turned his eyes back to the screen. He muttered Evangeline's address to Jesse. "She would have started from there though I'm not sure what time she left her house." He said.

"How do you know that she even left her house, Luca?" Alessandro asked quietly.

Luca pulled his phone out and played the voicemail that Evangeline had left for him. 'Luca. I think someone's after me again.' Alessandro's heart ached at the sound of fear and panic in her voice. 'I need you to find me. I'm worried that I'm going to go into a blackout. I also need you to call Alessandro and make sure that he's okay. I think that whoever's after me has been following me since Alessandro and I were at the carnival. Also, tell Aurora to get into the safe room that I built for you guys just in case. Once you're sure they're both safe, come find me. I'm truly sorry for anything that I may do. I love you.'

Luca blew out a rough breath as he shoved his phone in his pocket. "She sent me that about an hour ago. I was trying to help Aurora pick out a crib and had my phone on the charger in my office." He explained quietly. "So look at her house about two hours ago." He said to Jesse.

Jesse nodded and found cameras around her house at the right timestamp. "Okay, two hours before she sent you that voicemail two people were sneaking around her house." He muttered as he showed them the footage. "Looks like this was a couple of pretty big guys. They were stealthy as hell though."

"Assassins," Luca muttered as he started pacing again.

"Assassins?!" Alessandro demanded in anger. "Why are there assassins after my little angel?" He questioned as he looked at Luca over his shoulder.

Luca cleared his throat as he stopped next to Jesse. "She may be the world's deadliest assassin." He said hesitantly. "There is also a very high possibility that she ran away because she was losing her humanity. They've been after her ever since." He mumbled.

Alessandro stood there in shock for a minute. Jesse brought him out of his shock when he said. "Okay, these big, stealthy guys stay outside of her house for about twenty minutes before they sneak into a side door." He mumbled as he played the video. "It looks like they stood by the door for a few minutes before going in." He muttered in confusion.

Luca chuckled. "Had to disarm the security and the traps that she has set."

Alessandro raised an eyebrow. "Security and traps?" He questioned with a smirk.

Luca shrugged. "Just in case anyone is stupid enough to go up to her door at night or when she's not home." He said simply.

Alessandro grinned. "That's my girl." He said proudly.

Jesse frowned as he watched the screen. "It looks like they're most likely still in the house." He muttered. "They went in but they never came out." He explained. "A light came on in the house but went out a few minutes later. Then after another few minutes, she comes out in short shorts and a tight crop top with blood covering her arm, chest, and upper thighs." He frowned. "What the hell did she do to those guys to get covered in blood that way?" He questioned out quietly.

Luca shook his head. "We probably don't want to know." He mumbled.

Jesse shrugged as he stared at the screen. "Then she took off down the street."

"Where is she now?" Alessandro questioned.

Jesse hummed to himself as he went through the footage to find out where she ended up. "It looks like she is still on the move. Going down an alley right now." He paused as he zoomed in. "Looks like there's more blood on her than there was before."

Alessandro patted him on the shoulder. "Thanks, Jesse. Stay with her and keep me updated. I'll call you from the car." He turned to look at Luca. "Are you coming with me?" He asked.

Luca nodded. "Yes. I need to find her. She's my sister." He said as he started following Alessandro to the garage.

They climbed into his car and took off to the last address that Jesse had given them. "What do you think happened?" Alessandro asked quietly as he drove around with Jesse directing them.

Luca blew out a rough breath. "I know exactly what happened." He muttered. "She was sleeping and heard those assassins break in through the back door. She turned the light on and when the assassins got into her room they attacked her and she protected herself. She fought back like she always does when attacked which is how the light got knocked out. Then she killed them." Luca shrugged. "She's been killing any assassin that's come after her."

"Has there been any assassin that she hasn't killed yet?" Alessandro questioned.

Luca thought for a minute before shrugging. "There's been a couple that she's helped go into hiding. Said that they were some of the younger kids she helped out when she was in that assassination camp."

Alessandro nodded as he slowed the car down so that they could look for Evangeline. "Her life sounds like it's been a nightmare," Alessandro muttered as he stopped the car when he saw Evangeline down an alleyway. "There she is." He said as he pointed towards her.

Luca hopped out of the car with Alessandro right behind him. "Evangeline," Luca said calmly as he slowly walked closer to her.

She jumped and spun around to face them. "Who are you?" She demanded as she gripped a pair of sai blades tightly in her blood-stained hands.

Luca held his hands up to show that he meant her no harm and gestured for Alessandro to do the same. "Evangeline." He said softly. "We're not going to hurt you. We're here to help you." He said in a gentle tone.

Evangeline shook her head. "No, I know he sent you. Just like he sent all the others." She said as she looked around the alleyway with wide eyes.

Luca shook his head again. "No. I promise that we are not here to hurt you." He kept his tone as gentle and soft as he could as he tried to calm her down.

Alessandro took a small step forward. "Little angel." He said softly.

She glared at him. "Why are you calling me that?" She asked as she tightened her grip on her blades.

"Because you're my angel." He said simply with hopeful eyes.

Her glare turned icy as she took a step back. "No, I don't know who you are." She mumbled as she squeezed her eyes shut.

Alessandro took that chance to grab her arm to try and disarm her. He quickly regretted it as her eyes snapped open and she flipped him onto his back. He groaned as she straddled him and held a very sharp blade to his throat. "I know he sent you and I thought that he may have received enough messages by now but I guess I was wrong." She said through clenched teeth.

At that moment Luca made the split decision to tackle Evangeline to the ground. He knew that she could easily overpower him but he couldn't let her kill his brother, the only family that he had besides Aurora. He let out a grunt when she punched him in the gut and shoved him off of her. She glared at both of them before taking off down the alleyway. Alessandro got up as swiftly as he could and started walking in the same direction Evangeline took off. "Don't bother Alessandro," Luca said breathlessly as he got to his feet.

Alessandro looked at him over his shoulder. "Why not?" He demanded in agitation. "We have to go after her."

Luca sighed. "We're never going to catch her on foot. She's too fast." He turned towards the car. "Let's get back in the car and have Jesse track her again. She is pretty fast so she's probably gotten pretty far."

They got back into his car and Alessandro called Jesse. "Hey, Jesse. She got away from us. I need you to find her again."

"Okay boss. Anything else?" Jesse asked.

"Have Richard meet us there. We're going to need help." Alessandro said in a quiet voice.

Luca blew out a rough breath. "Have him bring a couple of stun guns with him." He mumbled.

Alessandro looked at him with furrowed eyebrows. "What do we need stun guns for?" He asked with a frown.

"We can't take her down without them. She'll kill all of us with ease without them." Luca explained.

Alessandro sighed. "I don't want to hurt her though."

Luca shook his head. "I don't want to either but this is the only way that we're going to get her home."

They both went quiet as Jesse directed them to where Evangeline was. Richard was waiting for them with a stun gun for each of them. "Hey, boss," Richard said as he walked up to them. "What do we need these stun guns for?" He asked in confusion.

"My saving angel," Alessandro said quietly.

Richard's eyes went wide. "Why?" He questioned with furrowed eyebrows.

Alessandro ran his hands through his hair. "I'll explain it later." He said as he took a stun gun from him. "Jesse." He said into his headset. "Where is she?"

"Looks like she's behind the building to your left," Jesse said.


They walked as quietly as they could and came up behind her. They all froze in their tracks when they saw her. Evangeline was straddling a man with her sai blades buried deep in his chest. Luca didn't hesitate. He raised his stun gun and hit her in the back with it. "You guys need to hit her too." He said. "Just one isn't going to knock her out."

Alessandro and Richard both shot her with their stun guns. She grunted and fell to the ground on her side. Alessandro rushed to her side and pulled her onto his lap. "What do we do now?" He asked as he looked at Luca.

Luca sighed as he pulled Evangeline's sai blades out of the body. "We have to get her to one of our houses and chain her up to a bed. Then we have to keep her knocked out for a couple of hours." He explained as he held both of her blades in one hand.

Alessandro picked her up and carried her to his car. "Thank you, Richard. I promise that I will explain everything later. Just one more thing. Get someone to clean this mess up and then talk to Jesse and have him go over any footage he can about how Evangeline got here. We need to clean up any messes that she's left behind." He took a deep breath. "Including the one in her house."

Luca chuckled as he tossed Evangeline's blades in the trunk. "You better have me go with you. You'll never get through her traps and security." He said as he slammed the trunk closed.

Alessandro frowned. "But didn't those assassins disable them?" He asked in confusion.

Luca shrugged. "I can guarantee she reset everything before she left the house." He said simply. "She may be in the middle of a blackout but she's not an idiot. She's paranoid about people coming after her." He said as he rolled his eyes.

Alessandro sighed. "Alright, that makes sense." He looked at Richard. "Let Luca know when you get to her house but start with the streets first. We don't need the police sniffing around this."

Richard nodded. "Alright boss. I'll see you guys later."

Alessandro blew out a rough breath as he gently set Evangeline in the backseat of his car. "How are we supposed to keep her asleep for two hours?" He asked as he leaned against his car.

Luca roughly ran his hands through his hair. "She told me to use a taser or stun gun." He mumbled.

Alessandro looked towards Evangeline. "Could we just use a sedative?" He asked as he turned back to Luca.

Luca shrugged. "I'm not sure. She said that she used to be drugged often while at that damn camp."

"Why was she drugged?" He asked in confusion.

Before Luca could say anything else they heard a low moan come from Evangeline. Without hesitation, he hit her with the stun gun again. "She was drugged because that was the only way that they could get her into the torture room." He said quietly once he was sure that she was passed out again.

Alessandro shook his head as he felt anger at the people who tortured her. "Let's get her out of here. Richard is already taking care of the mess she left behind."

Luca groaned. "Aurora is not going to be happy about this." He said as he adjusted his jacket and slouched in his seat with his arms crossed over his chest.

"What do you mean?" Alessandro questioned as they started driving to Luca's house.

"She hates it when Evangeline goes into a blackout like this." He said as he looked over his shoulder at a sleeping Evangeline. "She's not going to be happy when she sees Evangeline covered in blood with dirty, torn-up feet," Luca explained as Alessandro drove to his house.

Alessandro sighed. "Alright well, we don't have a choice. We need to get her chained up before she wakes up again." He said quietly as he gripped the steering wheel.

"I know," Luca said softly.

When they got to Luca's house Alessandro carried Evangeline inside as Luca led the way. "This is her room for when she stays here. There's already chains on the bed." Luca explained as they walked into her room.

Alessandro set her down and chained her wrists as Luca chained her ankles. "Now we wait," Luca said as he crossed his arms over his chest and stood at the foot of the bed.

Alessandro blew out a rough breath as he pulled a chair up to the bed and sat down. "I'm not going to leave her." He mumbled.

Before Luca could say anything they heard a gasp from the doorway. "What the hell happened?" Aurora demanded as she walked over to the bed.

Luca gently pulled her away from the bed. "She was attacked in her home and went into a blackout. We had to track her down and she attacked Alessandro and we had to track her down again."

Aurora's eyes went wide. "Why is she covered in blood?" She questioned.

"We think that she may have killed a few more people," Luca mumbled.

Aurora stared at Evangeline with wide eyes. "What are you guys doing here then?" She demanded. "Shouldn't you be out making sure no one finds the bodies she may have left behind?" She questioned as she put her hands on her hips.

"I already have men on that," Alessandro muttered. "Richard and Jesse are personally taking care of it until they get to her house. Once they're there Luca will help them get inside without dying."

Aurora let a small smile slip onto her lips. "She always was cautious of everything and everyone."

Luca pressed a kiss to Aurora's temple. "You do not have to be here, love." He whispered. "Go get some rest. Alessandro isn't going anywhere anytime soon."

She sighed. "Alright, but I want to know as soon as she wakes up." She said as she looked at Alessandro with a piercing glare.

He gave her a nod. "I will let you know as soon as she wakes up." He mumbled.

She gave Evangeline one more glance before leaving the room.